I Contracted Myself

【924】Extreme violence

Without any surprise, Wuming won the first match.

The first warrior was very strong, but in the case of three against one, he still lost in the end.

As the first warrior fell, Wuming returned to the periphery of the battlefield. He conjured a fantasy flower and sat down, asking: "Who will go up next?"

"Me!" Lin Renmei said.

Wuming smiled and said: "Come on, you can use all the resources, do what you can!"

"Yeah!" Lin Renmei nodded.

Lin Renmei can use all the abilities of Wuming, but her fighting habits are too different from Wuming, so she often only uses the abilities she is used to.

At this time, she mobilized all the biological force fields in her body that she could bear, and a layer of colorful light appeared on her body in an instant.

"Who will come for the second match?"

Lin Renmei landed in the middle of the arena and asked.

"I'll do it!"

"A mere woman, I can handle it with one hand!"

"I'll do it!"

The three statues asked for battle one after another, and after getting the consent of the God of the Central Grassland, the three statues fell to the edge of the arena.

The images of these three statues are quite special. The first statue that asked for a fight has three arms. In addition to the normal two arms, there is another arm growing from the position of the scapula. There is an eye on the palm of that arm, which is probably for some special purpose.

The second statue that asked for a fight held a spear and wore armor. There was nothing special about it, but a dragon was wrapped around the body of its spear. It is estimated that all its abilities were concentrated on this spear.

The last statue that asked for a fight had a pair of huge wings, and there were densely packed palms on the wings. These palms acted as feathers, which formed wings.

Lin Renmei glanced at the three statues, and then looked at the small statue next to the central grassland god.

With the order of the small statue, the battle began.

The tallest of the three statues was the one with wings, which was almost seven meters tall. Standing next to Lin Renmei, Lin Renmei looked like a tiny thing.

It was the first to take action, and the arms on its wings stretched out one after another, bombarding downwards in an overwhelming manner. Lin Renmei had foreseen this scene and withdrew from the palm's attack range the moment the palm came.

She moved quickly, went around the back of the gun-holding statue, and kicked the ground directly, blowing up the statue's foot on the spot. "Damn it!"

When the three-handed statue saw this scene, the eyes of the third arm opened, and lasers shot out. Lin Renmei immediately jumped back and easily avoided the attack.

Watching Lin Renmei fight is a kind of enjoyment.

She is tall and her clothes can perfectly show her body lines. When she is exercising, you can even see the looming abdominal muscles in the clothes that fit tightly.

The most important thing is that every move she makes is well-honed, and there is a special beauty in both attack and defense and movement.

Beautiful and cool.

But if anyone dares to underestimate her strength, then her fist will tell the other party that she is not a vase.

At this time, the three statues continued to attack, but Lin Renmei was too flexible. Compared with Wuming, her fighting style is very simple. When the attack comes, she either defends or avoids it.

The attack is also very simple, just punching the flesh, without any fancy moves.

But as long as you get hit by a punch, the consequences will be serious!

The gun-holding statue is the best example. Its heel was broken by Lin Renmei's sweeping kick. Not only the stone covering the body was broken, but also the heel of the body inside the stone statue was broken.

The three statues tried their best, but they could only see Lin Renmei's long hair fluttering. Every attack was just a little bit short.

They all had a feeling that if they were a little faster, they would be able to hit Lin Renmei, but that one second difference was like a natural moat.

An arm slammed into the ground, and Lin Renmei appeared next to the arm, slashing it with a hand knife, and the arm exploded on the spot.

The three-handed statue thought the opportunity had come, and immediately shot out a golden light, but it happened to be blocked by the spear of the gun-holding statue. When the attack was fired again, Lin Renmei had moved to the other side.

Wuming, Lucy Phil, and Aries sat together. They ate while watching Lin Renmei fight. It felt like watching a movie. Lin Renmei's posture when fighting was too beautiful.

"It's so beautiful." Aries couldn't help but admire.

Wuming smiled and said, "Renmei's fighting style has been changing, but the core has never changed. That is, if an opponent can be defeated with one punch, there is no need to use a second punch. She has absorbed many moves and fighting methods from many schools, and finally formed her current fighting style."

No one will stand still.

When Wuming became stronger, everyone was actually getting stronger in their own way, but Wuming's speed of getting stronger was like cheating, so the efforts of others seemed a little dull.

Lin Renmei and Wuming exist in the same system. Wuming's getting stronger is equivalent to her getting stronger, so she is more focused on improving her skills. She usually watches a lot of fighting and fighting videos and draws nutrition from the videos.

Although she has fewer and fewer opportunities to fight, she has actually been moving forward and has never stopped.


With a loud bang. The gun-holding statue was inconvenient to move because of the heel injury, so it became Lin Renmei's first target.

After one punch, the head of the gun-holding statue exploded, and the body inside was also blown up on the spot.

Extreme violence, but brings extreme beauty.

Lin Renmei landed on the shoulder of the gun-holding statue, and jumped up at the moment when the other two statues attacked, grabbed the spear in the gun-holding statue's hand, and swung her body like doing gymnastics.

The other two statues realized that Lin Renmei was not easy to mess with, and they cooperated very well to launch an attack, but Lin Renmei suddenly let go and landed on an arm, using that arm as a pedal, moving elusively, no matter how many arms could not catch her, and no matter how fast the golden light was, it could not hit it.

At this time, the gun-holding statue fell to the ground with a bang, and with a loud bang, Lin Renmei suddenly flew into the sky.

"She can fly!"

The two statues thought Lin Renmei couldn't fly.

Because from just now to the previous second, Lin Renmei had never shown that she could fly, otherwise many attacks could be easily avoided by flying into the air, but Lin Renmei had been dodging in a more complicated way before, so that the three statues were misled and thought that Lin Renmei had no ability to fly.

There is actually no necessary connection between being strong and being able to fly.

There are many strong people who can fight on the ground, but they can't fly, such as Groudon, Yaodaoji and the like. They can only stand on the ground honestly, and it's useless no matter how strong they are.

Lin Renmei is very strong, but because of the way she fights, the three statues all think she is a warrior, the kind of strong person who can't fly.

As a result, she only revealed that she can fly now, which is too insidious.

So, the three-handed statue was caught off guard and was hit in the head by a punch from Lin Renmei from the sky.

The most terrifying thing about Lin Renmei is her extreme violence. Once her fist hits the target, the target will either die or be disabled.

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