I Contracted Myself

【935】Mini Games

Forest area, edge of forest.

Because this area is densely wooded and full of obstacles, Qilin had to slow down to avoid causing too much noise and damage.

Wuming leaned against Qilin's neck and suddenly laughed, and the others looked at him.

"Wang Zong fell into the trap." Wuming explained to Lin Renmei and the others.

There is a characteristic of the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, that is, anyone who senses his existence will be caught in the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, whether in the past or the future.

Wang Zong used the will of reversing fate to try to see through the future, but the result was like a butterfly falling into a spider web, and he fell into the first level of the Seven Dreams of Floating Life without knowing it.

There are seven levels in the Seven Dreams of Floating Life.

Each level has corresponding situations, and the triggering methods are also strange.

Seeing, hearing, sensing, understanding, and heartbeating, all those who reflect Wuming will enter the Seven Dreams. If the soul is not as strong as Wuming, there will be no day to escape.

When Wang Zong used the Reverse Fate Will, Wang Zong lost.

Wuming smiled and said, "The first level of the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, I call it the Spring Night Banquet. Those who are under the spell are like being drunk at a spring night banquet. In the haze, all the guests are skeleton ghosts. They are terrified and alert, and they are terrified. Unfortunately, they are already trapped and can't get out."

"So which level are we in now?" Aries asked curiously.

Wang Zong just used the Reverse Fate Will to spy on the future, so he saw the future Wuming, so he fell into the first level.

Then, what about those who saw Wuming with their own eyes and were with Wuming?

Wuming smiled and looked at Aries and replied, "Of course you are in all seven levels, you can't escape."

"The first level is the Spring Night Banquet, so what are the second, third, fourth... and even the seventh level called?" Lucyphil asked.

Wuming smiled and said, "The second level is called Summer Cicada, the third level is Autumn Cool Evening, the fourth level is Winter Snow Early, the fifth level is Butterfly Love Flower, the sixth level is Fairy, and the seventh level is Longing for Love. As for the specific effects, it is better for you not to know, after all, this ability... has some bad Dao heart."

The Seven Dreams of Floating Life is the ability that he almost had when his Dao heart was shattered. Most practitioners probably can't even withstand the first level, and the second level is enough to kill the enemy at the soul level.

However, even if the target is completely hit by the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, Wuming can freely choose to use it or not.

Lin Renmei and the others were all completely hit by the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, but they were not affected by the Seven Dreams of Floating Life at all, because Wuming didn't want to interfere with them at all.

If Wuming wanted to, the three of them would be trapped in the world of the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, layer by layer, and they would be completely unable to escape. Life and death would be completely controlled by Wuming.

"Although Wuming was very strong before, I have the confidence to fight you on equal terms. Now... I feel that even if I use all my strength, I am afraid I can't beat you. The Seven Life and Seven Death Flower... If it weren't so disgusting, I would want to eat one." Aries sighed.

Lucifer smiled and said, "If other people get such ability, I am afraid I will stay away from them, and even try my best to guard against them. But this ability is in Wuming. I don't know why, but I don't feel much danger."

"I am actually very dangerous!" Wuming immediately frowned and said unconvinced.

Lin Renmei smiled and said, "Someone has said this before. Wuming is too harmless."

"Hey, the animals on the grassland don't think so." Aries immediately laughed.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎Wuming got the help of Aries and immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I am very cruel. Don't think of CPUing me!"

"Forget it, you are just narrow-minded at best." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming was speechless and didn't dare to continue to argue, otherwise he would definitely not be able to get over the fact that his balls were bitten off by an animal.

Seeing that Wuming had nothing to say, the two women smiled slightly. Sometimes people will become arrogant when they get too much power, and they will lose their sense of proportion when they become arrogant, and even lose themselves in the power.

Although Wuming will not lose himself, he will inevitably become too arrogant.

Therefore, the two of them tacitly suppressed Wuming's arrogance to prevent him from becoming too arrogant.

While talking and laughing, Qilin gradually slowed down his pace and finally stopped in front of a "wooden wall". This "wooden wall" was towering into the clouds, thousands of miles wide, and covered the sky and the sun.

Wuming and the others had seen this "wooden wall" a long time ago, so they were not surprised. After Qilin stopped, they all looked at the "wooden wall".

"This is probably the largest and tallest tree in the forest area." Aries said.

Lucyphile said calmly: "Look at this tree, it doesn't look like Jianmu or the legendary world tree. There is no special soil within a hundred miles. Why can it grow so big?"

In fact, the more magical the plant is, the more demanding the environment it needs.

Plants like Jianmu cannot grow without Xiran. There are even some magical plants that must take root in the world to grow slowly. That is to use a world as soil.

The land under the feet of Wuming and others is nothing special, so it is difficult to support such a huge tree.

This is also what Lucyphile feels uncomfortable about. Wuming slowly walked to the side of the giant tree, patted the giant tree itself, and smiled: "This tree should be hundreds of millions of years old, right?"

"It's hard to say. Some trees grow very fast, and some trees grow slowly. Maybe this tree is only a thousand years old." Aries said.

Lin Renmei analyzed: "Didn't they say that there are countless treasures in this level? I think this tree must be a treasure, why don't we go to the top to have a look?"

The Hummingbird and the Flame Snail King gave them a lot of benefits. Although they didn't find anything special on the grassland, the temple also gave them benefits.

As one of the richest areas, the forest area is not justified without some natural treasures.

Aries thought: "Don't mention it, according to the law that the more special, the more likely there is a treasure, there may be a treasure on the top of this tree."

"What kind of law is this? Why haven't I heard of it before?" ‏‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎Wuming complained.

Aries smiled and said: "I made it up temporarily."

In fact, after knowing that Wang Zong had fallen into the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, Aries, Lin Renmei, and Lucyphile adjusted their mindsets and treated this trip as an outing.

No one thought that there was anything in this level that could threaten them.

"Let's play a game."

Wuming rolled his eyes at Aries, then slowly walked up to the tree, stepped on the trunk with his feet, and looked at everyone.

"What game?"

Aries followed suit, walked up to the tree trunk, stepped on the bark, and asked with his back to the ground.

"We run up the tree, and no other abilities are allowed. Let's see who reaches the top of the tree first." Wuming looked at the sky and said to the three people.

Aries smiled and said, "No problem!"

"You can try, but you can't secretly use the Seven Dreams of a Floating Life." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming said unhappily, "Am I someone who can't afford to lose?"

"Win or lose, isn't there a little prize?" Lucy Phil asked.

Wuming thought for a while and said, "If there is a treasure at the top of the tree, if there is only one, it will go to the first place. If there are many, then the first place will choose first, followed by the second, third, and fourth. How about that?"

"What if there is no treasure?" Lin Renmei asked.

Wuming thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Wang Zong just got a magic technique, which seems to be quite interesting. I can find a way to make him hand it over as a reward for the first place!"

"Wang Zong is so miserable." Aries complained.

PS: cpu I actually means pua I, a bad joke, used here mainly to show the protagonist's joking attitude.

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