I Contracted Myself

【932】Seven Dreams of a Floating Life

On Qilin's back, the three of them had no joke.

On the contrary, both Lin Renmei and Lucy Phil felt sorry for Wuming, while Aries had mixed feelings. He didn't think he could do better than Wuming. At this moment, he felt both admiration and fear.

The Flower of Seven Lives and Seven Deaths is really not something that ordinary people can bear.

On the third day, Wuming was resurrected again. After he was resurrected, he turned around and started digging a hole in the ground, as if he wanted to find a place to bury himself.

But after just a few digs, his body began to twitch continuously, and finally his head fell into the small hole he dug, and he died again.

The three people on Qilin's back couldn't understand the logic behind Wuming's behavior, but they were shocked.

Two days later, Wuming woke up again.

Aries Palace looked at Wuming who was twisted into a knot on the ground, and murmured to himself: "One more time, come on!"

“‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Not good!”

Lin Renmei suddenly sensed the danger, and her biological force field instantly opened.

The next second, Wuming's body exploded violently, and the terrifying air wave exploded with soul power, turning into a shock wave that spread rapidly.

Lin Renmei gritted her teeth and held on to the biological force field, but she was still swept dozens of kilometers away by the shock wave, leaving traces of the Kirin's friction on the ground.

"The nameless person... his soul is scattered... and his body is gone?" Aries Palace said in disbelief with his eyes widened.

After the shock wave ended, Lin Renmei took a breath and said seriously: "Wu Ming will be fine. It's the last level, and he will definitely be fine."

She knew very well that Wuming was the kind of person who would never give up the closer he got to success.

Although Wuming is lazy by nature and prefers doing less rather than doing more, most of the time, once he decides to do something, he will definitely stick to it, and the more he puts in and the closer he is to success, the less likely he is to give up.

In this situation, Wuming has no reason to give up no matter how painful it is. He will persist until the end.

At this time, Wuming transformed into a mayfly, floating between heaven and earth.

All things are stagnant, and time is like wax.

The last death of the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths flower was unexpectedly painless, only... death, death, death, death, death, death!

Wuming lived, then died, then lived, then died. He was a tiny mayfly. His life lasted only a moment. Before he could see the world, his body was already heading towards death.

In countless lives and deaths, nameless pain, numbness, adaptation, overcoming, and gradually re-viewing the world and myself in this form.

After taking the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths flower, he experienced countless lives and deaths, and experienced countless different forms of pain. Some of the pain was physical attacks, and some of the pain was magical attacks. The pain was at the same time unable to be expressed.

If it was purely pain, he would actually feel fine, but sometimes it was not just pain, but also guilt, debt, bitterness, and inexplicable...

After being tempered for many times, his soul was like changing from iron to steel, then from steel to alloy, and finally from alloy to a hundred-refined super alloy.

The last death, the last test, seems to be for the user to summarize everything he has experienced in the past between life and death, so as to realize his own soul skill.

Of course, if the understanding is not enough and the mayflies transformed by the spiritual light are completely exhausted, then they will still truly die.

Wuming didn't realize that he was in a dangerous situation. He became ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Like dust, his consciousness gradually fell into the earth. With the transition between life and death, he felt more and more I am getting more and more tired, and I feel like I want to let go of everything.

Dozens of kilometers away, Lin Renmei suddenly stood up. Her heart was beating faster and faster, as if her beloved was really drifting away. She knew very well that this feeling was not an illusion, and Wuming could no longer hold on.


She suddenly started calling unknown names.

When Lucifer and Aries met, they immediately got up and shouted together.

The shouts gradually spread throughout the grassland. The invisible aura particles in the air shook slightly, and Wuming vaguely heard the call.

There are no thoughts like 'I can't die yet'.

When Wuming heard the shouting, countless real and fake pictures came to mind, including things that really happened, and things he experienced between life and death.

Rescue, military disaster, Tian Changhu, Su Jingyao, the despair of sitting in a wheelchair watching the sunset, the pain of being unable to change reality...

Everything is a grind.

Wuming looked at the sun in the sky. Everything was rotating, but the sun and the moon were always in the sky. Although this kind of constancy was not eternal, it could have its meaning.

In an instant, countless light spots gathered on the grassland, and the spiritual light turned into bright golden light and quickly formed a ball of light that was brighter than the sun.

This light ball does not have any heat. Although it emits light, this light is more like light at the soul level.

Lin Renmei, Lucy Phil, and Aries all looked at the ball of light intently. All three of them showed expressions of relief, and then couldn't help laughing.

Finally, Wuming succeeded.

The ball of light changes from gold to silver, cooling light spreads over everything, and finally shrinks again.

The silver light ball turned into a white ball, and finally turned into a black ball.

"I can't understand it a bit."

Aries frowned and said as he watched the changes in the light ball.

At this time, the light ball began to shrink, forming a dark human figure. The human figure fell to the ground and slowly walked forward. The black on the body fell off like fragments, revealing a nameless appearance.

Flowers of fantasy were born out of thin air. Wuming pulled off a petal and draped it on his body. The petals quickly adjusted themselves and turned into a white dress.

"Wuming has become stronger?"

Lucifer felt it and found that Wuming seemed to be the same.

She was higher in level than Wuming.

She could easily determine Wuming's current state.

‎​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ But Wuming gave her the same feeling as before he ate the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower.

"I think I have become stronger.

Suddenly, Wuming's voice sounded, and the three of them were startled. They saw Wuming sitting in his original position, looking at the three of them with a smile.

Aries opened his mouth and looked back quickly. Wuming in the distance had disappeared without a trace.

There was no spatial fluctuation, no trace, Wuming just suddenly appeared beside them. If it was an enemy... it would be terrible.

"It seems to have become stronger." Lin Renmei smiled slightly and said as she sat next to Wuming.

Lucifer frowned and said, "What about your level?"

"The essence of life has indeed improved, but it is still far from upgrading. "Wuming leaned against Qilin's neck and said lazily.

Everyone takes the Seven Life and Seven Death Flower, and the effect is different.

Although Wuming's soul power has been greatly improved, what he really got is an ability.

That ability is his greatest gain.

Seven Dreams of Floating Life.

A soul secret technique that combines the mind, soul, emotion, memory, ego, true self, and superego.

Any creature whose soul power is not as strong as Wuming will be pulled into the world of Seven Dreams of Floating Life the moment they perceive Wuming. This is a real world, but also a false world. The real and the false are perfectly combined together, interweaving into a seven-layer dreamlike real artistic conception.

The moment Lin Renmei and the others saw Wuming, they had actually fallen into the world of Seven Dreams of Floating Life. This is also the real reason why they did not notice Wuming's teleportation. The spatial fluctuations were all covered up.

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