I Contracted Myself

【930】The Sorrow of Eternity

The spiritual light turned into flames, and the skeleton on the ground gradually stood up.

In this process, the flesh and blood were quickly replenished, the muscles slowly grew, and Wuming was reborn from the dead.

This process was actually extremely painful, and it could even be described as worse than death. The birth of each piece of skin made people feel miserable. As long as there was a trace of fear, the spiritual light would dim again, and the process of rebirth from death would be interrupted.

Half an hour later, Wuming stood there naked. He blinked his eyes, and finally opened his mouth to make a "ho ho" sound. He couldn't move. Although he could feel the existence of his body, he couldn't control his body.

"Do you want to go over?"

Aries saw Wuming's embarrassment and asked.

On the side, Lin Renmei shook her head and said, "There are still six times, let's wait and see!"

Since the initial intuition was not wrong, then now they should not interfere with Wuming's life and death. Only after the last death can Wuming usher in a real new life.

Wuming should have this awareness after eating the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower.

Time passed slowly.

Wuming felt numb and tired and wanted to sit down to rest, but he could not control his body and could only endure this feeling.

About two hours later, an animal with a shape similar to a honey badger and fur color similar to that of a lion came shaking its head. It was frightened by Wuming at first and rolled on the grassland, which made Wuming want to laugh.

But soon Wuming could not laugh anymore.

This honey badger-like creature got up from the grass and roared at Wuming first, as if to intimidate Wuming.

After a while, the little guy realized that Wuming seemed to be no threat, so he approached Wuming cautiously and sniffed at Wuming's feet.


Wuming began to have a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment the little guy opened his mouth and bit his foot, and the severe pain immediately stimulated his soul.

"Go away, go away!"

Wuming shouted in his heart, but the little guy was extremely cruel, tearing his flesh and blood with big mouthfuls.

Ten minutes later, Wuming fell to the ground and could only endure the pain silently.

In fact, Wuming's tolerance for pain is very strong. Even if his body was cut into pieces, it would not hurt so much. Obviously, this is the effect of the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower, which is to make him feel pain and make him live a life worse than death.

A few minutes later, a new predator appeared. It was a creature similar to a bear. Its huge body was enough to scare away all kinds of predators.

The creature similar to the honey badger did not have the courage of the flat-headed brother. When it saw the giant bear appear, it ran away quickly. So Wuming watched the giant bear coming over, and then... nothing happened.

Wuming died.

This death was more painful than the last time, but not as terrifying as the last time.

When Wuming regained consciousness again, he found himself in a pigpen. He became a newly born piglet.

He couldn't laugh anymore, because he felt that this was not an illusion, but a real reality. The indescribable stench in the pigsty and the weakness of his body all told him that this was reality.

Helplessly, he could only accept the reality.

While sucking milk, he tried various exercises to activate the biological force field, but all ended in failure.

The breeder appeared, and he tried to write on the ground to let the breeder know that he was a human, not a pig, but the breeder didn't even read it.

Days passed.

Wuming grew from a piglet to a half-grown boar, and watched his "mother" being slaughtered with his own eyes.

At that moment, he felt very strange in his heart, with a feeling of grief for the death of the rabbit, and at the same time he felt very... very painful.

He felt that he would never be able to eat pork in his life.


When Wuming regained consciousness again, he found himself in a cave, and he became a newly born rabbit.

The rabbit mother was very responsible, and Wuming also accepted his fate and drank milk and grew up. It was better to be a free rabbit than a pig that was kept in captivity. In his previous life... he became a roasted pig.

Although he did not see himself being roasted, he saw some seasonings before being slaughtered, and also guessed his fate.

Fortunately, at least he could live a free life this time.

The next morning, a poisonous snake came in from outside the cave, and Wuming's young and weak body was swallowed alive by the snake bit by bit. The feeling of suffocation made him extremely painful, and finally his consciousness fell into darkness.


"Sure enough... I still hate snakes."

Wuming regained consciousness again, and a thought flashed through his mind, and then he found that he had become a little hamster.

Fortunately, the little hamster is not bad. Although it is still kept by humans, it is at least a pet instead of food. I hope I can spend this life peacefully.

Wuming's requirements for this life are very low.

Unfortunately, three days later, he was picked up by the breeder with a clamp, left his warm nest, and finally thrown into a box, and in the box was a big toad.


Wuming's hazy eyes noticed the outline of the toad, and he immediately wanted to curse.

This unscrupulous dog actually used him to feed the toad, was he filming a video?

In his previous life, he had also seen this kind of video, which was a video of putting a group of hamsters in a box and letting the toads feast on them. When the hamsters were bitten by the toads, they would often spray feces and urine, making terrible chirping sounds.

But he remembered that the eyesight of toads and frogs was not good. As long as he didn't move, the toad couldn't see him.


As long as he stayed still, he would be safe.

A minute later, a clamp came down from above, clamped his buttocks and lifted him up, moved in front of the toad and shook him.

"Your mother!"

Wuming only had time to curse in his heart, and the next second he was bitten by the toad on the upper body.

It turned out that toads have teeth, and the bite is super painful. Wuming felt that he was incontinent...


"I hate toads!"

Wuming opened his eyes and thought silently in his heart.

Next, he turned into an ant and was trampled to death, turned into a grasshopper and was caught by a mantis and gnawed from head to head, turned into a bird and was killed by an eagle, turned into a shark and was killed by a killer whale...

He tried very hard and tried to survive in every life, but he died extremely miserably in every life, as if it was fate.

Even if he was reborn as a turtle, he would still die miserably. If he became a chicken, duck, fish, etc., he could even guess his fate.

Reborn as a chicken, he was castrated and ended up as a fried chicken.

Reborn as a duck, he ended up as a beer duck.

Reborn as a grass carp in the water, he finally grew to nearly one meter, the water in the pond was drained, he was chopped into dozens of pieces by the fishmonger, and the fish head could be used to make soup.

He didn't know how long it had been, how many animals he had experienced, and even alien creatures, and finally he opened his eyes, he was still on the grassland, he was resurrected again.

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