I Contracted Myself

【948】Crack and reward

It is said to be a poisonous insect, but its ingredients are actually very complex.

Among them are venomous snakes, rats, centipedes, scorpions, spiders, toads, geckos, wasps, and many poisons that do not exist on earth, such as phantom spiders, cow ants, locusts, tartars, apis worms, ghost butterflies... …

There are even many poisons that are nameless.

Although these poisons are very weak, no one knows what kind of poison they possess. Under the rules of the game, a specific antidote must be used to detoxify. Once two people are poisoned, it will be troublesome.

Wuming glanced around the sea of ​​poisonous insects and couldn't tell which one was special. In other words, he looked at each one and felt like a fool.

"Renmei, can your ability to predict fools be used to identify fools?" Wuming thought for a while and asked.

Lin Renmei said seriously: "It's difficult. There are too many poisonous insects. If we screen them one by one, we probably won't be able to screen them all in hundreds of years."

It is conservatively estimated that the number of poisonous insects in the temple is between 50 million and 100 million. The space of the temple actually changed when the test began, and there were no traces of poisonous insects in the darkness. Know how many poisonous insects are hiding there.

Lin Renmei doesn't think using precognition to identify is a good method.


Wuming suddenly realized that poisonous insects were like thousands of worries to fools, and they seemed to be thousands of worries to them.

It's just that wise men and fools think in different directions.

Wuming suddenly laughed out loud.

"What's wrong?" Lin Renmei asked.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's true that a wise man will always make mistakes. It's interesting. This level is really interesting."

"It seems that Wuming has thought of the answer?" Aries Palace asked standing outside the door.

Wuming nodded, and the next moment he turned around sharply, two Titan hands appeared instantly. Before the centipede statue could react, the two big hands slapped it directly from top to bottom. The centipede statue was immediately hit in the front, and its body was torn apart.

From beginning to end, the presence of this centipede statue is very low.

The Swamp God is responsible for setting the questions, the Scorpion is responsible for explaining the rules, and what about the Centipede?

It is completely useless and seems like unnecessary decoration.

When Wuming realized that the Sea of ​​Poisonous Insects might just be the Sea of ​​Poisonous Insects, he set his sights on the statue of the Swamp God, the statue of the scorpion, and the statue of the centipede.

After a little elimination, the correct answer came out.

The Fool actually appeared in front of Wuming and Lin Renmei with great arrogance. Just because it was already there, Wuming and Lin Renmei did not think of it at first.

As the centipede statue was smashed to pieces, the surrounding poisonous insects immediately rustled back, and in the blink of an eye they all disappeared into the surrounding darkness.

"He really guessed it right." Aries Palace said in surprise.

To be honest, he didn't expect that the key to breaking the situation was right in front of him. The answer surprised him so much.

At this time, the Swamp God's eyes emitted purple light and he said: "With both intelligence and wonderful performance, you should be rewarded!"

After saying that, it closed its eyes again, two rays of purple light shot out from between its eyebrows, and Wuming and Lin Renmei immediately had a diamond-shaped mark on the back of their hands.


Scorpion said at this time.

Countless rays of light gathered together, forming gemstones in front of Wuming and Lin Renmei.

These gems have different colors and shapes, and each gem seems to have a different function.

Wuming gently tapped a green olive-shaped gem, and the slightest message was immediately transmitted to his mind through his fingertips. This gem was called the Tenacious Life Gem.

After using this gem, the vitality will become extremely tenacious, which makes it extremely difficult to die.

However, Wuming was completely uninterested in this ability, so he looked at the second gem.

After a few minutes, he had looked at all the gems and had a rough idea.

The abilities provided by these gems are quite powerful, and they are worthy of being the masterpieces produced by Lost Gate.

Wuming's favorite are replacement, upgrade, mutation, and affix, these four gems.

The replacement gem is a faint blue gem, the shape is somewhat similar to a dice. Wuming simply calls it the gambler's gem, because its ability is to extract an ability it possesses and randomly replace it with an unfamiliar ability.

For example, if Wuming takes out the fireball technique and replaces it with a replacement gem, he may get a spark technique that is worse than the fireball technique, but he may also get a golden sun that is stronger than the fireball technique.

Wuming likes this kind of luck-based thing. After all, he is lucky and will most likely not lose.

As for upgrade gems, you can directly bring a certain skill to the same level as the user. For example, if there is a skill that you have just started with, it is only level 1, and the practitioner's own level is level 100, then you can use upgrade gems to directly bring it to the same level as the user. This skill is upgraded to level 100.

Wuming has just gained the ability to wave the human flag. If he chooses to upgrade the gem, he can directly upgrade it to the same level as him in one step.

It is estimated that his ancestors have not upgraded to that high level, and they don't know how abnormal it is to wave the flag after reaching that level.

The remaining two gems are easy.

Mutation is to mutate any ability. It may be mutated in a good direction, or it may be mutated in a bad direction.

As for affixes, adding additional affixes to skills is equivalent to having additional effects on abilities.

Let’s use fireball as an example.

After the fire element is condensed, the fireball can be launched with the mind. If the affix gem is used, the fireball has an additional affix of "Command as you wish", so the fireball can be controlled at will after it is launched, up, down, left, right...

If you are lucky and get the affix of "Instant Kill", the fireball can still kill all enemies instantly.

To be honest, Wuming wants all four gems, but he can only choose one, so he hesitated.

"Which one do you want?" Lin Renmei saw Wuming wavering, so she asked.

Wuming whispered to Lin Renmei what he wanted, and then Lin Renmei chose the replacement gem. Wuming looked at the remaining three gems, gritted his teeth and chose the affix gem.

Skills can be practiced slowly, and there will be a time when they are full level. Although mutation is good, there are still uncertain factors.

The best thing about affix gems is that you can know what the random affix is ​​before installing the affix, and you have the right to choose to give up the installation.

‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‏​‎‏‎‏‏‏After choosing the gems, the remaining gems disappeared out of thin air.

Wuming sighed reluctantly, turned around and left the temple with Lin Renmei.

"Here!" Lin Renmei stuffed the gems into Wuming's hands, and smiled without waiting for Wuming to refuse: "Your ability is my ability, it doesn't matter."

Wuming couldn't help but stick to her, kissed Lin Renmei, and smiled: "Wait for me to exchange my garbage skills for a magical skill for you."

"Too corny, you two should consider the people around you." Aries teased.

Wuming picked up Lin Renmei in a princess hug and smiled: "You can also find a Taoist partner. Doesn't Yang Meimei of the goat clan have a good impression of you?"

"I am the constellation god, genderless, and I don't need to reproduce offspring, let alone a Taoist partner!" Aries complained.

Lin Renmei patted Wuming on the back of his head, and Wuming put her down tactfully, and then said: "Love is not limited to the body, you can have a spiritual love."

"There is no such demand." Aries said calmly.

Wuming summoned Qilin and smiled: "Okay, when you have this demand, I will help you contact the goat tribe."

"I must fall in love with the goat tribe, I can't avoid it, right?" Aries complained with a smile.

Wuming retorted: "I'm not worried that the aesthetic gap between you and other species is too big. We are all goats, and our aesthetics should be relatively similar."

"I am the constellation god, not a goat!" Aries corrected.

Although he looks like a goat, he is actually a million miles away from the species of goats. The gap between humans and monkeys is not as big as the gap between him and goats.

But it is obvious that Wuming didn't listen at all, and he introduced the celebrities of the goat tribe with a laugh, and the laughter gradually faded away as Qilin ran.

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