I Contracted Myself

【949】Deification Technique

As night fell, Qilin moved slowly towards the volcanic area.

Now only the blessings of the God of the Volcano and the God of the Desert are left. Once these two blessings are gathered together, one can ascend to the eighth floor and end the game completely.

Wuming sat behind Qilin's neck, with his back against Qilin's neck. He took out the replacement gem, glanced at Lin Renmei, and said, "I want to use it."

"What's the use of the gem? Is it not dangerous?" Aries asked.

Wuming smiled and said, "You guess."

"That's a replacement gem. You can use a skill to randomly replace a skill. If you're lucky, the junk skill can be replaced with a god-level skill." Lin Renmei explained.

Wuming saw that he was not sold, so he said: "I have many superpowers. I want to think about what ability I can use in exchange."

"If you want me, I will use the fireball technique." Aries smiled.

He now has two fireball techniques, one is the fireball technique he learned himself, and the other is the fireball technique he got from the blood of Wan Dharma King.

The latter made him unhappy when he saw it, but unfortunately he had no choice but to avoid it.

Wuming smiled and said: "Then use the fireball technique!"

He has more than ten kinds of fireball techniques. Different abilities consume different amounts and have different effects.

For example, there is a fireball technique that consumes physical strength, another fireball technique that consumes mental energy, and another fireball technique that consumes both physical strength and mental energy.

Wuming chose the fireball technique that consumed physical strength, and then activated the ability to replace gems.

In an instant, Wuming felt that something was being taken out of his body, and something was being put in. Moreover, the thing taken out was very small, but the thing that was put in was very big. For a moment, he felt a strange feeling. The feeling of being filled.

The replacement gem in his hand gradually turned into light spots and dispersed. After he got used to it, the information about his abilities gradually appeared in his mind.

【The art of conferring gods】

[Effect: Consume life and luck to make the target a god. 】

Wuming's first thought when he learned about the art of conferring gods was: the shorter the number of words, the more complicated the ability.

He looked at Aries and Lucifer and asked, "Have you ever heard of the art of conferring gods?"

"The Art of Conferring Gods? Isn't that what the system of the Kingdom of God is like? However, Conferring Gods seems to only require the other party to sign a contract and join the system. Can the Art of Conferring Gods directly force the target to join its own system?" Aries Palace said. Lucifer frowned and said: "The Conferring Technique you are talking about, if it is the Conferring Technique that I know, it is best not to use it randomly... I'm sorry, if you are nameless, you can indeed use it randomly."

"How do you say this?" Aries Palace asked in confusion.

Lucifer explained: "The art of conferring gods requires consuming your own luck. If you are not lucky enough..."

"But the nameless luck is constant and endless." Aries reacted immediately and said with a smile.

Lucifer nodded and said: "This is a typical spell that harms oneself and benefits others. In fact, I have this spell in my family's collection of books, but no one is willing to learn it because no one wants to waste their luck."

"I'm a little curious, who developed the ability to confer gods, and what is the purpose?" Wuming asked after listening.

Lucy Phil‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ shook her head and said: “I don’t know, I only know that there were several practitioners who learned the art of apotheosis for the sake of future generations, and transferred their descendants to All the descendants became gods, but due to bad luck, they were ambushed and plotted by their enemies. In the end, the entire family was destroyed, and none of the descendants escaped. "

"Okay, if you have anything to say, I'll talk to you later. Wuming, hurry up and try to become a god. I'm very curious about the effect." Aries Palace said at this time.

No one has practiced the art of conferring gods for a long time. This is the first time even he has heard of it. It is estimated that few people have actually seen its true effect. Since Wuming can be released at no cost, of course he should open his eyes quickly.

"This is my first time using it, so I'm not very sure, so let's try it with Qilin." Wuming nodded.

Based on his feeling, he put his hand on Qilin's back, and then decisively launched the God-conferring Technique. Somewhere in his mind, he sensed that different priesthoods required different amounts of luck and vitality. The more exaggerated the priesthood, the greater the consumption. big.

At the same time, there is fit.

The higher the degree of compatibility between the deified person and the priesthood, the greater the ability that can be exerted, and vice versa.

For example, Qilin, if Wu Ming canonize it as the God of Qilin, then theoretically it will become the god of all Qilin, but this priesthood is too broad.

There are too many unicorn races in all the worlds. The vast majority of unicorns only believe in their ancestors and have no possibility of believing in gods.

Therefore, if he wants to arrange such a priesthood, Wuming needs to consume a lot of luck and vitality, and finally he can succeed in becoming a god.

But Qilin itself is more in line with the priesthood of Qilin God, so if the god can be truly crowned successfully, the power it can exert is definitely not small.

The problem is that now it is just a small trial, there is no need to make it so big.

Wuming thought for a moment and decided to grant Qilin the title of God of Speed.

This kind of priesthood does not require a high price. As long as you are lucky, you can easily become a god. The effect is that after becoming a god, the speed of the unicorn will be greatly increased, and it will have an accelerating magic.

As he made his decision, luck and vitality were immediately injected into Qilin's body through his palm.

However, Qilin is actually just the soul of Qilin plus the water of the Nameless Sea. It is nothing more than changing the left hand to the right hand.

In an instant, Qilin's body gained a faint divine power. This kind of divine power is only possessed by gods. It is very rare in some worlds, but in some worlds, it is very rare. A world with as many gods as dogs is nothing.

In fact, 'god' itself is an attribute. Compared with metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the attribute of god is nothing more than a greater affinity for the elements and rules corresponding to the priesthood. In the final analysis, practitioners still compete for level and ability.

Ordinary gods, when encountering existences of Wuming's level, would still have to kneel down.

After Qilin obtained the priesthood of the God of Speed, his speed increased unknowingly, but after realizing that he was running too fast, Qilin slowly slowed down.

"I've really become a god, but how long can I maintain my priesthood?" Aries could feel the changes in Qilin and asked in surprise.

Wuming smiled and said: "About an era of destruction. If it can really find believers, it can last longer."

Now Qilin's priesthood is Sourceless Water, which exists entirely through Wuming's divine conferring technique. However, Wuming has injected a lot of luck and vitality, so this priesthood can last for a long time.

Besides, it doesn't matter if the priesthood is gone. At worst, he can just make Qilin a god again.

"This ability is quite fun, but it's a pity that the price is too high." Aries commented.

Wuming can be used unscrupulously, that's because Wuming's luck is infinite and will not decrease no matter how much is drawn, but the luck of most practitioners is limited, and they must find ways to compete for luck to replenish it.

For most practitioners, the art of conferring gods is a rubbish ability that harms oneself and benefits others. Unless there are very important people who must use this ability, no one dares to use it indiscriminately and extravagantly.

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