I Contracted Myself

【940】Small Treasury

Wuming does not trust the God of the Forest.

In fact, all the gods here are a little weird. Except for Lin Renmei, Aries, and Lucyphile, all the creatures here are not worthy of his trust.

He thought about it, and simply shot a golden light at the fruit, and then said: "Is there a pattern on the surface of the fruit?"

"Yes... yes."

The God of the Forest did not know what Wuming wanted to do, so he hesitated for a while, and finally realized that he was under the eaves, so he had to answer honestly.

"Write it down." Wuming said indifferently.

The God of the Forest immediately realized that there must be something wrong with this pattern, but even if there is a problem... can it refuse it?

It has an intuition that once it refuses Wuming's request, Wuming will definitely throw it into the temple, and then it will be dead.

Although it also considered forging a pattern for a moment to see what Wuming wants to do.

The problem is that it does not know the details of this pattern. What if this is a kind of text it has never seen before, can the forged text deceive Wuming?

Once Wuming's writing system does not have the words it forged, Wuming will be able to see through its tricks in an instant.

After thinking about it, the God of the Forest did not think that Wuming wanted to kill it, at least this pattern was definitely not used to kill the enemy, after all, Wuming had plenty of ways to kill it.

Recognize the master?

Control life and death?

It doesn't seem so unacceptable, after all, its life is now in Wuming's hands.

The God of the Forest brainstormed and finally compromised.

After it wrote the word "sen" on the snow with its mind, Wuming wrote the word "sen", and a golden light popped out again.

Then Wuming's mind moved, and the fruit in his hand immediately turned into a fantasy flower, and there was a round human face in the center of the pistil of the fantasy flower.

"Hahahahaha, hahahaha, that's it." Wuming flipped through the memory of the God of the Forest and couldn't help laughing.

The God of the Grassland, the God of the Forest, the God of the Volcano, the God of the Swamp, the God of the Desert, their original identities were actually the guardians of the God's Treasure House.

Unfortunately, they ended up stealing from the treasure house and used the countless treasures in the treasure house to shape themselves into gods.

But they themselves may not have thought that these treasures themselves actually contained curses. As a result, when Wuming and Wang Zong entered this level, except for the God of the Forest who had left his body before, so he did not become an NPC, the remaining so-called gods all became NPC-like existences.

Wuming looked at the flower transformed by the God of the Forest and said calmly: "No wonder they hold the 'key' to the eighth level. It turns out that they are the gatekeepers themselves."

However, the strengths of the five gatekeepers are not the same.

The strongest is undoubtedly the God of the Grassland. It was very powerful when it was still a gatekeeper. Later, it occupied a large number of treasures and its strength has been growing.

Next is the God of the Volcano, and then the God of the Forest.

Unfortunately, the God of the Forest eventually gave up his body because of the unknown black air, so now it is the weakest existence among all the gatekeepers.

But the ancestors said it well, misfortune is the foundation of blessing, and blessing is the foundation of misfortune.

‏​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎The God of the Forest turned a disaster into a blessing. Instead, because he gave up his body, he became the only living being among all the guards. The remaining guards were actually no different from being dead.

Although he seemed to be alive, he was actually an NPC. He had no self, no thoughts, and only some kind of logic was running.

If it was the original God of the Grassland, Wuming and his friends would challenge him. The God of the Grassland would never give out rewards. It would be good if he didn't shoot them to death.

It was through the comparison of the memory of the God of the Forest that Wuming was 100% sure that the God of the Grassland was not the original God of the Grassland, and he deduced the true state of the God of the Grassland at once.

Next, Wuming told Lin Renmei and others the information he had obtained. Lin Renmei asked, "The temple of the God of the Forest is poor and empty. Doesn't it occupy any treasures?"

"This guy is cunning. Those treasures have long been scattered by it. The weapons we got before were actually hidden by it." Wuming explained.

When the God of the Forest realized that he could not withstand the erosion of the black air, he first transferred the treasures, and finally escaped with his soul.

According to its original idea, after it found a suitable body and completed the possession, it would collect all the treasures again, and finally use these resources to pile up its new body. Even if it could not reach the strength of the original body, it would be almost the same and would not be much weaker than the original body.

Unfortunately, it met Wuming and his friends before it found the perfect body, and eventually became Wuming's prisoner.

After Wuming explained clearly, he took the three people away from the Snow Mountain. A few minutes later, they came to a cave. Thunder was heard from time to time in the cave. The three people present knew that it was not real thunder, but the breathing of some monster.

"There is a thunder bear in this cave. The forest god hid the treasure right below where it sleeps. Anyone who wants to get that treasure must first deal with the thunder bear." Wuming introduced.

Aries rolled up his sleeves and smiled, "It's just a bear, leave it to me."

He walked into the cave, and a moment later there was a terrifying thunder, followed by a crackling sound, and after a while there was a muffled groan.

"Even the Aries Dome is used." Lucyphile said in surprise.

Wuming smiled and said: "The thunder bear itself is nothing, but this thunder bear sleeps on a pile of treasures all year round, so it is much stronger than ordinary thunder bears. If Aries is careless, he will definitely suffer."

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎After a while, Aries walked out with a sheep and said: "This thunder bear is really powerful. It is the first time I have encountered such a meaty thunder bear."

"Where's the treasure?" Lucifer asked.

Aries smiled and said: "I haven't taken it out yet. Of course, this thing will be interesting if everyone looks at it together."

"Okay, let's go in and take a look." Wuming said casually.

However, the smell of Thunder Bear's cave is quite extraordinary and has great stamina.

Wuming had already expected it, so he blocked his breathing. After a few steps, the two women's colors changed slightly, and they used their abilities to block the smell.

Noticing Wuming's snickering, Lin Renmei kicked Wuming's butt angrily, and Wuming immediately walked two steps faster with a smile on his face.

Everyone came to the place where Thunder Bear was sleeping. Aries slapped his palm, and a big hole was swept out of the ground. Then he lightly swept it a few times with his cotton palm, and a box that could isolate most of the breath appeared on the ground. In front of everyone.

Opening the box, all kinds of gold and silver jewelry suddenly burst into bright light, and the originally dark cave suddenly became splendid.

These accessories were all extraordinary, and the strong energy fluctuations were like wind that continuously impacted everyone, causing the hair of Wuming and others to float.

"It's a good thing that it can maintain this level of fluctuation even when it's ownerless." Aries exclaimed.

Who knows how long these treasures have been there, but the weapons that Lenovo obtained before would probably have become a pile of scrap metal if not for the sacrifice of the forest dragon lizard. From this, we can infer how powerful these things are. After all, this It should be a treasure from the same period.

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