I Contracted Myself

【931】Extreme pain and despair

It was too long.

Wuming exhaled lightly and sat up from the ground.

This time he could move, but the unforgettable pain in his memory made it difficult for him to recover for a while.

He did not carefully calculate how many lives he had experienced and how many kinds of animals he had transformed into, but he knew very well that he had all ended up with tragic deaths, without exception.

Cough cough.

Wuming could not help coughing, and then he realized that something was wrong.

How could his body cough? With his physique, it would be difficult for him to get sick or even get injured.

But the next moment he could not help coughing several times, and gradually the cough became more and more severe. With a wow, a lot of blood spurted out of his mouth and nose.

He was sick.

An unknown disease was invading his body.

‏​​‎​‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Wuming sighed deeply, without wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, letting the blood fall from his chin to his knees and legs.

The Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower was too hard to bear. If he had known this was the case, he would never eat it even if he was beaten to death.

To be honest, he was not sure how many times he could survive life and death. Just two times had dealt a heavy blow to his mental state. Now he was in a very bad state, especially those messy memories and various ways of dying, which affected him all the time and cast a shadow on his mind.

He wiped his nose, and blood was constantly flowing out of his nose. Then he felt a little itchy in his eyes. He wiped his eyes, and his hands were still full of blood.

And it would have been better if he didn't wipe it. After wiping it, his eyes were red and he couldn't see.

"Are you going to die again?"

Wuming simply lay down, vaguely smelling the smell of grass, and finally his consciousness fell into darkness again.


"Husband, get up and drink porridge."

In a daze, Wuming opened his mouth, and the warm porridge slid down his throat into his stomach.

He tried to open his eyes, only to see Lin Renmei in ancient costume, carefully serving him.

In an instant, he remembered that his name was Zhang Xianping, and in front of him was his wife Lin Fangfang. Recently, there was a severe drought in the south, and the government forced the people to rebel. He and his wife fled here, but he was not in good health and contracted typhoid fever.

"How much money is left at home?" He coughed and asked.

Lin Fangfang replied: "There are still three cents. I will find a job tomorrow. Don't worry, husband."

"That's good." Zhang Xianping was in a daze, and felt relieved. After drinking the porridge, he soon fell into a coma again...

In the middle of the night, suddenly screams and fighting sounds came from a distance.

"Husband, it's bad, the rebels are coming, let's go quickly."

Lin Fangfang helped Zhang Xianping, who was weak and sore, and stumbled out of the residence.

Unfortunately, they were discovered by several rebel soldiers before they went far, and finally became prisoners under the threat of swords.

Half of the people in the whole town died, and the other half became the spoils of the rebels like Zhang Xianping and Lin Fangfang.

Ten days later, the army ran out of food.

Lin Xianping witnessed his wife being slaughtered, and was heartbroken and died of vomiting blood.


Wuming suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth, but found that he didn’t know why he was so excited.

‏​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎He looked at his legs and found that his legs were empty from the knees down.

Memories emerged.

Zhang Yaoping, a disabled man, has a wife named Su Mengyao.

Then a feeling of regret surged from the bottom of his heart. In order to save a child, his legs were crushed by a car, and from then on he went from being the mainstay of the family to a burden in the family.

In order to take care of him, his wife Su Mengyao had to work several odd jobs every day, just to come back and cook for him at noon and in the evening.

“I want to die.”

Zhang Yaoping sat in a wheelchair, looking at the sunset outside the window, and groaned in pain.

In this life, there is no war, no waves.

Only calm.

But beneath the calm sea, there was a surging despair.

His wife's despair and his despair were intertwined, yet so calm.

Until death, both sides were thinking about each other.

The despair that could not be expressed, but finally returned to death silently.


Wuming opened his eyes, opened his mouth, hesitated, hesitated for a while, and finally let out a painful cry.


But he felt very bad.

Compared to turning into pigs, dogs, cows, and sheep, being slaughtered and eaten in various ways, this time was more painful.

Physical pain is ultimately not as good as the pain at the soul level.

Wuming felt that his heart was about to be torn apart. He turned into a human again and again, but was overwhelmed by despair again and again. That kind of silent pain was like someone carving words on his heart with a knife.

After a moment, his cry attracted predators, but these animals died before they got close.

On the back of the unicorn in the distance, Aries was surprised and said, "What a strong soul power, how many times has it been?"

"But Wuming looks like he is in pain and very sad." Lucyphile said worriedly.

Lin Renmei looked at Wuming, clenched her fists slightly, and said, "This is his own choice. All we can do now is to trust him."

"The third time, there are still four times to go..." Aries said worriedly.

At this time, Wuming suddenly screamed, feeling that every cell of his was suffering different tortures, some cells were burned by fire, some cells were struck by lightning, some cells were cut into pieces, and some cells were crushed and broken...

‏​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Countless painful feelings burst out at the same time, and the pain instantly overwhelmed Wuming. After the intense pain ended, there was a charred corpse on the ground.

Wuming died again.


Aries took a breath, looked at Wuming in the distance, and asked: "By the way, if the treasure chest you got opened the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower, would you dare to eat it?"

"Do you dare?" Lucyphil looked at Aries with a smile and asked back.

Aries smiled embarrassedly and did not answer this question, but the answer was already in the hearts of the three people, only eat it when you are sick.

After witnessing Wuming's painful experience with his own eyes, Aries really had no idea about the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower, and would not eat it even if he got it, because he knew Wuming very well. Wuming's mental strength was very strong, and his tolerance for pain was actually far beyond that of ordinary people.

The Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower that could make Wuming miserable and ecstatic was absolutely terrifying.

Lin Renmei also felt the same way, mainly because she knew more about Wuming's past experiences. Wuming had endured the pain of countless souls in his early years. Wuming's soul was extremely tough. If the soul strength of a normal person is 1, then Wuming's soul strength is 10 billion, or even 100 billion.

Under this strength, it is hard to imagine what Wuming had to go through to suffer so much.

After a long time, Wuming was resurrected again.

He cried.

He cried like a child. He wanted to give up, but the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower did not give up this option once it started, so he soon experienced the next kind of pain from the body and died in pain.

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