I Contracted Myself

【953】Dark Door Dragon Soul


"Wait, don't recite it, that's a secret spell. Once the entire spell is recited, people will be drawn into the secret realm, and life or death will be unpredictable."

Lin Renmei opened the animal skin scroll and saw the words she didn't recognize on it. The next moment she subconsciously read out the sounds of these words.

But as soon as she read three syllables, Wuming covered her mouth and spoke quickly.

"The secret realm spell, also known as the secret realm spell, is said to come from the secret door dragon clan. They are born with the ability to open secret realms. When they are powerful enough, they can turn the door to the secret realm into a spell." Aries Palace Explained to Lin Renmei and Lucy Phil.

Wuming let go of his hand, quickly rolled up the animal skin scroll, and said: "The so-called powerful to a certain extent actually refers to level 280 or above. In fact, the only remaining secret door dragons are no longer ‏​​‎​‏‎‏ ‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Anyone can condense the secret spell.”

There are only two known secret door dragons left. Although they are above level 200, they are still far from level 280.

In the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, Wuming had seen the power of the secret door dragon. A secret door dragon above level 280 must have unimaginable abilities.

Although they were now at the Lost Gate, Wuming still couldn't guarantee that Lin Renmei would not be drawn into the secret realm after reciting the entire spell.

For safety reasons, it is better to store this thing temporarily.

Lin Renmei put away the scroll and said, "There is something else in this ring."

After saying that, she took out the contents of the ring.

"Notes?" Aries guessed.

Wuming narrowed his eyes and said, "Diary?"

The two spoke in tandem, almost at the same time.

"You'll know if you open it and take a look." Lucifer said.

However, for safety reasons, Wuming still activated his ability to create Titan Hands, allowing two Titan hands to hold the book and open it.

"On Earth Day, hahahaha, I finally broke through and became the Great Onmyoji. From today on, I will write a diary to accumulate material for future memoirs. I, Lord Abe Suharu, will become the most powerful Great Onmyoji in the world and will be passed down through the ages. "

“Sunday, Tamamo-mae is really great.”

"Sunday, I went to visit Princess Kaguya today and gained a lot..."

Too watery.

Wuming subconsciously turned the pages faster. Finally, after turning over more than ten pages, the diary contained new content.

"On Shui Yao day, it turns out that there is a world outside the world. I am so happy to see the shikigami secret dragon. I finally realize that the vast sea is big and Anjing is small."

"Second Gate Dragon became his shikigami?" Aries Gong showed surprise.

Lucifer guessed: "Maybe it's a weak secret door dragon."

"There is no weak existence of the Secret Door Dragon. As a miracle among miracles, the Secret Door Dragon is naturally very powerful. How can a mere native subdue the Secret Door Dragon." Aries Palace retorted.

Wuming smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's continue reading."

He continued to scroll down, but everything behind it was blank. Abe Suqing did not continue writing in the diary.

"Could it be that he knew that the world was very big, so he left his own world to explore the heavens and finally died?" Lucifer said.

Wuming handed the notebook to Lin Renmei and said: "It is not necessarily possible that he died in the hands of the Anmen Dragon. Since the Anmen Dragon can be a shikigami, it may be in the state of a soul body, so it is not impossible for him to have his body taken away."

"Indeed, with the existence of that scroll, it is really possible that the body was taken away." Aries nodded.

Lin Renmei took the notebook, her fingers condensing a biological force field, and said, "I can try to extract the essence of the writer from the notebook to get a glimpse of the truth. Do you want to do it?"

"Well, give it a try." Wuming nodded.

Lin Renmei's research on biological force fields has surpassed him much. There are some abilities that Lin Renmei knows, but he really doesn't know.

Of course, he actually had a way, such as letting the notebook speak for itself, but he was not particularly interested in Abe Soharu's story, so he didn't do so.

Lin Renmei gently tapped her fingers on the notebook, and the notebook suddenly underwent strange changes. Lines of purple text appeared on the surface of the notebook.


Wuming and others all discovered something strange about the notebook.

After a moment, the notebook absorbed enough biological force field, and the pages began to turn. Lines of text were quickly rearranged to form a square formation. Energy flowed in the formation, and a soul dragon head slowly emerged from the formation.


Wuming looked at the soul of the secret door dragon, narrowed his eyes and smiled.


The secret door dragon came out of the notebook completely and immediately spoke.

But before it finished speaking, it realized something was wrong. No matter Wuming, Aries, Lucifer, or Lin Renmei, there was no sign of surprise.

Then it blinked and realized that Wuming and others were not weak in strength.

"Extraterrestrial Level!!!"

The secret door dragon thought to himself, his face became a little ugly.

Obviously, in the world where it fell, the level of cultivators was generally not high, so how could it fall into the hands of a group of powerful people from outside the world?

How can it be deceived and live a new life?

"I don't know what to call you?" Wuming asked with a smile.

The secret door dragon thought for a while, and since there was no way to deceive him, he should make friends with the other party as much as possible. If the other party was willing to help, he might not be unable to live another life.

It said, "Fellow Daoist, I have forgotten my original name. Later, I inherited the name of my former master. Now you can call me Abe Suqing."

"Oh, can you tell me the story of Abe Suqing?" Wuming blinked and asked with a smile.

Anmen Long nodded and said, "Of course."

While speaking, its spirit body twisted and changed from the image of a dragon to the image of a human.

"Abe Suqing is dead. I killed him!" Anmen Long said with a smile after sitting down.

Although its level was higher than Wuming and the others in life, it is now only a soul body, and after countless years of tempering, the energy in the soul body is almost gone. If it were not for the biological force field provided by Lin Renmei as energy, it would probably never wake up.

Besides, lying in front of a strong man of the outer world level is too stupid.

Next, Anmenlong told a story. The protagonist of the story was arrogant, mentally abnormal and lustful. Anmenlong originally planned to use him to lie dormant for a while, but he could not bear it anymore and simply destroyed his soul, thus replacing his identity.

Wuming and others thought of the contents in Abe Soharu's notes and believed 10% of what Anmenlong said. As for why 90% of them did not believe it, it was because Anmenlong came out of the notes, and no one knew whether the contents in the notes were true or false.

"Earth Star Level, Universe Level, Sky Level, Small Return, how are these levels divided?" Wuming asked curiously.

Through the story told by Anmenlong, Wuming and others learned that in the era when Anmenlong lived, the level division was still relatively rough, with only a few rough realms.

Whether each realm is strong or weak, you can only know it after fighting.

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