I Contracted Myself

【942】Handsome Badge

In the same forest area, Wuming had already noticed Wang Zong not long after leaving the Snow Mountain Temple.

It's just that in everyone's mind, Wang Zong is no longer something to be afraid of, so they don't care about Wang Zong. Instead, they plan to hunt for treasure first, and then solve Wang Zong's problem after the treasure hunt is over.

After all, Wang Zong is no longer a problem.

It's just that Aries Gong, Lin Renmei, and Lucy Phil didn't expect Wuming to cancel the effect of Seven Dreams in order to transform. Wouldn't this be a trick to his teammates?

This distance is basically equivalent to face to face for everyone.

In an instant, Wang Zong appeared in the air, glaring at Wuming with murderous eyes. Wuming was wearing a golden armor. At this time, he put on a handsome boy's posture and said with a smile: "Oh, it's Wang Zong, why are you always angry? If you are angry, you will grow old quickly and you will not be handsome!"

However, Wang Zong didn't say anything. In the next second, he clenched his fist and was about to attack Wuming.

But...the most terrible thing happened.

Wuming burst out laughing. Wang Zong froze in mid-air, still maintaining his punching posture. Aries Gong, Lin Renmei, and Lucy Phil all looked puzzled.

"Wu Ming, you lied to me again. The Seven Dreams of the Floating Life have not been resolved at all, right?" Aries Palace said angrily.

Wuming laughed for a while and explained: "I'm not lying to you, the Seven Dreams of the Floating Life really haven't been activated, but... Wang Zong thinks I'm handsome!"


Aries Gong, Lin Renmei, and Lucy Phil were suddenly filled with questions.

At this time, Wuming explained: "This badge is actually a husky among the wolves. It is not a natural treasure at all, but a magical prop, and its name is... Handsome Guy Badge!"

Then he explained the function of the handsome boy badge to the three of them:


Handsome guy badge

Durability: 10/10

Magical attribute: [Handsome Knight] After using the badge, you transform into a handsome knight. You cannot use your own abilities, but if the target thinks you are handsome, you can transform the target into a 'little brother' for 24 hours.

Note: Armor is always a man’s romance!


After understanding the function of the handsome boy badge, Aries Gong, Lin Renmei, and Lucy Phil all looked at Wang Zong in the air with strange eyes.

"There must be something wrong with this guy's aesthetics." Aries complained.

Wuming looked at Aries Gong. Aries Gong felt guilty and quickly raised his hands in surrender and said, "Okay, I admit that I also think your armor is very handsome."


Lin Renmei and Lucy Phil looked at the two helplessly, and finally said nothing.

The main reason is that the handsome guy badge's judgment of handsomeness is actually a bit disgusting. As long as you think you are a little bit good-looking, you will be classified as handsome.

Beauty is in the eyes of beholder.

At least Lin Renmei was sure that she might not be immune to the effects of the handsome boy badge.

Wuming waved at this time: "Come down, come down."

In the air, Wang Zong immediately moved. He quickly fell to the ground and looked at Wuming with a disgusting look, just like a younger brother seeing his elder brother, his eyes were either flattering or flattering.

"Brother, please come and listen!" Wuming walked up to Wang Zong and patted Wang Zong on the shoulder.

Wang Zong immediately said loudly: "Hello, big brother!"

"‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎The ability of this badge is disgusting." Lucy Phil complained.

She has seen a lot of abilities such as controlling others and changing personalities. For example, Wuming Wuming is one of them. But this is the first time she has seen people become so twisted and disgusting after controlling them.

For those who didn’t know better, they thought Wang Zong was gay.

On the contrary, Aries said with envy: "At least this ability is really easy to use, and the armor on Wuming's body is really handsome."

This armor is not designed for fighting, it is designed entirely to look good and look cool. There are many details that women may not find attractive, but they will definitely make boys scream.

From the perspective of Aries, the ability of this badge can kill most men.

Because with just a moment of "handsomeness", Wuming can turn his target into a younger brother, which is simply a bug-like existence.

"Okay, let's keep going. The Forest God has several treasures waiting for us." Wuming said with a smile after having enough fun with Wang Zong.

Wang Zong immediately opened the way in front of Wuming, wearing armor and swaggering forward. Aries Palace complained: "Until Wuming gets enough of this armor, let's leave it like this."


Lin Renmei and Lucy Phil looked at each other, and finally sighed.

Men can be serious when they are serious, but when they are childish... they are really too childish.

In the forest, a chameleon quickly climbed from one end of the branch to the other, and the color of its skin slowly changed from dark green to light green.

Its eyes twisted left and right, and a muscular man approaching was reflected in its pupils.

Wang Zong was like a dog-legger, walking in front with a swagger, as if he would say to everyone he met, "My eldest brother is Wuming, Wuming is my eldest brother."

Fortunately, there was no one else in the forest area, so he could only stay quiet along the way.

Wuming walked behind Wang Zong, making strange poses from time to time, as if showing off his armor. His childish behavior made the two women roll their eyes.

Of course, they all actually saw that Wuming was not posing for no reason, but met some animals and posed to those animals with the intention of turning the animals into little brothers.

It's just that the aesthetics of animals are so different from the aesthetics of humans. No matter what kind of posture Wuming poses, he has not been able to attract an animal so far.

"Aries, come here." Wuming said at this time.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Aries walked up lazily and asked: "What are you doing? If you ask me if you are handsome, my answer is handsome, really. You are so handsome, you must be the most handsome in the world..."

"No, I mean, please help me light it up." Wuming quickly interrupted Aries Palace's spell-casting rhythm and said.


Aries Gong looked at Wuming's shining golden armor and immediately understood Wuming's intention.

He let out a long sigh, and the next moment his eyes shot out two golden lights. He shook his head and said loudly: "Okay, then let's shine!"

Golden light shot everywhere, hitting Wuming's body, making the armor on Wuming's body shine even more.

"The light is not enough, make it shine brighter!" Wuming said loudly.

At the same time, he looked back at Lin Renmei. Lin Renmei froze for a moment, then stepped forward helplessly, gathering the biological force field with her hands, instantly simulating the biological force field of fireflies, and her two hands emitted bright white light.

"Fei'er, let's play together!!!"

Wuming put on an awkward pose that even JOJO couldn't do, and then looked at Lucifer.


Lucifer's expression changed. This was not in line with her character.

But in front of friends, you can't always keep it...

never mind.

Lucifer reluctantly activated her magic, and a colorful ball of light appeared instantly. She held the ball of light and moved towards it.

Suddenly, the four groups of people danced wildly, radiating light...

As they moved, light was projected from time to time in the forest. The flickering light moved slowly, and all kinds of animals were jumping around for a while.

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