I Contracted Myself

【945】Walk people wherever you can.

This mental state doesn't look normal at all.

Aries complained in his heart, and said calmly: "Then try it first. If it really works, I can call you grandpa."

"Let's try it." Wuming said indifferently.

To be honest, he was very curious whether he was tracing the ancestors of his body before the crossing or the ancestors of his body after the crossing after taking the blood return pill.

He took out a blood return pill, opened the mask of his helmet, put the pill into his mouth and chewed it.


Suddenly, Wuming felt as if his soul was grabbed by a hand and pulled back madly.

Before he could react, he suddenly crashed into the dark "ink". For a moment, the sky was full of flames, and dense alien beasts were chasing a group of fleeing people.

A golden figure stood on a huge rock, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‏He held a flag and waved it madly.

Every time the figure waved the flag, a large amount of black gas would quickly condense into humanoids, and these humanoid creatures would immediately rush towards the alien beasts and fight a desperate battle with them.

Unfortunately, there were too many alien beasts.

Even though the golden figure kept summoning humanoid creatures to fight, it was eventually overwhelmed by the alien beasts.

The golden powder on his body peeled off, and then slowly floated to Wuming's body. At the same time, the surrounding black gas surged wildly and entered his body along with the gold powder.

Superpower: You can summon people wherever you can.

Consume physical strength to condense a flag. All creatures who personally signed their real names on the flag will become summoned beasts, and they can be summoned regardless of distance, life or death.

What an interesting ability!

Wuming opened his eyes and his consciousness had returned to his body.

Obviously, his luck was not as good as Lin Renmei's. He only got one ability from his ancestor.

But this one ability was enough. Anyway, he had too many abilities to use up. Compared to getting a lot of boring abilities, he would rather have an interesting ability.

"How is it, did you get your grandfather's ability?" Aries asked with a smile.

Wuming replied: "Unfortunately, no, I only got one ability. I'm afraid it's up to you to verify the conjecture."

"Forget it, I won't waste the blood return pill, after all, the price of the blood return pill is not cheap." Aries refused decisively.

Wuming gave Aries a middle finger, then looked at Wang Zong and ordered directly: "Wang Zong, go away and play in the mud over there."

"Are you afraid that Wang Zong will hear your ability?" Aries asked.

Wuming shook his head, and when Wang Zong ran a distance, he directly removed the ability of the handsome badge. As the golden armor disappeared, Wang Zong's "little brother status" was also cancelled.


Wang Zong woke up, but the memory of being controlled was still there. He immediately roared and turned around and wanted to run.

He knew very well that since Wuming dared to give up his control over him, he must have other backup plans.

"Wang Zong has really become smarter."

Wuming's eyes penetrated through the layers of trees, glanced at Wang Zong who was standing still, and then said to Aries and others.

As soon as the younger brother's state was lifted, Wang Zong immediately fell into the state of the Seven Dreams of Floating Life. Now Wang Zong thought he was running at high speed, but in fact he was standing still.

Wuming ignored Wang Zong, and a large amount of black air appeared in his hand in an instant. These ‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎black air quickly condensed into a flag.

"This is the ability I got from my blood. Strictly speaking, this flag is called the Nether Mist Contract Flag, but I think it sounds better to call it the Waving Flag." Wuming introduced.

Then, he told everyone about the ability of the Waving Flag.

In fact, after learning about the ability of the Waving Flag, he felt that blood might really have some strange effects on superpowers. The ability of the contract gem may not be just the crystallization of personal will, but may also be affected by blood.

This is not surprising.

Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mice's sons can dig holes.

In fact, everyone is more or less affected by blood, and their appearance, personality, and voice will be similar to their parents and ancestors.

To be honest, Wuming did not expect that his ancestors had already been connected with the dark fog, and their abilities were not weak.

If he had traveled through time and had the ability of waving people instead of the contract gem, he would not know what the situation would be like now.

"Come, write your name."

Wuming put the waving people flag in front of Aries and said directly.

"It won't be a problem, right? I always feel that you want to trick me." Aries looked at Wuming suspiciously and said half-believingly.

Wuming smiled and said, "I want to mess with you, the seven dreams of floating life are enough, is it necessary to go through so much trouble?"


Aries thought it was right, so he signed his name on the waving people flag.

Then, Wuming waved the flag, and Aries immediately felt a summoning force in the dark. He was immediately covered by the dark fog as soon as he thought about it, and appeared on the other side of Wuming in a blink of an eye.

"That's it?" He looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, isn't that enough?"

"Your ability is too rubbish." Aries complained.

Lin Renmei said calmly, "The disadvantages do exist. If the summoned person doesn't want to be summoned, this ability is basically useless."

In her opinion, this ability is much more difficult to develop than the contract gem. Maybe in the early stage, it will be regarded as a hope for resurrection at most, if the flag can really summon the dead.

"A superpower with only one level can summon Aries. Don't you think it's amazing?" Wuming saw that everyone was not optimistic about this ability, and couldn't help but defend it.

Aries retorted: "That's because you are the user. You can try it with an ordinary person."

A dagger, a master's move is deadly, but ordinary people can only use it to cut fruit.

Although the level of the flag waver is low, Wuming's own level is high.

This is also the real reason why the flag waver can shake Aries. Ordinary people don't have this ability. If they really force the summoning, they will only drain themselves in an instant.

"Okay, then it's Fei'er's turn next." Wuming threw the flag and then looked at Lucy Phil.

Lucy Phil nodded and said, "Well, come on, my ancestors should be pretty good, maybe I can get one or two useful bloodline abilities."

Her parents are not ordinary people, and their bloodlines are very excellent.

This kind of excellent bloodline often has even better ancestors. It can be said that among the four people present, the bloodline return pill is the most helpful to her.

Under the gaze of Wuming, Lin Renmei and Aries, Lucy Phil took the bloodline return pill, and the next moment she entered the "time tunnel" that Wuming and Lin Renmei had experienced.

"Wuming, let's bet and guess how many abilities Fei'er can get." Aries took out the wine and meat and said while eating.

Wuming took out chopsticks and grabbed a piece of meat, took a bite, and said: "Then I guess two, but what's the benefit of guessing right?"

"If you guess right, I will give you a secret skill. If I guess right, you and I will go to a place later." Aries said with a smile.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's a deal."

"Then I guess one, Fei'er only gets one skill." Aries smiled confidently.

At this time, Lucy Phil slowly opened her eyes, and there was a faint shadow of the phoenix behind her making a flying action.

PS: Forgive others when you can.

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