I Contracted Myself

【933】A little revenge

Wuming did not hide anything and told the three people about the abilities he had obtained.

Then the three of them tried to decipher the nameless Seven Dreams. Aries took out the soul-enhancing elixir and swallowed it, Lin Renmei used her precognition ability to try to decipher it, and Lucy Phil also used various spells to get a glimpse of the reality.

But soon the three of them discovered that they could not tell the difference between cracked and unhacked.

"Wu Ming, can't this ability be turned off?"

Aries breathed out, looked at the blue sky, and asked helplessly.

He could no longer tell whether what he saw was reality or an illusion, because everything was so real. Even if he tried to detect it with his mental power or his spiritual mind, he could not find any flaws.

"Sorry, the Seven Dreams of the Floating Life seems to be a passive ability. To put it simply, as long as I am still awake and my soul is thinking, this ability will It has always existed and affected all living things." Wuming shrugged and smiled unapologetically.

Lucifer frowned and said, "So this ability can only be released if you are unconscious?"

"You can close your eight senses and completely close your soul. It might be useful." Wuming replied.

Aries couldn't help complaining: "Isn't this tantamount to seeking death?"

If you seal off all your senses, you also have to seal off your soul. Then no matter what happens in the outside world, they will not know, and this is not how you seek death.

This is equivalent to ordinary people covering their eyes, plugging their ears, and binding themselves with ropes...

"Then there's nothing we can do, but everything you see now is real. Although this ability is passive, I can control it so it doesn't affect you." Wuming said.

Aries nodded, then smiled and said: "Now it is estimated that there are very few people in the world who can defeat Wuming you."

He swallowed the elixir to increase the power of his soul to ten times, but still could not solve the nameless Seven Dreams of Floating Life. It was hard for him to believe that someone could crack the Seven Dreams of Floating Life.

The Seven Dreams of Fusheng are very strong, but what is truly terrifying is the strength of Wuming’s soul.

The combination of the two is simply invincible.

Wuming shook his head and said: "Invincible... I'm still far from it. At least Rama should be able to withstand the Seven Dreams of Floating Life. As for other strong men... it's hard to say."

He did not blindly believe in an ability.

Because ability is just ability after all, and if you don’t transcend, there will always be someone stronger.

"Okay, let's set off. Wuming has been delayed for such a long time. If there is an accident, we will be in trouble." Lin Renmei said at this time.

Because Wuming took the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths flower, they stayed in the grassland for too long.

No one knows when the Tower of Death will be destroyed, so there still needs to be a sense of urgency.

Qilin set off again. After some discussion, everyone decided to go to the Snowy Mountains. After all, compared to unknown temples, discovered temples save time.

After solving the temple on the Daxue Mountain, they will slowly look for other temples.

"I guess Wang Zong still doesn't know how to pass this level." Aries Palace couldn't help laughing when talking about the rules of this level.

Wuming thought for a while and asked: "Is there a requirement for the number of people to attend the temple of the God of the Grassland?"

"Uh...it seems like‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏No." Aries was stunned for a moment, then replied.

Although the four of them went in and played four games, there was really no requirement for the number of people. Maybe Wang Zong could go in and play one game.

Wuming smiled and said: "So in order to settle things once and for all, if you encounter Wang Zong when you go to the snow mountain this time... then beat him to death!"

With his current strength, Wang Zong is no longer afraid.

Although he didn't think Fusheng Qimeng was invincible, he didn't think Wang Zong could withstand Fusheng Qimeng either.

If you haven't encountered it, forget it.

As long as Wang Zong is encountered, Wang Zong will die.

Qilin ran wildly towards the forest area.

Wuming took out various delicacies and ate them while chatting with everyone, especially sweets. He never got tired of eating them.

The world of Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower is too bitter, so now he wants to eat something sweet.

Along the way, various predators were attracted by the unicorn. In their eyes, the unicorn became much smaller, so they all charged towards the unicorn.

From the perspective of Wuming and others, these animals all rushed over and were kicked away by Qilin's high-speed moving hind legs.

"What did they see? So excited." Aries asked while drinking.

Wuming swallowed a piece of dessert and said with a smile: "In their eyes, the unicorn is probably like a newborn deer. If you were a predator, would you chase it?"

"Wu Ming, you wouldn't kill innocent people indiscriminately before." Lucifer frowned slightly.

Killing for the sake of killing and then not eating is definitely not a good thing.

Wuming smiled and said: "Do you think... who is more innocent, the hunter or the prey?"

"Well, that makes sense. Since they decided to hunt, there is no claim of innocence, let alone indiscriminate killing." Aries agreed.

Is there any reason to sympathize with hunters?

They are the ‘prey’ being hunted.

It's just that the 'prey' is a bit strong, so the 'hunter' looks a bit miserable.

"But it's such a waste." Lucifer said unconvinced.

Wuming shook his head and said, "No, it's not wasted at all. I just wanted to treat some friends to a big meal."

He had turned into a bacterium, eaten all kinds of carrion in his short life, and was even eaten by various creatures along with the carrion. His death was particularly miserable.

But this experience also made him deeply understand that there is no waste in the world.

At least, the bacterial friends on this grassland will be grateful to him and eat up all the meat, or be eaten by other creatures along with the rotten meat.

Seeing that Lucyphile still wanted to continue arguing with Wuming, Lin Renmei reached out and grabbed Lucyphile's hand. When Lucyphile looked over, she shook her head slightly, then smiled and said in lip language: "Wuming is taking revenge on the creatures here!"

Don't forget, when Wuming was experiencing seven lives and seven deaths, he was bitten to death by countless predators. The feeling of pain is no joke.

Especially the pain of Niu Niu being torn off...

Wuming was merciful for not killing people in the grassland.

"By the way, Aries, did the Wanfa Hummingbird chase us?" Wuming suddenly remembered the characteristics of this level and asked.

Aries nodded and said, "Yes, I have collected a lot of royal blood recently. I think I can make a lot of money when I take it outside."

"Then sell it directly to the Council of All Heavens. Fei'er, calculate how many resource coins are needed." Wuming made a prompt decision.

The blood of the king of all laws is a good thing. How can it be cheap for those messy practitioners? Of course, it will be digested internally. Besides, the Council of All Heavens has money, so they will not suffer any loss.

Lucy Phil nodded and said, "Well, I will hand over to Aries after I leave, and try to make everyone profit."

"By the way, Aries, you should have swallowed the blood of the king of all laws, right? What is the ability?" Wuming waited for the business to finish, and then asked curiously.

At present, among the four people, only Aries has the ability that he does not know.

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