I Contracted Myself

【944】Schrödinger's father

I would rather die than eat it.

How bad is this Seven Days Death Pill?

Aries was a little curious about the taste of the Seven Days Death Pill, and asked: "Is it true that there is no hope after taking the Seven Days Death Pill?"

"Actually, it is not certain to die. The simplest way is to find related magical props, or treasures from the Shenzang Trial, such as props that can remove the negative effects of any pill, or props that guarantee that you will not die, which can solve the problem of the Seven Days Death Pill." Lucy Phil said.

Aries said helplessly: "This kind of prop is not so easy to find."

Although there are a lot of magical props recently, that is because the Bison ruins and the Lost Gate have opened, but it was actually difficult to find this kind of props in the past.

Every holder of the treasure of the Shenzang Trial will not easily tell others the purpose.

Therefore, it is actually very difficult to find a prop specifically for the Seven Days Death Pill, which is much more difficult than finding a planet like the earth in the vast universe.

At this time, Wuming identified another bottle of pills. There were six pills in this bottle. After he identified them, he put them on the ground and said with a smile: "Blood Return Pill, after taking it, you can follow the blood and obtain one or two blood abilities from your ancestors. Of course... if you are unlucky, your body may have some alienation problems."

"What alienation problems?" Aries asked.

Wuming replied: "For example, Aries, your ancestor is a mouse, and you didn't get any blood ability in the end, then the result may be that your sheep head becomes a mouse head."

"Sorry, I probably don't have ancestors, I am the only one." Aries said with a smile without panic.

Strictly speaking, if Aries has descendants, then he is the ancestor of the bloodline, just like Sun Wukong jumped out of the stone. If there are descendants, at most they can only be traced back to Sun Wukong's generation, and there are no other ancestors above.

"Then this pill should be useless to you. I, Renmei, and Fei'er will each take one, and the rest will be sold for cents when we go back." Wuming said with a smile.

Although you can take many Bloodline Reversion Pills in a row, the first one has the best effect, and the more you take, the greater the risk. You may turn into a rat head or your hands into claws at any minute.

However, the Bloodline Reversion Pill does not actually extract the reversion gene from the blood of the user to give the user power. It is more like using the blood of the user as a primer to communicate time and space and draw power from time and space. Therefore, even if the ancestor gave birth to offspring and then gained power later, this power can still be inherited by the offspring through the Bloodline Reversion Pill.

"Who will go first?" Wuming poured out a pill, looked at Lin Renmei, and then looked at Lucy Phil.

Lin Renmei said, "Let me do it. I am curious about what abilities my ancestors can give me."

She reached out and pinched the pill, calmly put it in her mouth, and after swallowing it, she carefully sensed the changes in her body.


Suddenly, she felt as if her soul was grabbed by a hand and pulled back frantically.

Countless figures appeared around, most of them were dull and ordinary, but some were slightly brighter, as if there was a breath of air coming out of them.

"What's the point of being proud when going with the flow? Only when going against the flow can you show your true colors."

"Today, the safety of Mingzhu City is in your hands, brothers, kill!"

Suddenly, a golden figure roared deafeningly, holding a spear and counterattacking the alien beasts that attacked the city. After killing countless monsters, the golden figure knelt on the ground and died of exhaustion.

Lin Renmei blinked, was that her ancestor?

At this time, a piece of golden powder peeled off from the figure, floating like particles, and instantly merged into her body. A golden light flashed in her eyes, and she gained a power from her blood.

Gun Soul, when using weapons such as spears, can achieve the unity of man and weapon.

An ability that is better than nothing.

But Lin Renmei felt the unyielding will from her ancestors.

This will is very warm, because its core is protection, because there are relatives to protect and homes to protect, so they are unyielding, so they can fight to the death without regrets.

"This information must be brought back to the capital no matter what."

"Damn rebels!!!"

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly another golden figure appeared.

This is a woman, she was covered with scars, running wildly in the wilderness, and there was an endless stream of pursuers behind her.

In the end, she was killed by a pursuer wearing an iron mask.

One night later.

Someone found the woman's body, and suddenly the woman said: "Prince Jing'an intends to rebel, and the evidence is under the mountain."

The picture freezes.

The golden powder peeled off the woman's body and gradually floated to Lin Renmei's body. In an instant, Lin Renmei knew what kind of ability she had gained.

Golden time.

After being fatally injured, the injury will not worsen within 24 hours.

For example, if someone pierces the heart, under normal circumstances, the person will bleed to death, but with the golden time, the injury will be fixed at that moment and will not worsen.

Lin Renmei's ancestors did not have the ability to heal themselves, so they died in the end.

Lin Renmei has the ability to heal herself, so she can take the opportunity to heal herself and avoid real death.

I have to say, this is a very good ability.

But Lin Renmei pays more attention to the fact that her ancestors are excellent. As she inherited the abilities of her ancestors, she must be even better to be worthy of these abilities.

For Lin Renmei, it seemed like a long time had passed after taking the elixir, but for Wuming and the others, it was just a blink of an eye.

When Lin Renmei opened her eyes, Wuming breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "It's okay. I thought you would grow a pair of horns."

"Did you get any abilities?" Aries asked curiously.

Lin Renmei smiled and said, "I got two good abilities, one is a superpower, and the other... probably the power of the soul."

Gun Soul, although it has the word "soul", is a superpower, which can be upgraded slowly through training.

And the golden time is not a superpower, but a more peculiar power. In the era when Lin Renmei's ancestor lived, superpowers had not yet appeared. She could survive until the next day without dying, which was more of a strong soul.

This ability is very special. Lin Renmei feels that she must study it carefully, and perhaps she can gain more.

"It's great to have ancestors." Aries said enviously.

Wuming smiled and said, "Why don't you recognize me as your godfather? Maybe it will work."

"In terms of age, I am old enough to be your ancestor. Why don't you recognize me as your father?" Aries pretended to be old and said while stroking his non-existent beard.

Wuming thought about it and nodded, "You can try it. I recognize you as my father, and then take the blood return pill. If it works, you can recognize me as your father."


The three of them were speechless after hearing Wuming's words.

PS: I caught a cold. The weather in Guangdong is like a young girl, hot and cold. Straight men like me don't understand, so I am prone to catching a cold.

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