I Contracted Myself

【939】Blessing +1


As the statue's head was blown open, a large amount of black energy immediately spurted out from the broken neck of the statue.

"Not good, dangerous!"

Both Aries Gong and Wuming noticed the horror of black energy.

The nature of this black air is quite close to the pollution of the eternal space, but compared to the chaotic and disorderly pollution, this power is purer and more harmful to life.

The two of them stepped out of the temple at the same time and turned around to look at the situation inside the temple.

In the blink of an eye, black energy filled the entire temple, but the temple itself seemed to be a kind of barrier, and the black energy never escaped from the temple.

Aries frowned and said, "There's something wrong with the situation."

I originally thought that there would be a turning point after destroying the idol, or that I could clear the Forest God level directly. ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏But now it seems like a bug.

"Wait a minute, look over there!" Lucifer noticed something moving on the right rear, took a look and said.

Wuming looked in the direction Lucifer was pointing and said with a smile: "I see, I seem to know how to play the Forest God level."

The mountain peaks in the distance are shining with green light at this moment.

This mountain is actually very special, because it stands alone among the ruins, and all the surrounding peaks have been destroyed.

In fact, the person who blew up those mountains was none other than Wang Zong.

At that time, Wang Zong thought that Wuming was hiding around, so he exploded a large number of peaks in excitement, raising dust thicker than the fog, so that no one noticed that there was a peak that had not been exploded.

Now the peak of the mountain is glowing with green light. If nothing unexpected happens, it must be related to the fact that they blew the head of the statue.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look." Wuming smiled.

This time, everyone did not take the Kirin, after all, it was only a few steps away.

A minute later, Wuming and others arrived at the lonely mountain peak and looked at the plant that was emitting green light on the top of the mountain. The plant looked a bit like a pine, but its leaves were of various shapes, and none of the leaves had the same shape.

There is a green fruit growing on the top of the plant. The fruit is emitting green light and something is beating inside.

The four of them reached the top of the peak. Aries Gong, Lin Renmei, and Lucifer all looked at Wuming. Aries Gong asked: "What should we do next?"

"Renmei, your ability to predict is obtained here, and it still has some effect. You can predict what will happen after eating the fruit." Wuming said to Lin Renmei.

Lin Renmei nodded and reached out to touch the fruit. The next moment she frowned slightly and said, "Seize the body?"

"After eating the fruit, his body was taken away?" Aries Palace asked in surprise.

Seizing a body is not something that can be easily accomplished, especially if someone is as powerful as them, and if they want to seize their body, then the soul level must be strong enough.

You must have at least Wuming's soul strength to be able to successfully seize the body.

If there really is an evil soul hidden in this fruit, is the strength of the soul that high?

"What if I eat it?" Wuming smiled.

Lin Renmei held Wuming's hand, touched the fruit with the other hand, and then said: "It seems okay, I saw you giving me a thumbs up."

With the strength of Wuming's soul, it cannot be said that there are no people in the world who can use body seizing on him, but they are also very rare, extremely rare.

Besides, his body is not a big treasure. People who have the ability to seize it will definitely look down on his body, but people who do value his body don't have this ability.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Wuming smiled after getting the answer, then stretched out his hand to pick off the fruit.

When the three of them were puzzled, Wuming took them back to the temple, and then Wuming raised his hand to throw the fruit into the temple.


There was a sound coming from the fruit.

Wuming smiled and said: "Forest God, what's wrong? Are you scared?"

"How do you know me?" the soul in the fruit said in shock.

Wuming narrowed his eyes and said, "Isn't it easy to guess? Although Renmei's soul is not the most powerful, it is not a weak aura either. There are those who have the ability to seize the body... Apart from a few gods, who else is there?"

"It's the God of the Forest? So rubbish?" Aries Palace said in surprise.

Wuming explained: "Actually, it's not very rubbish, it's just that the body is gone, so... well, it's quite rubbish."

"Then the statue in the temple is indeed its body?" Lucifer thought.

Wuming nodded and said: "It should be, but for some unknown reason, its body seemed to be contaminated, so it had no choice but to abandon its body and live on that special plant."

"Now that you have guessed it, what do you want to do?" the forest god asked.

Wuming said calmly: "My request is very simple. I want blessings, otherwise I will throw you in."

"Blessing... with my current ability, I can only bless one of you at most." The forest god said in embarrassment.

Wuming smiled and said: "Just give me your blessing, but if you dare to cut corners or make any small tricks, I will throw you in immediately."


The God of the Forest agreed with some frustration.

If it hadn't been for its head being blown open, because the body was involved with its soul, so that it instinctively emitted spiritual light, and it was well hidden, how could it have been discovered by Wuming and the others.

Under Wuming's coercion, a ball of green light floated out of the fruit, and the next moment a new mark appeared next to the clover mark on the back of Wuming's hand.

Wuming confirmed it and smiled, "Very good, happy cooperation!"

After receiving the blessings of the God of Grassland and the God of Forest, he now only needs the blessings of the God of Volcano, the God of Swamp and the God of Desert.

"Okay, now you can tell me what happened to your body?" Wuming asked.

The God of Forest said stiffly, "I don't know. One day, a terrifying force suddenly came from underground, as if it could destroy everything. Countless plants in the forest withered in an instant. If there is no forest, I, as the God of Forest, will die, so I can only guide this force into my body and then suppress it with divine power.

Unexpectedly, this force is endless, and the power is getting more and more terrible. When I realized that something was wrong, it was difficult to get away. I had no choice but to abandon my body and live in the Soul Nurturing Tree, waiting for a suitable..."

"Suitable body?" Lin Renmei said indifferently.

A embarrassed laugh came from the fruit, and it was obvious that it was indeed ready to take over the body and run away, but it was unwilling to give in, and the temple had not changed, so it had been waiting for the right prey to come with a fluke mentality.

"Wuming, what should we do with it now?" Aries asked.

The God of the Forest quickly said: "Don't kill me, once I die, my body will collapse faster. Without the power sealed in my body, the whole world will be devastated and finally completely collapsed."

After saying this, it looked at everyone uneasily, especially Wuming, for fear that Wuming would throw itself into the temple.

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