I Contracted Myself

【952】God of Volcano

The volcano erupted.

It erupted suddenly when no one expected it, and the twelve volcanoes emitted billowing smoke. In an instant, the sky changed color and thunder and lightning roared.

"I'm afraid it's too late to collect sacrifices." Wuming frowned as he looked at the magma gradually gushing out in the distance.

Lucyphile said calmly: "We all guessed wrong. We don't need sacrifices at all. What we need is to find the real god of volcanoes from the twelve zodiac signs."

Sure enough, the next moment, a large amount of magma erupted from the volcano in the distance. The magma did not disperse after it erupted, but turned into a bull-headed man with only the upper body. It squatted on the volcano and roared to the sky.

Then various images such as mice, tigers, rabbits, etc. appeared one after another. They squatted on their respective volcanoes, as if they would break free from the shackles of the volcano in the next second.

"Let's continue the Conferred God next time. We must find a way to deal with these big guys next time." Lucyphile said.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's not that bad yet."

While he was talking, countless fantasy flowers bloomed. For a moment, there was magma and thick smoke on one side, and a dense sea of ​​flowers on the other side. Countless fantasy flowers were suspended in the air, dispelling the smoke and darkness like the sun.


In a moment, the fantasy flowers turned into turrets, and the golden sun blasted forward intensively. The twelve zodiac signs made of magma were instantly torn into pieces under the intensive sun bombardment, and they were completely unable to maintain their shape.

Wuming glanced at the stone pillars, and a Titan hand grabbed a stone pillar and immediately flew away. When the mouse returned to its original appearance, the Titan hand held the stone pillar and inserted it into the mouse's body, and the stone pillar instantly sank into the mouse's body.

Chi Chi!

When the stone pillar entered the body, the mouse immediately emitted a lot of white smoke, and then turned into a huge statue blocking the entire crater.

"Sure enough, it's played like this." Wuming smiled and said to Lucyphil.

Lucy Phil rolled her eyes at Wuming and said, "It's just a blind cat catching a dead mouse."


Wuming laughed complacently.

The Flower of Imagination was still attacking, and the Hand of Titan sealed the monsters one by one in the order of the twelve zodiac signs.

This is actually very easy to guess.

After seeing the image of the monster running out of the volcano, Wuming guessed how to play this game.

Ten minutes later, Aries and Lin Renmei returned one after another. Both of them noticed the changes in the volcanic area and quickly gave up their tasks and rushed back.

When they came back, the last pig was also sealed by the stone pillar. "Okay, the seal is over." Wuming smiled at the three people.

The next moment, the Flower of Imagination disappeared quickly, leaving only huge statues in the volcanic area.

"Look, there is a temple on the bull's head." Lin Renmei looked at the temple on the bull's head statue and said quickly.

Wuming sighed and said, "Now the answer is out. The true body of the God of Volcano is probably a cow."

When he and Lucyphile talked about the true body of the God of Volcano, he had some guesses in his mind. Maybe it is not necessary to salvage all the stone pillars. Just find the stone pillars corresponding to the true body of the God of Volcano and salvage them.

It's just that they don't know what the true body of the God of Volcano is, and they didn't think in this direction, so they salvaged all the stone pillars from the magma, so that all the twelve zodiac signs emerged.

Qilin led everyone to the temple of the God of Volcano soon. Wuming's hand on Lucyphile's forehead became soft. Wuming wrapped his hand around Lucyphile's head, and his arm stretched like a scarf, and finally became a rope of more than ten meters.

"Let's go." Wuming said to Lucyphile.

This time, the four of them went in together to avoid another oolong like the swamp area.

At that time, no one expected that the difficulty of the second test would increase significantly. Fortunately, Wuming quickly thought of the key to breaking the deadlock, otherwise he might really be killed by endless poisonous insects.

The four people entered the temple. The statue of the God of Volcano in the temple was a bull-headed man with blazing fire burning on it. After the four people entered the temple, it opened its red eyes and looked at the four people.

"One force can defeat ten skills. I have won my heart. I will bless you and give you treasures!" The God of Volcano spoke directly.

Then he gave blessings to Wuming and others, and at the same time, a large number of treasures gushed out from the ground and gradually piled up into a small mountain.

Wuming and others were stunned for a moment. What about the test?

"Does it mean that we use our strength to suppress all volcanic eruptions in one breath, so it thinks it's OK?" Aries asked in disbelief.

Wuming nodded and said, "That should be what it means. If we outsmarted them, we probably wouldn't get good reviews even if we passed the level. But because we didn't know anything, we pulled out all the stone pillars and suppressed all the zodiac signs with the most violent means, and we got good reviews instead."

"It's really unpredictable." Lucyphile sighed.

When they entered the temple, they were actually ready to take the test. Who knew that they would pass this level? It's really unpredictable.

"Okay, don't worry about it. Pack up everything and then we'll go find the God of the Desert." Lin Renmei said at this time.

Wuming nodded, waved his hand, and all the treasures on the ground were collected into a fantasy flower. Everyone left the temple together and rode the Qilin to the desert area.

On the way, Wuming opened his hand, and a fantasy flower immediately bloomed in his palm.

"We got a lot of rewards this time, but not many of them are valuable. You all look around and see if there is anything you need." Wuming said to the three people.

The Flower of Imagination immediately became the size of a table, and treasures kept flowing out of the pistil, turning around the petals and returning to the pistil.

"This set of armor is good, I want it." Aries saw a set of green armor with a good style and immediately said with a smile.

The armor immediately stopped flowing, and Aries immediately put it away.

‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‎‏‎‎ The treasures given by the God of Volcano are actually good treasures for practitioners around level 200. Unfortunately, the people present are all at a higher level and don't need these external forces.

Wuming said while eating fried beans: "Renmei, take a look at the rings. There is a ring that looks good on you. Fei'er, your necklace and the earrings match well. Sometimes don't just look at the function, it's also important to look good."

"Let me see." Lin Renmei picked up a ring inlaid with rubies.

Although Lin Renmei is very strong in combat, she has the charm of a mature older sister when she is quiet. Her hair is black and straight, and her skin is as white as snow, without any flaws. If she wears a black dress, she will be even more stunning.

Between black and white, if a gorgeous ruby ​​ring is added, it will be too beautiful.

When Wuming saw the ring for the first time, the image of Lin Renmei wearing the ring appeared in his mind, so he gave a suggestion. No matter what the ring has, the shape alone is 100% suitable for Lin Renmei.

On the other side, Lucy Phil gently placed the earrings on her earlobes. The earrings have no studs or clips, and they naturally float beside the ears. The pendants glow slightly, complementing the necklace.

"Wuming has a good eye. These two accessories are very suitable for you." Aries looked at the two women and said with a smile.

Although he has no gender, he still has basic aesthetics. As for the goat aesthetics that Wuming talks about all day, it is purely slander.


At this time, Lin Renmei showed a look of surprise.

She turned the hand wearing the ring over with her palm facing the sky, and the next moment an ancient animal skin scroll appeared out of thin air in her hand.

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