I Contracted Myself

【955】The real trap

A few minutes later, Qilin came to the edge of the whirlpool.

This desert whirlpool was very huge. In the middle of the whirlpool was a small pyramid. Judging from the pyramid, Wuming suspected that there was an even bigger building under the sand.

Wuming stood up from Qilin and said, "There is no entrance on the surface of the pyramid. I guess it should be under the sand. Let's just move all the sand away and see."

As he spoke, he raised his hands, and the sand in the whirlpool floated up in an instant. More and more sand floated into the air, and the sand around collapsed into the whirlpool, and soon all floated up.

Gradually, the pyramid hidden under the sand was also exposed to everyone's sight, and it was getting bigger and bigger, as if there was no end.

Wuming continued to manipulate the sand, and a huge pile of sand gradually formed in the sky. He didn't believe that this pyramid was infinite.

An hour later, the sand was still floating up.


Two hours later, a steady stream of sand violated gravity and flew quickly towards the sky.


Five hours later, the sand in the sky could fill the sea.


Lin Renmei frowned and said, "Wuming, forget it. Maybe there is a rule force affecting this place."

"I don't believe it!" Wuming continued to activate his ability.

A day passed in a blink of an eye, and Wuming's expression was numb. The pyramid below had occupied the entire underground layer of the desert. If he continued to dig, he would probably reach the magma layer.

"Give up, it's obvious that this level is not played like this. You are wasting your energy and time." Aries persuaded.

Wuming sighed, and the sand in the sky fell like rain.


The sand quickly filled the surroundings of the pyramid, and then under the influence of an unknown force, the sand began to rotate, and the big vortex appeared again.

"It seems that I have to go there." Aries looked at the vortex and said with a smile.

After that, he jumped directly into the vortex, and his legs instantly sank into the gravel. As he slowly walked forward, his body was gradually swallowed by the vortex, and finally disappeared completely.

Seeing this, Lucy Phil immediately jumped into the vortex, and was also submerged in the vortex in a moment.

"Let's go." Lin Renmei smiled at Wuming.

The two jumped into the vortex together, holding hands and walking forward, but when the gravel submerged their heads, they felt the sky shifting and their feet were empty in an instant.

When he stepped on the ground again, Wuming found that he was already in a maze, and Lin Renmei was nowhere to be found.

"So that's it, this is to solve the maze and find the temple of the desert god." Wuming looked at the passage in front of him and thought to himself.

Wuming walked forward directly, and as he moved forward, the fantasy flowers around him began to bloom. The dreamlike fantasy flowers were suspended in the air, rotating and touching the surrounding walls and the ground.

A spear suddenly pierced out from the ground, piercing the fantasy flower on the spot, and then turned into foam and dissipated.

Wuming walked past the spear, ignored the spear and continued to move forward.

Ahead, there were explosions, arrows, and rolling balls. Countless traps were triggered by the Flower of Imagination. There were many dangers in this level, but unfortunately they had no effect on Wuming.

Ten minutes later, he stopped at a dead end and waited for about half a minute. The wall in front of the dead end slowly fell, and a passage appeared.

On the other side, Lin Renmei walked forward vigilantly with a bean sprout gun in hand. Suddenly, a large number of poisonous snakes fell from the ceiling above. She predicted this scene and did not look up at all. The long spear in her hand stabbed out quickly, and all the poisonous snakes were picked up behind her in an instant, and each poisonous snake was pierced.

After solving the poisonous snakes, she continued to move forward.

There was a problem with this level.

She had a vague feeling that she could not walk too fast.

It was the influence of this feeling that she always maintained a slow pace and was not in a hurry to find a way out.

It's a pity that Aries and Lin Renmei are not around, otherwise she should have informed them not to walk too fast.


In the distance, Aries smashed the boulder blocking the road with a punch and continued to run forward.

He had to find the exit in the shortest time possible, and at the same time leave enough information for Wuming and the others to save as much time as possible.

"This is the best level, I have to perform well, so as not to be criticized for being a soy sauce." Aries smiled and smashed the spikes that suddenly stabbed out of the ground with a punch, then flipped and landed in front of him, exerting force on his feet and teleported hundreds of meters away lightly.

The Star God's priesthood is really useful, and I have to find a way to make the priesthood permanent in my body.

Let's talk about four things.

Lucy Phil found herself alone, so she just read a book on the spot.

The true meaning of immortality has many wonderful uses, and treatment is just one of them. The first time she came in, she felt that her death star was shining, and she had to die in this level.

Assuming she didn't die, Wuming might die.

Of course, her so-called death was just a false death, while Wuming's death was a real death.

So she had a reason to die, but it was a pity that Aries and Lin Renmei were separated. Even if she wanted to notify the other party, she couldn't. I hope they can react.


"Why do you want to separate the four people? What's the purpose?"

Wuming was always confused. The maze shouldn't arrange them together to slow down the speed of the maze being cracked.

Now suppose that the four of them are in the same maze, but in different directions, then the four people moving at the same time is equivalent to four times the efficiency.

Just make a little mark, once someone walks in the same passage, a lot of information can be obtained through the mark.

In this way, it is better to arrange them together.


Wuming was thoughtful, and golden fantasy flowers began to appear under his feet.

In the blink of an eye, he flashed to the other end of the passage, and more and more fantasy flowers began to fill the surrounding passages and spread to more passages.

God, the reason why he is a god is definitely irrational.

No one knows which watcher they will find first, but if it is a transcendent, perhaps the ending has been doomed long ago.

This is already the last level!

On the next level, Lin Renmei and others can't follow up, so in the last level, the past help may become the biggest threat.

For example: whoever passes the level first will win the only victory, and the rest will be losers!

This is definitely insidious enough.

Because most people will not realize that the previous help will become a competitor in this level.

When they were separated, information could not be exchanged, and the friends and relatives who wanted to help became obstacles because of this feeling.

This is the biggest trap in this maze!

Wuming had to admit that this trap was very insidious. He could only find the exit as soon as possible, and hoped that Lin Renmei and the others would also realize this.

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