I Contracted Myself

【951】Zodiac stone pillar

In the sky, Aries was like a meteor flashing by.

After obtaining the position of the Star God, he felt that the power in his body flowed more smoothly. This feeling was very good, as if every joint was smeared with lubricant, and there was no obstruction in a moment.

"There is no trace of the temple at all. Could it be that the temple of the God of Volcano is under the magma?" Aries was suspended in the air, his eyes had turned into the starry sky, he looked at the volcano below, and thought silently in his heart.

On the other side, Lin Renmei walked in the crater, looking at the boiling magma under the volcano. In an instant, the bio-force field was like lightning falling, and those microorganisms living in the magma were instantly linked together by lightning, forming a large net covered with magma in the blink of an eye.

"Sure enough, there is something strange under the magma!"

Lin Renmei sensed through the bio-force field that there was a stone pillar in the magma, and on the stone pillar was a statue of a cow.

Her bio-force field instantly transformed into a big hand, grabbing the stone pillar and pulling it towards the magma. Soon the magma in the crater surged wildly, and then the stone pillar flew out of the magma.


The stone pillar hit the ground heavily.

Lin Renmei walked to the stone pillar and saw the word "two" written on it.

If there are two, there must be one.

She thought about it and sent a message to Aries: "I found a clue, maybe we should find such a stone pillar!"

"Let me see!" Aries responded immediately.

After a while, Aries fell from the sky and landed next to the stone pillar. He took a look at the stone pillar and nodded: "It seems to be true. Then let's check every volcano and see how many stone pillars we can find."

Then the two separated and began to check the surrounding volcanoes. It took five hours for Aries and Lin Renmei to find more than ten stone pillars. Each stone pillar was hidden in a different volcano, and they needed to go under the magma to find them.

"We have found twelve stone pillars. Are they the twelve zodiac animals of the East?" Aries asked after looking at the statues on the stone pillars.

Lin Renmei nodded and said, "Well, in the twelve zodiac animals in some worlds, the ox is indeed ranked second."

The twelve zodiac animals exist in many worlds, but the order of arrangement will be different. In some worlds, the dragon is ranked first, because the dragon represents the emperor in feudal society and is the emperor.

But in some worlds, the ox is ranked first, because the status of the ox in those worlds is very high, a bit like India, where cow dung is a treasure.

"But what's the use of this?" Aries asked in confusion.

Lin Renmei lifted all the stone pillars with the bio-force field and said, "No matter what the use is, take it back first. It's more efficient for four people to think together than for two people to think blindly."

"Well, let's go." Aries agreed.

He was mainly worried that if the two of them were guessing here for a long time, one of Wuming and Lucyphil actually knew the answer, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

So if there is a problem, it is more appropriate for everyone to brainstorm together.

A few minutes later, Lin Renmei and Aries found the Qilin. When they landed on the Qilin's back, the Qilin automatically stopped, and then stone pillars fell from the sky and inserted into the right side of the Qilin, forming a row.

"What's wrong with these stone pillars?" Wuming asked while deifying Lucyphile.

Aries shook his head and said, "I don't know, but Renmei and I both think this is the key to finding the God of Volcano."

"The twelve zodiac signs?" Wuming looked at the stone pillars and said immediately.

Lin Renmei nodded and said, "Well, it's a very normal twelve zodiac signs, but we don't know what they are for."

"Will it be that the twelve zodiac stone pillars are used to form an array, and only in the array can the temple of the God of Volcano appear?" Lucyphile gave a guess.

Wuming thought for a while and said, "The twelve zodiac formation does exist, let's try it first?"

"Let's try it, there's no better way anyway." Aries agreed.

Then Wuming directed Aries and Lin Renmei to set up formations in the volcanic area, including the Zodiac God Formation, the Twelve Ancestral God Zodiac Killing Formation, the Twelve Star Formation...

They tried all kinds of formations, but in the end, the stone pillars were still stone pillars, without any changes.

"It seems that it has nothing to do with the formations." Wuming said when he saw that the formations were useless.

Lin Renmei and Aries came back with the stone pillars, and Lin Renmei frowned and said, "Maybe we should start studying from the inside of the stone pillars."

Speaking of which, the material of these stone pillars is indeed unusual. After so much tossing, they still remain intact.

Lucyphil looked at the twelve zodiac signs on the stone pillars and suddenly remembered a sacrificial ritual.

She said, "Do you remember which pillar was found from which volcano?"

"Of course I remember." Aries replied.

As the secretary-general of the Council of All Heavens, the most important thing for him is memory. He must take care of all aspects. If his memory is not good, this work cannot be carried out.

"I remember there is a ritual to worship volcanoes, which is to throw various sacrifices into the volcano. We may be confused by the twelve zodiac signs. What we should do is to collect the creatures corresponding to the twelve zodiac signs and throw them into the volcano as sacrifices. If we find a volcano with an ox pillar, we will throw an ox sacrifice. If we find a volcano with a dragon pillar, we will throw a dragon sacrifice. It will correspond to each other once." Lucyphile said quickly.

Wuming touched his chin, and Lucyphile slapped his hand away, frowning and said, "Why are you touching my chin?"

"Sorry, I touched the wrong one." Wuming apologized immediately, then touched his chin and said, "In that case, I do have a few ideas, ideas about the ritual."

"If you have something to say, please speak up, don't keep us in suspense." Aries said seriously.

Wuming nodded and said, "What Fei'er said makes sense, but these stone pillars can't be that simple. We can make more preparations, such as finding the corresponding animals, soaking the stone pillars with blood, or throwing the stone pillars into the volcano together. Try all possibilities."

"Well, no one knows the correct way to perform the ritual, and even the guesses about the direction of the ritual need time to verify. It's a good thing to make more preparations." Lin Renmei said.

Aries smiled and said, "At least there is a direction, so let's do it, and find the God of the Volcano quickly, so as not to have more troubles."

After that, he flew to the swamp area, where there were a lot of snakes, insects, rats and ants. At least there was no shortage of snakes and rats, and if he was lucky, he could even find other zodiac animals.

Seeing that Aries was heading to the swamp area, Lin Renmei flew to the grassland area.

All of a sudden, the two ran away again.

"In the memory of the God of the Forest, what about the God of the Volcano?" Lucyphile asked Wuming.

Wuming looked at the stone pillars and replied, "In the memory of the God of the Forest, the God of the Volcano is a demon cultivator with a very bad temper, but his true identity has always been a mystery."

"Demon cultivator, that is to say..." Lucyphile suddenly thought of something.

But before she finished her words, a muffled sound suddenly came from the ground. The sound was like a huge heart hidden under the earth, and the heart was beating vigorously, and every time it beat, there was a thunderous roar.

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