I Contracted Myself

【941】Treasure Sharing Conference

Generally, natural treasures have various advantages and disadvantages.

If they are artificially forged, they often pay attention to the retention and packaging of energy. A weapon or equipment can be kept intact for dozens of cosmic eras in a specific environment.

But natural treasures are different. They are born and raised by nature. Some come from the Big Bang, some from the collision of stars, and some from the tree-like universe, sublimated after penetrating layers of worlds.

Many of them are not even as good as the weapons and equipment that refiners and forgers have deliberately made, but some are far more perfect, more powerful, and more incredible than artificial ones.

However, most natural treasures do not pay attention to the retention of energy, that is, their magic will be lost over time, and finally they will turn back into ordinary substances, or even return to dust.

‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‎‏‏‏Because of this, most spiritual natural treasures will look for their owners. Once they are recognized by them, they will do their best to assist each other. After all, the better the owner, the better they can be.

Wuming and the others came out of the bear cave, found a clean place to sit down, and then began to identify the ornaments in the box.

Thirty percent of the ornaments in the box are natural ornaments, and some are artificially forged ornaments. Some of the ornaments at the bottom have even become completely mundane. If they were not made of gold, they would have decayed long ago.

Wuming flipped through it, then took out a ring, and smiled after identifying it: "Aries, this thing is quite suitable for you, take a look."

"Oh, suitable for me?"

Aries took the ring, and he did not identify it, but directly wore it on his thumb.

The next moment, he showed a look of surprise and smiled: "It really suits me, the flow of star power is more stable."

As he spoke, he slowly made a swinging motion with his hand, and the invisible star power changed unpredictably with the swing of his arm.

The effect of this ring is to increase star power and enhance the control of star power. At the same time, it also has the effect of accelerating the recovery of star power. It is very suitable for constellation life like Aries.

In fact, Aries is very strong, so strong that ordinary equipment has no effect on him.

It was a great surprise that this ring could still work on him. He was not like Wuming who had unlimited light element energy as a foundation and could squander energy at will.

In fact, he would still pay attention to the flow and output of his own energy when fighting, but these details would often be hidden under his rich combat experience, and it was extremely difficult for ordinary people to detect the fluctuations of his star power.

In addition, he himself had a very solid foundation, and most battles could not detect his limits.

Wuming then handed another necklace to Lucyphile and said with a smile: "Take a look and see if it suits you."

"Wuming, what do you think is a better name for this ring?" Aries gently rubbed the ring with his fingers, glanced at the necklace in Lucyphile's hand, and then asked.

Wuming suggested while identifying the jewelry: "Ram Ring?"

"..." Aries looked at Wuming speechlessly.

Wuming put a bracelet back into the box and complained: "It's your own ring, you can name it yourself."

"Okay, then call it the Star Power Ring." Bai‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏‏Aries said.

Lucifer smiled and said, "This necklace really suits me, thank you."

The necklace she got looks a bit like a pearl necklace, but in fact these beads are not pearls, but an extremely rare magic core bead.

Each magic core bead can store a 260-level magic and release it instantly when necessary.

For skill storage items, the only price indicator is the skill level that can be stored. Most skill storage items on the market can only store skills below level 100 at most, and for skills above level 100, the price doubles for every additional level.

Lucifer remembers that the most expensive skill storage item was a bracelet sold at the Dragon Clan Auction House more than a thousand years ago. That bracelet could store a 230-level skill, and in the end the bracelet was auctioned off by a regional controller for 5.7 billion resource coins.

In fact, most of these items are used to save the lives of future generations, so they are very expensive.

The necklace Lucifer got was even more terrifying, because in addition to the magic core bead, its pendant was a teardrop-shaped red gem, which had an amplification effect.

The stored magic can be increased from level 260 to level 270. Although only one magic can be increased each time it is charged, it is already quite amazing.

Because this means that Lucyphile herself can use this equipment, so it is not something for the younger generation.

Finally, this necklace is very expensive, so expensive that Lucyphile is hard to estimate its value.

Next, Wuming handed Lin Renmei a bracelet. The function of this bracelet is relatively pure. It can accumulate the reaction force that falls on itself during normal combat.

For example, Lin Renmei's normal punch attack is 100, so if the power is accumulated and released, Lin Renmei's punch attack can reach 200.

Sometimes, the simpler, the more terrifying.

Aries and Lucyphile both know how strong Lin Renmei's punch is. If it is doubled, no one present dares to take Lin Renmei's fist head-on.

"Okay, I'll choose this badge, and I'll sort out the rest slowly when I go back." Wuming smiled while holding a badge after the division of the spoils.

Aries asked curiously: "What is the use of this badge?"

"This is a good question!"

Wuming immediately stood up, then took a few steps back, and then pinned the badge on his left chest.

He looked at the three people with a serious face. The three people frowned slightly and looked at him curiously.


Wuming suddenly shouted, and the badge immediately burst into brilliant light.

In the light, Wuming's body turned into golden energy, and then reconstructed under the effect of the badge. In just a few seconds, the light dispersed, and a knight in golden armor appeared in front of the three people.

"Is it handsome?"

Wuming held a golden two-handed sword and asked proudly at the three people.

"So handsome!"

Aries' eyes have golden light, he likes golden things, otherwise the armor he usually wears would not be golden.

However, the two women were calmer. Lin Renmei asked: "What is the use of this armor?"

"After the transformation, can the original ability still be used?" Lucyphil asked.

Wuming said proudly: "The defense of this armor is... average, probably useless, and as for the original ability... it can't be used."

"Rubbish!" Lin Renmei commented.

Lucyphile agreed: "Rubbish!"

"But it's handsome, being strong is a matter of version, being handsome is lifelong!" Wuming said excitedly.

Aries raised his hand and asked: "I have a question, you transformed, did the Seven Dreams of Floating Life close?"

"Yes." Wuming nodded.

Aries sighed: "It's true."


The next moment, a terrifying black gas erupted in the distance.

Wang Zong's voice came from a very far distance, still like a shock wave that shattered countless trees, flowers and plants.

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