I Contracted Myself

【929】Life and Death

Wuming's soul had already merged into the Nameless Sea, and it was difficult to tell them apart.

But after taking the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower, his soul seemed to have separated from the Nameless Sea and became a separate existence. He could feel a force spreading from his abdomen to his whole body, slowly eroding his consciousness.

At this moment, he could do nothing but watch himself die.

Seven lives and seven deaths, but it was death before life.

At the last moment, Wuming felt real fear, as if he would never wake up again after death, but he had no chance to regret. His consciousness completely fell into the boundless darkness, and his soul turned into the most primitive spiritual light, flickering.

"Wuming, it seems... really dead." Lin Renmei looked at Wuming's body and said hesitantly.

She could feel that her control over the Nameless Sea‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏ has greatly improved. In the past, she could feel that Wuming existed above her, and all resources were allocated by Wuming.

But now Wuming has disappeared, as if everything can be controlled by her.

Lin Renmei picked up Wuming's body and felt that Wuming's body was like a corpse.

"Although the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower can give anyone unimaginable abilities, it is actually very dangerous. I have never heard of anyone succeeding." Aries said seriously.

Lucy Phil said seriously: "There are successful people. The other party experienced seven deaths and seven rebirths, and finally gained boundless soul power. Have you heard of the Bazak Empire?"

"You mean, Emperor Keling?" Aries reacted immediately.

Lucy Phil nodded and said: "I read in an old miscellaneous book of my father that Emperor Keling took the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower to have almost invincible soul power, which is also the capital for him to sweep countless worlds."

"Then how did Emperor Keling come back from death?" Lin Renmei asked immediately.

She was not interested in Wuming's legacy, and she didn't want to be a widow, so she had to find a way to revive Wuming from death.

Lucy Phil shook her head and said, "I don't know. There is no record of this in the miscellaneous books."

In fact, because the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower is rare and has a high mortality rate, ordinary practitioners will not take it even if they get it, but send it to various auction houses for those ambitious guys to buy.

In this way, the practitioners can make money while eliminating an ambitious person, which is a win-win situation.

Of course, if an ambitious person really gains powerful power by taking the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower, as the original owner of the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower, he can also gain the other party's favor, and then it will not be a matter of money.

It is a pity that from ancient times to the present, ambitious people are like crucian carp crossing the river. The few times that the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower was short-lived, they lost their news in the end.

This means that those ambitious people have failed, and the losers are not worth remembering.

"Now we can only rely on Wuming himself." Aries sighed helplessly.

He felt that Wuming was too impulsive. He swallowed the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower without even considering it. He was simply courting death. They wanted to stop him but it was too late.

The Qilin, which was still running, stopped.

The grassland was endless, and the sky and the earth were vast. Lin Renmei and the other two remained motionless, their eyes all on Wuming.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏There were no successful people in modern times, and the only successful people were in the ancient times. No one knew when Wuming would wake up, or when they could prove that he was really dead.

In a blink of an eye, a week passed quietly.

The Qilin stood on the grassland. Although it was not powerful, its huge body was enough to scare away many carnivores on the grassland.

In the distance, a jackal was staring at them.

Jackals are the most dangerous scavengers on this grassland. They are as strong as buffaloes, but their mouths can be split open, and they are full of sharp teeth.

Although they are strong, they are extremely cunning and cherish their lives. They often do not fight head-on, and rarely take the initiative to attack and hunt. They prefer injured prey or dead bodies.

If it is an injured prey, they will follow from a distance and wait for the prey to take its last breath. If it is a corpse, it is even simpler. Just go up and feast on it.

Now it smells the smell of the corpse. Wuming's body has begun to emit the unique smell of death.

Because Wuming's body is very special and its structure is completely different from that of ordinary creatures, it is very attractive to jackals. A large number of jackals from a radius of 100 miles have quietly gathered here.

If it were not for the huge body of the Qilin that made them hesitate, they would have rushed to Wuming's side, torn Wuming's corpse with their sharp teeth, and gnawed the most delicious internal organs in Wuming's body.

"It's been a week." Aries sighed.

Lucy Phil looked at Wuming's body and said, "Maybe we should do something." "What can we do?" Lin Renmei asked.

Lucyphile pondered, "There are few records about Kelingdi, but I remember... Kelingdi is an orphan, fatherless and nameless, and he has no friends, relatives, or lovers. He is alone from birth to death."

"Maybe... we protected Wuming's body too well?" Aries immediately realized what Lucyphile meant, looked at the jackals around, and asked.

Lucyphile nodded and said, "Death... is not just a matter of the soul, the body may also be a part of it. How can he be resurrected if he is not dead yet?"

"Well, that makes sense. If you are going to die, you should die completely." Lin Renmei said thoughtfully.

She was not the kind of girl who hesitated. Once she felt that the road ahead was right, she would insist on going forward even if it was full of thorns.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎At this time, she felt that what Lucy Phil said made sense.

She stood up and hugged Wuming's body, jumped to the ground neatly, gently placed it on the grass, and then returned to Qilin's back.

"Let's get out of the way!"

After Lin Renmei said this, Qilin moved his long legs again and walked forward leisurely.

Not long after Qilin left, all the jackals heard the news and ran towards Wuming's body, opening their bloody mouths around Wuming's body.

If Wuming was still alive, these jackals couldn't even bite his skin, but he was already dead.

Half an hour later, only the bones of Wuming were left.

Such skeletons can be seen everywhere on the grassland, as if they are participating in the cycle of all things. Perhaps in the changes year after year, the skeletons will gradually be stained with dust, buried by loess, and completely disappear in the long river of history.

Qilin has left for several thousand meters and stopped by a river. Lin Renmei and the other two can easily see the skeletons on the grassland, but none of them went to see them, just waiting quietly.

At night, it rained on the grassland.

The next day, the sun rose slowly, and water droplets fell from the grass tips, emitting colorful light in the sunlight.

A gust of wind blew from a distant place, and the grass was bent by the wind. A small flower came with the wind and happened to fall on the nameless skeleton. The invisible and flickering spiritual light in the skeleton suddenly burst into a brilliant light.

PS: I have been suffering from insomnia recently. I can't fall asleep before six in the morning. So in order to try to correct my sleep, I missed it last night. I hope I can correct it.

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