I Contracted Myself

【923】Easy win


Aries looked at Wuming's series of dazzling attacks and defenses, and had to admit that Wuming's integration of his own abilities was getting better and better.

Although Wuming basically only used five abilities to deal with the three statues, these five abilities made it impossible for the three statues to unite, and the rhythm of the battle was always under Wuming's control.

Although Aries had many abilities, after careful consideration, he found that it was difficult for him to beat Wuming.

"Wuming's actual combat style is becoming more and more mature, and it is almost difficult to find a way to perfectly target him." Aries couldn't help but sigh.

Lucyphil nodded and said, "Indeed."

At this time, Wuming had successfully used the second Wuming to secretly manipulate the first archer, but he did not expose this point, and still let the first archer pretend to attack himself to create opportunities for other statues.

The First Warrior and the First Soldier didn't know that there was a traitor on their side. The First Warrior was shot in the chest by the First Warrior first, and then shot in the head by the First Archer, but it survived tenaciously. The rocks on its body fell off one after another, revealing a murderous face. If it wasn't a bit imaginative, this face would scare many people to tears.

It roared, and its hands turned into swords, rushing towards Wuming like cutting melons and vegetables. The fantasy flowers and Titan's hands along the way were all chopped off by his hands.


Wuming saw the ability of the First Warrior at a glance.

The First Warrior can punch through any target with his fist, the First Archer can shoot through any target, and the First Warrior's characteristic is that it can cut any target.

This ability is strong, but it's actually just that weak.

Wuming stepped on the petals and disappeared the moment it approached, and the sword suddenly flew into the air.

Then an arrow shot, and the First Warrior was hit on the shoulder on the spot.

"Where are you shooting?" The First Warrior said angrily.

The first archer quickly apologized, then drew his bow and aimed at Wuming, then shot an arrow, but Wuming easily avoided the arrow, and then a Titan hand grabbed the arrow and threw it, and the first warrior's butt was hit on the spot.


The first archer looked at the first warrior with innocent eyes, and the first warrior was furious and immediately turned and rushed towards Wuming.

"He is too flexible, we must find a way to limit his range of movement, otherwise the three of us may not be able to defeat him." The first warrior narrowed his eyes and thought secretly in his heart.

However, the first warrior and the first archer were not his subordinates. In fact, neither side was convinced by the other, and he could not persuade them to cooperate with him.

Therefore, he could only wait.

Maybe there would be a fleeting opportunity under the attack of the first warrior and the first archer, and he could kill Wuming as long as he seized the opportunity.

This was their only way to win.

On the other side, the first warrior was furious. He waved his hands at high speed and repeatedly roared: "I chop! I chop! I chop! I chop! I chop! I chop! I chop!"

The Flower of Illusion shattered, and scratches were cut on the ground. He stepped on the scratches and approached Wuming.

Wuming calmly watched the first warrior rushing towards him. He raised his hand and shot out a golden light. The first warrior immediately frowned slightly. Wuming had just shot out a golden light to the first archer, saying that it sealed the archer's bow and arrow, but now the first archer can still shoot arrows.

Is this golden light really a seal?

The first warrior did not observe the second golden light shot out by Wuming, because the second golden light was shot out through the Flower of Illusion, and fell on the first archer without anyone noticing, thus controlling the first archer.

However, the First Warrior instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the golden light, so he whispered: "Avoid the golden light!"


The First Warrior was indeed not convinced by the First Warrior, and snorted coldly and swung his sword to cut the golden light.

There is nothing in the world that he cannot cut!

In an instant, the golden light collided with the sword, and the golden light merged into the blade in the blink of an eye. The First Warrior slashed with his sword, and saw the golden light disappear, thinking that he had cut the golden light into pieces.

"Another one got hit."

Aries saw that the First Warrior was also hit by the golden light, and shook his head helplessly.

The three of them knew that it seemed that Wuming was fighting three, but in fact the archer had become Wuming's hidden chess piece, so it was two against two.

It is very likely that it will not be just two against two, but three against one again.

"Who will go first next?" Aries looked at Lin Renmei and Lucifer and asked.

Wuming has basically secured the victory, and there is no reason to lose three against one.

So after Wuming wins, it will be their turn.

Through Wuming's battle, the three of them saw that these statues were all capable guys, especially those with a certain ability that was very outstanding, even reaching the rule level of this space. If they confronted head-on, they would definitely lose.

So the first one to go up, the more dangerous it was, because the first one to go up would have less information to obtain, and the more likely it was to capsize in the gutter.

"Let me do it. I can predict what will happen in one second. Even if it is an unknown enemy, I have the confidence to have a chance to fight!" Lin Renmei said.

Aries thought about it and it was true. Lin Renmei was the most suitable to go up second.

First of all, Wuming had at least found out an important piece of information, that is, the enemy's ability. Lin Renmei had a strong ability to respond, and it was just right to be ranked second.

On the field, the battle continued.

Wuming and the first warrior kept pulling each other, one moving forward and the other moving backward. When there was no way to avoid it, Wuming would suddenly disappear and then appear at a random position. In fact, he could defeat the three statues very quickly. He only needed to summon those indescribable monsters and smash them to death easily.

The problem was that it was useless if he won. It would be useful only if Lin Renmei, Lucy Phil, and Aries could also win.

The reason why he chose to deal with the three statues and fight slowly to get their abilities was to let Lin Renmei and the others see the abilities of these statues clearly so that they would know what they were capable of.

"Are you out of tricks?"

Wuming manipulated the Titan's hand to punch the first warrior's ribs and taunted him.

If you have any abilities, you'd better try them out quickly!

The first warrior was hit by a punch, somersaulted in the air and landed on the ground. With a sound of "chopping", his legs burst out with great power and rushed towards Wuming at a very fast speed.

"It's still the same old trick. It seems that there is really no other ability!" Wuming thought to himself.

Then he wrote the word "Zhan" and the first warrior was easily controlled. Their original characters were too easy to guess, and they could be guessed with a little thought.

"That golden light again!"

The first warrior narrowed his eyes and was extremely alert.

Suddenly, the first archer and the first warrior stopped, Wuming looked at the first warrior with a smile, and the first warrior was stunned, feeling that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

When Wuming smiled, the first archer and the first warrior also smiled the same way. The three smiles appeared at the same time, which made people shudder.

The first warrior immediately realized that the first warrior and the first archer might have been manipulated.

Now the situation was reversed.

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