I Contracted Myself

【943】Seven days and seven days

Wuming has considered ending it all and just dying.

The torture of the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower is far more terrible than what Aries and the others have seen. If it weren't for Lin Renmei and the others' call, Wuming might have died under the test of the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower.

Coming back to life, Wuming is like getting a new life.

The Seven Dreams of Floating Life makes him almost invincible, but in fact he doesn't care. No matter how powerful his ability is, it is just an ability after all. What he cares about is whether the time he spends with everyone is happy and whether he can leave more beautiful memories.

In the past, he would want to save face and maintain some of his "personality" in front of his friends.

The reliable president of the Council of All Heavens, the kind captain of the rescue team, the strong man who is powerful but willing to help others...

Although he will also make trouble, there are limits to his nonsense, just like the occasional indulgence of adults, even if he indulges, he indulges in restraint.

But now he can indulge without restraint, because he has suffered enough, and now he just wants pure happiness.

It has nothing to do with interests, face, or identity...

Half an hour later.

The five people came to a huge rock. Wuming pointed at the rock and said, "The treasure is in the rock, but if you split it forcibly, the treasure will be destroyed."

"I can go through the rock, I'll take it!" Aries said with golden eyes and shaking his head.

Wuming reached out and grabbed Aries' hand, stopping him and said, "There is a seal on this stone. It's not a correct spell. Once the seal is touched, the treasure inside will still self-destruct."

"Then how can we get the treasure?" Lin Renmei asked.

As she spoke, she pressed her glowing palm to Lucyphil's face. Lucyphil avoided it with disdain, and then she swung her hand, and the light ball immediately floated towards Lin Renmei.

Lin Renmei used her forehead to push the light ball back to Lucyphil. Lucyphil smiled mischievously and hit the light ball at the back of Wuming's head.

"Most people would never think of this... Ouch." Wuming was about to say the method when he was hit by a ball of light on the back of his head. The ball of light was quite hard and made a clanging sound when it hit the armor.

Wuming fell to the ground and pretended to be knocked unconscious.

"Uh... I feel dizzy. Where is this place? Who am I?" Then he pretended to open his eyes and said in a confused tone.

Aries smiled evilly: "Are you awake? This is my territory, and you are my lackey!"

"Okay, stop playing, take your things and leave." Lin Renmei scolded with a smile.

Wuming stood up, looked at Aries, and said: "Use the simplest hole-opening technique to open a hole at this position. Don't make a mistake in the position. If you make a mistake, your things will be gone."

"Here? Don't make a mistake, otherwise if your things are gone, don't blame me." Aries walked to the boulder and looked at Wuming suspiciously.

Wuming nodded and said: "Don't worry, it's at this position."

As he spoke, he simply drew a circle on the boulder.

Aries immediately used the hole-opening technique on the circle. This spell is very basic. For the strong, there is no need to learn it. They can imitate it with just one look.

But this spell has a long history, and the inventor is no longer traceable. Now this spell is not used for fighting, but for opening canals and the like. It is considered a life spell.

‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‎‏‎No one would have thought that the forest god would set a seal on the boulder, and only the hole-opening technique could open it.

After all, who would be so bored as to open a hole in a boulder, and it must be in a specific position to be useful.

After the hole-opening technique was successful, golden light shot out from the hole.

Wuming reached into the hole and then took out a bottle of pills. He opened the pills and smelled them, then handed them to Aries and said, "Look, what kind of medicine is this."

"It tastes a bit like ginseng, but it also has a taste of birthday fruit. I don't know." Aries thought about it and finally shook his head.

Then he handed the bottle to Lin Renmei, who didn't smell it, but directly handed it to Lucyphile.

Lin Renmei asked herself that she certainly didn't know about the elixir that Wuming didn't know.

"Is there no relevant information in the memory of the God of the Forest?" Lucyphile sniffed it and asked.

Wuming continued to dig things out of the cave. He answered while groping: "No, these elixirs were all robbed by him, and he himself didn't know what they were for."

When the five guards seized the treasure, each guard was worried that the other guards would attack him, so they all grabbed what they could and raced against time to get the good things.

As for what good things were, they had no time to distinguish them at that time.

"Then let's identify them." Lucyphile said.

Weapons and jewelry can be identified, and elixirs can also be identified.

Wuming nodded and said, "Take out all the things first."

He handed the things to Aries, originally wanting to be lazy and see if Aries and the others recognized them. If they did, he wouldn't have to do anything unnecessary.

Now that no one knows these pills, the only thing left is identification.

Next, bottles of various shapes were taken out one by one. Wuming discovered that the forest god valued these pills the most. Not only did he set up barriers and seals, but each bottle also had a lot of restrictions added to prevent the loss of medicinal power.

It is precisely because of these restrictions that these pills can remain intact after such a long time.

After all the pills were taken out, everyone sat down and began to identify these pills.

It is worth mentioning that they did not sit on the grass in place. When Aries sat down, a cotton candy-like nebula naturally appeared under his buttocks. Lin Renmei sat on a chair, and Lucy Phil sat on a bubble.

Only Wuming could only sit on the ground because he was wearing handsome armor.

There are pros and cons.

Although the handsome badge is very effective, it also makes a lot of his messy abilities unusable.

"Okay, let's identify the pills in this bottle first." Wuming picked and chose, and finally took a square bottle in his hand.

There are exactly four pills in this bottle. If they are good things, they will digest them directly, and there is no need to worry about not enough.

After a while, Wuming put the pill bottle on the ground and said: "Seven-day death pill, you will definitely not die within seven days after taking it, but after seven days... you will definitely die."

"What if you take another pill within seven days?" Aries asked curiously.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then add another seven days. Unless you have an endless supply of Seven-Day Death Pills, you will die when you finish taking the pills."

"Actually, this pill is quite famous, but not many people have seen it." Lucyphile smiled.

She picked up the pill and looked at it, saying, "When I was a child, my grandfather told me a story about an alchemist who was about to die. In order to avoid death, he refined a large number of Seven-Day Death Pills in the last few hundred years. He took the pills on the day of his death and survived for hundreds of years with the help of the pills."

"Then how did he die? Did he run out of pills?" Lin Renmei asked.

Lucyphile smiled and said, "He was tired of it and would rather die than take the Seven-Day Death Pills again."

"Ah, this..."

No one expected such an answer.

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