I Contracted Myself

【946】Game rules

The true meaning of immortality.

Lucifer only got one bloodline ability.

But this bloodline ability directly turned her into the world's leading big nurse.

The ability of the true meaning of immortality is very simple, that is, when Lucifer wants to treat the target, all abilities will be transformed into healing abilities.

Lightning, fire, ice cones...

All abilities hit the target and all become immortal power.

Even if the target is dead, as long as there is a trace of life in the body, Lucifer can heal the target back.

This is quite abnormal. With her existence, it is really difficult for the friendly to die. In addition, her own vitality is extremely strong, and she has the innate ability of the mirage bird to die and welcome the song of life. Even if others want to kill her first and then kill the friendly, it is very difficult.

"‏​​‎​‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ too strong, but why is there only one ability?" Wuming asked after understanding Lucifer's ability.

Lucyphile said calmly: "Because the potency of the medicine is not enough for me to get a second ability."

"Hiss, Aries, you are playing tricks on me!"

Wuming reacted immediately, took a breath, and stared at Aries and said.

Just now they made a bet, Wuming considered that Lucyphile's bloodline was very excellent, so he guessed two abilities. Who knew that it was because of the excellent bloodline that Lucyphile took a bloodline return pill, and the potency of the pill was not enough for her to get a second ability.

Aries obviously guessed this, so he deliberately made a bet with him.

"Hahahaha, you didn't react yourself, blame me?" Aries immediately mocked.

Lin Renmei said at this time: "Okay, stop playing around, and take all the treasures while walking. Are we going to the temple of the God of Volcano or other temples?"

"First find the God of Swamp, then the God of Volcano, and finally the God of Desert." Wuming was interrupted by Lin Renmei, so he didn't hold on to the matter anymore. He thought about it and gave an answer.

Next to the forest area is the swamp area, and across the swamp area is the volcanic area, and on the other side of the volcanic area is the desert area.

They just need to follow the road.

"Then let's go." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming nodded, packed up his things, summoned Qilin, and began to collect the remaining treasures of the God of the Forest. In fact, most of the remaining treasures are things that Wuming and his friends can't use, so they are ranked at the back by Wuming. It doesn't matter whether they take them or not.

But it's better to have them than not, and they can't use them.

In the end, the four of them spent a day and finally took out the treasures hidden by the God of the Forest one by one, sorted them out, and prepared to sell them when they went back.

"Don't kill Wang Zong?" Aries asked.

Wuming smiled and said, "Maybe he is still useful. Anyway, he can't run away after falling into my hands."

Now he can use Wuming to control Wang Zong in a minute, but doing so may cause unknown dangers, so he plans to consider whether to control Wang Zong on the eighth floor.

Although Wang Zong has always lost to him, Wang Zong is actually very strong and is fully qualified as a thug.

Since waste can be reused, there is no need to destroy it.


Swamp area.

Because Wuming stole a lot of natural treasures, the battle between monsters has not subsided yet.

Qilin walked all night and finally arrived at the swamp area when the sun rose the next day. Wuming ate fruit while controlling the Wanfa Hummingbird to fly around. In the blink of an eye, the Wanfa Hummingbird was eaten by various monsters.

In this way, the Wanfa Hummingbird should not be considered killed by him. I wonder if the Wanfa Hummingbird will appear tomorrow.

The temple of the God of the Swamp is probably the most ostentatious building.

Wuming didn't pay attention before, but now he only needs to pay a little attention to find clues of the temple.

The temple of the swamp god is a snake, a big snake statue made of rock. The huge snake body is almost entwined in the entire swamp, but part of the body is sunk under the swamp, and part of the body is exposed on the surface, so if you don't look carefully, you can't really see that they are a whole.

Qilin jumped onto one of the sections of the snake and walked along the snake body. Through the ups and downs of the swamp, he slowly saw the huge snake head in the dense woods.

On the top of the snake head is a temple. This temple is not particularly large, but it is much better than the temple of the forest god. Wuming guessed that the temple of the forest god is probably the worst of all temples.

A few minutes later, Qilin came to the snake head and stopped in front of the temple.

There is no human-shaped statue in the temple. Instead, a snake is entwined in the center of the hall, with scorpions on one side and centipedes on the other.

"I'll go in and take a look!"

Aries looked and said.

These "gods" who stayed in the temple have become NPC-like existences. The rules in the temple are equivalent to the rules of the game. Compared to letting Wuming go on an adventure, Aries felt that it was more appropriate for him to go on his own.

He walked into the temple, and a green circle immediately appeared under his feet. When he saw the circle, he naturally understood the rules and said, "Fei'er, come in. Wuming and Renmei are waiting outside."

Lucy Phil hurried into the temple, and a white circle appeared under his feet.

The two of them got close, and the circles canceled each other out.

At this time, the God of the Swamp moved.

‏​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Its eyes gradually burned with green flames, and its body seemed to come alive, and it said: "Only the wise can be blessed."

The scorpion on the side began to explain the rules.

The Swamp God will randomly poison Aries. Lucyphile needs to think of a way to detoxify within an hour, and collect the detoxifying herbs to finally detoxify Aries.

If the detoxification fails, Aries will die.

"So, come on." Aries said after listening to the rules.

The Swamp God opened his mouth and spit out a green breath directly at Aries. Aries groaned and immediately sat on the ground, silently fighting against the poison.

"Give me your hand!" Lucyphile said.

Aries immediately handed her hand to Lucyphile. Lucyphile activated her ability, trying to use the power of healing to fight against the poison, but soon she found that the two forces were like walking on two completely unrelated parallel lines, and her ability could not detoxify.

"That is Prajna Jealousy Dew, which requires Qingxin Lotus, Dilong Gen, and Shura Tears to detoxify." Wuming said at this time.

Many green patterns have appeared on Aries' face. Through these patterns, Wuming guessed what poison the Swamp God used.

"Shall we help too?" Lin Renmei said.

Lucy Phil has already rushed out of the temple to collect materials. If they join in, it will undoubtedly shorten the time.

However, Wuming shook his head and said, "Don't, if we intervene and violate the rules of the game, it will be troublesome. Let's wait and see."

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