I Contracted Myself

【922】It’s so easy to cheat

Wuming and his friends can challenge all the statues present. As long as they can win four times, they can get the blessing of the God of the Central Grassland.

But if they want more, they must challenge more statues. If they can defeat eight statues, they will get the blessing of the God of the Central Grassland.

If they can defeat 12 statues, they can get a key to the secret treasure of God.

"What do you think?" Wuming looked at the three people next to him after listening to the rules.

Aries smiled and said, "I want to fight three!"

"Three!" Lin Renmei said calmly.

Lucy Phil nodded and said, "Three!"

"Okay, then everyone will challenge three statues." Wuming smiled slightly.

He stepped forward and said, "Each of us will challenge three opponents. I'll be the first one to go. Who will go up?"

The next moment, the temple stretched out suddenly, and the ground slowly sank, forming a semicircular arena. The Central Grassland God opened his eyes, locked his golden eyes on Wuming, and smiled, "Yes!"

The three statues on its right suddenly jumped up and fell heavily on the ground. One of the three-headed and six-armed statues said, "Let me, the first warrior of the grassland, weigh your strength."

"And my first warrior of the grassland!"

"And my first archer of the grassland!"

The other two statues spoke one after another.

With the order from the small statue next to the Central Grassland God, the battle began.

The first warrior roared, jumped up directly, and used his burly and huge body to smash directly at Wuming.

Wuming stepped on the flower of fantasy and easily avoided the attack of the first warrior. The first warrior smashed on the ground with a bang, and the shock wave spread to the surroundings.

However, when the shock wave came to Wuming, the flowers of fantasy bloomed beside Wuming, absorbing all the shock waves.

The other two statues were not idle either. The first warrior slashed with a weapon, and the first archer shot an arrow, but they were all blocked by the flowers of fantasy, causing no damage to Wuming at all.

The strength of these three statues was unexpectedly weak. If it were not for their huge bodies, Wuming would probably be able to kill them in a few seconds.

But Wuming did not take it lightly. After all, this temple and the Snow Mountain Temple were probably at the same level, and these three statues were definitely not that simple.

Wuming had an idea, and six Titan hands appeared out of thin air, attacking the three statues at a very fast speed.

The first warrior directly confronted the Titan hand head-on, punching it, and then its fist cracked with a crack, and then another fist collided with the Titan hand, and it also cracked with a crack.


The First Warrior was obviously not convinced, roaring and punching wildly, and the Titan's Hand also fought wildly, and stone chips flew everywhere for a while.

"Something's wrong!"

Wuming had been paying attention to the three statues. At this time, the three statues chose to face them head-on, with no intention of dodging at all.

But after their bodies were cracked, there was something else inside.

He stared at the First Warrior's hand, and sure enough, there was a dark arm in the broken arm, which was the body of the statue.

"So that's it, ‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏‏Do you want to use my hand to break free from the restraints?" Wuming's heart moved, and the Titan's Hand suddenly expanded, and the next moment it turned into two huge arms tens of meters thick and slapped down fiercely.

The dense palms kept slapping at the First Warrior, and the ground made a loud bang, shaking the dust.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped out from countless palm gaps and rushed towards Wuming at a very fast speed. However, Wuming was prepared. At the moment when the black shadow came, he drifted like catkins, just avoiding the attack of the black shadow, and then returned to his original position. The black shadow stepped on the ceiling and turned around to attack again. A fantasy flower just blocked its attack path, so it had to slap the fantasy flower with one palm.

"Fell into the trap!"

Wuming smiled slightly, and the fantasy flower turned into a big mouth, and the black shadow was swallowed by the mouth.

On the other side, the body of the first warrior was full of cracks, and from the cracks, it could be seen that there was a rotten corpse inside. The corpse was extremely black, and it seemed that it could exert its full strength as long as it broke free from the stone statue.

But at this moment, a fantasy flower bloomed behind it, and then turned into a mouth. The first warrior suddenly spit out from this mouth, and just hit the first warrior's back with a punch.


With a muffled sound, the chest of the first warrior was pierced by the first warrior.

Just now, Wuming had actually noticed that the First Warrior's fighting power had increased dramatically after he got rid of the stone statue's restraints, and its hands seemed to contain some strange power, and it must not be confronted head-on.

Now seeing the First Warrior's chest being pierced, he finally knew the First Warrior's ability.

"What a dangerous ability, so scary!" Wuming couldn't help but sigh.

The next moment, he sensed the danger, and the densely packed fantasy flowers bloomed one after another. An arrow penetrated countless fantasy flowers and attacked. He quickly bent down to dodge, but the arrow suddenly turned after shooting into the air and attacked again.

"Can it be like this!?"

Wuming quickly twisted his waist to dodge, and then arms stretched out from the fantasy flowers one by one. After holding the arrows, these arms were dragged away by the arrows.

Not far away, the First Archer was defending against the attack of the Titan's hand while manipulating the arrows with a bow and arrow, but the arrows were pulled by a large number of arms, and it could only use all its strength to drive the arrows to continue moving forward.

Suddenly, it felt the tension was gone, and before it could react, the arrow flew into the sky and hit the first warrior's head...

If the First Warrior had emotions, he would definitely want to cry and ask, why is it always me who gets hurt?

At this time, the First Warrior, who realized that he was being used by Wuming, had retreated to the edge of the battlefield. He did not rush to attack, but waited for an opportunity.

It did not allow itself to be used again. After all, it knew that its attack power was too strong. If the brains of the First Warrior and the First Archer were hit by it, both would die.

"First Warrior, First Archer, the task of creating opportunities is left to you!" It looked at the two and thought secretly in its heart.

Wuming did not care about the First Warrior's forbearance, and at this time, a golden light was shot at the First Archer.

Because of the accidental injury to the First Warrior, the First Archer did not dare to shoot arrows again. At this time, he could only concentrate on dealing with the attack of the Titan's Hand. The golden light suddenly attacked, and it wanted to avoid it but was blocked by the Titan's Hand for a while, and was finally hit by the golden light.

However, the golden light did not cause it any harm. It was puzzled for a while and saw a strange word on the back of its hand.

"This is the seal of the word arrow. You can no longer use the bow and arrow. If you don't believe me, check your hand to see if there is such a word!" Wuming said with a smile.

The first archer's face suddenly tightened.

As the first archer, its strongest ability is archery. If it loses the ability to shoot arrows, wouldn't it become a waste?

"It seems that I guessed right!"

Wuming knew that he guessed right through the expression of the first archer. The original word of the first archer is the word arrow. It must be said that this silly boy is so easy to fool.

He couldn't help but show a happy smile on his face. This time it was no longer three against one, but two against two.

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