I Contracted Myself


One minute later, Wuming and the others entered a tree hole.

The forest dragon lizard was sleeping in the hole, and had no idea that the four people had broken in.

Wuming walked to the end of the tree hole, and the petals of the flower of fantasy immediately drew a two-meter circle on the wall.


Wuming stretched out his hand and pushed, and the wall in the circle collapsed, revealing a dark cave.

"The middle of this tree is actually empty!" Aries said in surprise.

Lin Renmei said calmly: "At the beginning, I felt that the touch was not understandable. The feedback sound when running was a bit empty. At that time, I suspected that this tree was hollow, but later I saw many tree holes, and I thought it was a problem with the tree holes. Now it seems that my suspicion at that time was not wrong."

"The treasure is below, let's go!" Wuming smiled.

He entered the cave, stepped on the flower of fantasy and slowly went down, and the others also used their magical powers to land at the bottom of the cave.

Ten minutes later, everyone fell to the bottom.

The surroundings were full of skeletons of various creatures, which formed a circle, and in the center of the circle were several weapons.

"Are these the skeletons of forest dragon lizards?" Lin Renmei looked at them and asked uncertainly.

Wuming nodded and said, "It should be. No wonder this tree can grow so big. It turns out that the nutrients below are particularly rich."

"Those swords are treasures?" Aries looked at the swords in the middle and frowned slightly.

Wuming smiled and said, "Don't get too close. Take the detoxification pill and the pill that enhances the strength of the soul first. I roughly know what it is."

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a natural artifact." Lucyphil said.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, in some worlds, such weapons are also called innate magic weapons, natural artifacts, creation fairy treasures, taboos, and sealed objects."

"Innate magic weapons can be understood, why are they called taboos and sealed objects?" Lin Renmei frowned.

Lucy Phil explained: "It depends on the world. Some worlds are very magical. There is no special energy, but they can give birth to natural artifacts. The problem is that mortals cannot control natural artifacts. If they use them forcibly, they will inevitably suffer various backlashes. So for them, these treasures are no longer treasures, but dangerous curses."

"In fact, it is not much better here, because there are too many natural artifacts, and they themselves also need energy to nourish themselves. So in order to keep themselves immortal, they attract a large number of forest dragon lizards and nourish themselves with the lives of forest dragon lizards. Do you think they are treasures or disasters for forest dragon lizards?" Wuming smiled.

If there is no energy replenishment, even the best treasures will become garbage over time.

Although there are some treasures that can automatically absorb external energy, it is obvious that these natural artifacts do not have similar functions. They can only ensure that they will not become scrap metal through cruel blood sacrifices at the cost of the lives of forest dragon lizards.

In a world without extraordinary power, if a natural artifact is born, the price must be the death of countless creatures. For these ordinary creatures, this is definitely not a treasure, but the most dangerous monster.

Of course, for Wuming and others, this is really a good treasure.

Wuming walked to a knife and pulled it up from the ground. In an instant, the knife sent a huge suction force, as if to suck him out.

However, Wuming has an endless supply of light element energy to support him, and this knife can't empty him at all.

"Be obedient and recognize me as your master, otherwise..." Wuming said with a smile while holding the knife.

The next moment, the knife sent a stronger suction force. Wuming smiled lightly and simply injected the light element energy in his body into the knife.

At first, the knife was still "unsatisfied", but it was soon filled by Wuming, and even had a little indigestion.


A slight crack appeared on the blade.

If Wuming continued to inject energy, it might burst the knife.

But at this moment, the knife suddenly emitted a little light, and a pigeon egg-sized ball of light floated out from the blade, fell into Wuming's hand, and merged into Wuming's body.

It recognized its master.

Wuming smiled faintly, stopped injecting energy, and said to Lin Renmei and others: "This knife is not bad, what name do you think is more suitable?"

"What ability does it have?" Lin Renmei asked.

Wuming played with the knife and replied: "Spring breeze cuts wood, withering and flourishing, it seems to have only two abilities: life and death."

One knife lives, one knife dies.

Very pure energy, it is estimated that the corpses of these forest dragon lizards are related to this knife. "Then call it the Life and Death Knife." Lucyphil said.

Wuming smiled and said: "Okay, call it the Life and Death Knife."

He actually didn't have much interest in the treasures here. He only had this knife to look at. He had too many abilities and countless treasures. The reason why he took this knife away was mainly because it was not a good thing to leave this knife here, whether it was for this forest or for those forest dragon lizards.

At this time, he threw it lightly, and the Life and Death Sword suddenly turned into a fantasy flower.

"What about you? Don't you have any treasures you like among the remaining treasures?" Wuming sat on the fantasy flower and asked the others.

Aries complained: "Didn't we agree to choose treasures in the order of arrival at the end? Next is Renmei."

"Then let me see." Lin Renmei‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏‎ was not polite.

She walked forward, scanned the swords on the ground, and finally looked at an ancient branch. She stretched out her hand to grab the branch and pulled it, and a wooden spear was instantly pulled out of the soil.

At the moment of pulling it out, many roots quickly shrank.

Its shape is similar to the red tassel spear, but without the red tassel of the red tassel spear, only many roots moved with the wind.

Lin Renmei felt the power of this spear, smiled slightly, and also learned from Wuming to inject energy into the spear. This spear with a shape similar to that of a dead tree quickly revived and gradually became good-looking.

A few minutes later, the gun automatically recognized its owner and turned into a bean in the blink of an eye and fell into Lin Renmei's hand.

"Wait, let's name it!" Aries saw Lin Renmei put away the bean and quickly spoke.

Lin Renmei was in a good mood and smiled, "Then call it the bean sprout spear."


Wuming and the other two were speechless. This name was too casual.

In fact, all the treasures that can be put into the treasure house of God are all top-notch.

Wuming felt that the ordinary life and death swords were actually of very high level, at least between level 220 and 230. If these treasures were placed in the outside world, they would be enough to cause a bloody storm.

Afterwards, Lucyphile and Aries also chose treasures.

Lucyphile chose a sword, and Aries chose a bow.

Of course, there would not be just four weapons here, so they packed up the rest and took them away, and when they returned, they would sell them to the Council of All Heavens and share the money together.

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