I Contracted Myself

【936】Playing around

After agreeing, the four of them stood on the giant tree and Wuming threw a coin. The moment the coin fell to the ground, the four of them immediately rushed up and ran towards the top of the tree.

"Renmei is running too fast!" Aries Palace couldn't help shouting as she watched Lin Renmei ride a brilliant horse and surpass everyone in an instant.

Wuming smiled while running: "Strictly speaking, human beauty is actually physical cultivation. It is normal to run fast."

"You don't seem worried at all. Are you ready to lose?" Aries asked.

Wuming narrowed his eyes, smiled like a fox, and said: "You may not win if you run fast. This tree is not that simple."

"Are you using Seven Dreams to hide something?" Lucifer asked suspiciously.

Wuming smiled and said: "Guess, but at least after the start of the ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ I have never used the Seven Dreams of the Floating Life. You can rest assured on this point, saying that there is no need for power. No need to do that next time!”

"Why do I have a bad premonition?" Aries complained.

As they spoke, everyone ran to an altitude of about fifty meters. The texture of the surface of the giant wood also changed. Not only did it become rougher, but there were also cracks and protrusions in some places, forming obstacles everywhere.

Lin Renmei was the fastest runner and jumped onto an obstacle. Unexpectedly, the obstacle exploded. Her whole body was blown away, and she quickly fell to the ground.

This height is not too high for everyone present, and they will not be injured if they fall to the ground.

Wuming and the others laughed when Lin Renmei fell. Lin Renmei immediately gave Wuming and Aries the middle finger, and finally hit the ground heavily.

But she soon got up again and jumped onto the tree to chase Wuming and the others.

"I jump!"

"I jump!"

Wuming and the others came to the obstacle. Knowing that the obstacle would explode, they would not step on it stupidly, so the three of them jumped over the obstacle and continued running up.

Although Lin Renmei ran very fast, their speed was not too slow. Lin Renmei would not be able to catch up without any accident.

"I always feel that this guy Wuming has no good intentions. He even cheats on his wife, and he won't be merciful when he cheats on us. Let's join forces." Aries came to Lucy Phil's side and whispered.

Wuming ran to the side and complained: "I heard everything you said."

"You heard it when you heard it, didn't you?" Aries counterattacked.

Lucifer nodded and said: "That makes sense, let's join forces. If any of us has an accident, the other one will do his best to help."

She had actually thought about wooing Lin Renmei just now, but before she could make up her mind, Lin Renmei had already fallen from her side.

"Fei'er, if you trust Aries, you might as well trust me. Aries' character is not as good as mine. I'm sure if you give him a hand, he'll sell you." Wuming said while running away at this time to sow discord. .

Aries Palace looked ridiculous and speechless, complaining: "Wu Ming, isn't it just a small game, and you stepped on it, my character is not bad, right?"

While he was talking, he suddenly saw a tree hole in front of him. The tree hole was very big. The diameter of the hole alone was almost five or six meters.

"In such a big tree hole, there won't be any oversized squirrels‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ or anything like that, right?" he murmured to himself.

Then he noticed Wuming running away. The giant tree was huge enough. Just now, the three people were running closely together, but now they were running apart.

When disaster strikes, we all fly away!

Aries was confused, and such an idea came to his mind.

He quickly said: "No, there must be a problem in the tree hole ahead, let's avoid it!"

"You don't have to say it." Lucifer had already run to his left, leaving him to run forward with inertia.

Suddenly, a green monster emerged from the tree hole. This monster looked like both a lizard and a dragon. Its thick forearms could grasp things very well, and its claw-like limbs on its hind legs could be hooked on the surface of the rough giant wood. Something to achieve moving targets with ease.

"Damn it, forest dragon lizard!"

Aries Gong was startled and hurriedly ran in the direction of Wuming.

Forest dragon lizards are magical creatures. As the name suggests, they generally live in forests and are omnivores.

If there are large enough trees, they will build their nests in trees; if there are not large enough trees, they will dig holes in the ground.

These two nest-building methods lead to two different changes in the forest dragon lizard.

The skin of a forest dragon lizard that builds its nest on trees will turn green, and the extraordinary energy in its body will turn into wood elemental energy, allowing it to manipulate trees and even control tree growth.

The skin of the forest dragon lizard that nests underground will turn khaki, and the extraordinary energy in its body will turn into earth elemental energy, allowing it to control gravity and also have the ability to manipulate soil to a certain extent.

The forest dragon lizard the three of them encountered was undoubtedly the former.

If Wuming and the others can use their abilities, the Forest Dragon Lizard is not a threat. Both Aries Palace and Lucifer have many ways to deal with each other.

But now that abilities are not allowed to be used, the threat from the Forest Dragon Lizard becomes greater.

In an instant, the surface of the giant tree cracked, and vines quickly chased Aries Palace. Aries Palace followed Wuming. Wuming dodged and said with a smile: "Don't come over!"

"I'm determined to follow you!" Aries shouted.

The two of them moved sideways while running upwards, but they were fast, and the forest dragon lizard was also fast. Dozens of vines instantly wrapped around Aries' legs. Aries pulled hard, and the vines broke one after another, but this also slowed him down a bit.

"Wuming, give me a hand!" Aries stretched out his hand and shouted vigorously.

Wuming waved his hands while running upwards, and ran away ruthlessly.

The next second, the forest dragon lizard grabbed Aries' legs and swung them violently. Aries flew out quickly and far away. When he fell, he screamed: "Wuming!!! I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!!!!"

"Sorry, this is how the competition is, competition first, friendship second!" Wuming rolled his eyes and continued to run upwards.

Next, everyone chased each other, and Wuming, with his unscrupulous and ruthless attitude, successfully rushed to the treetops first.

Then Lin Renmei came from behind and got the second place, Aries got the third place, and Lucifer was caught by the forest dragon lizard once, so she became the last one.

The four sat on the top of the tree canopy. Lin Renmei, Aries, and Lucifer criticized Wuming together, while Wuming leisurely took out a tube of yogurt, drank it and smiled while letting everyone criticize.

"By the way, where is the treasure?" Aries looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming shrugged and said regretfully: "Maybe there is no treasure. We all think too much. This is just a relatively large tree."

"Impossible, I clearly sensed the breath of the treasure." Aries asked in confusion.

Wuming's mind moved, and he glanced at the fantasy flower next to him. The compass instantly went down and pointed straight down.


There is indeed a treasure, but it is not at the top of the tree, but under the tree.

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