I Contracted Myself

【956】Rule modification

Having said that, this level is actually a benefit to Wang Zong.

Because Wang Zong has no friends and no competitors, as long as he finds the exit of the maze, he will naturally clear it.

Is this a hint from a transcendent person?

Have friends.

But can’t you rely too much on your friends?

Wuming smiled inwardly, his speed increased again, and the passage he passed was instantly filled with flowers of fantasy.

Others who come to these passages will find that they are blocked.

This was his hint to Lin Renmei and others.


The Aries sign does a somersault, it's obviously a sheep but it's as agile as a monkey.

The traps in the maze can't stop him at all. Although there are some traps that are very dangerous, and he will die even if he is caught, but every time he encounters a trap, he They can all escape with their deep strength.

At this time, a thick green arm suddenly stretched out from the wall next to it. Aries turned sideways to avoid the arm's attack, and the arm had to slowly retract. Aries' legs were slightly bent, and he looked back at the wall that he had just stretched out. Through the big hole in his arm, he saw a vertical pupil.

Tsk tsk.

Aries knew very well that he couldn't defeat this monster. Once he was caught... he would definitely die.

Too dangerous.

Aries whistled at the monster and continued to run forward.

This maze is very messy, with passages extending in all directions, and many dead ends, but there are also some dead ends that seem to hide shortcuts. Unfortunately, the walls have the function of blocking mental power and spiritual detection, and most of the walls are extremely hard. Even if the Aries Palace I guessed there was a shortcut and didn't have the extra time to find a way to open it.

"I should be the one closest to the exit now, I don't know what happened to the others."

Aries didn't bother to find a way to open the shortcut, because he was the first person to enter the maze and was already one step faster than the others. Rather than struggling to find a shortcut, it would be better to crush it all the way in an upright manner.

The day passed in a blink of an eye.

In the huge maze, the nameless three people were like three little hamsters, running back and forth in the passages.

Wuming would never get lost. With the flower of fantasy exploring the way ahead, he could always find the fastest and safest passage. He had a premonition that the exit of the maze was getting closer.

Aries on the other side also had a similar premonition. His speed was getting faster and faster, and he found that the closer to the exit, the fewer the traps seemed to be.

This is undoubtedly good news.

Half an hour later.

Aries rushed out of a passage. He immediately saw the white light pillar in the middle of the maze. He realized that the light pillar was the exit, so he rushed towards the light pillar with his feet.

On the other side of him, Wuming also appeared quickly.

When he saw the Aries Palace, he immediately smiled, slowed down and walked over. The seven floating dreams instantly enveloped the Aries Palace like flowers.

He walked to the pillar of light, but Aries was still standing still.

Aries stood in the beam of light confused, but was not teleported away. At this time, Wuming appeared in front of him and said with a smile: "I guessed it‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏You This guy is most likely my competitor, but you can’t play this level randomly. If I guess correctly, only one person can see the God of the Desert.”

"Nameless? Wait, am I in the Seven Dreams of Floating Life?" Aries reacted immediately.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, if we have anything to say, we'll talk about it later. I'll go meet the God of the Desert and then clear the level."

"Okay, you go ahead."

Aries immediately realized something and said a little embarrassedly.

The next moment, Aries Palace saw the real scene. Wuming stood in the beam of light and waved to him, and was teleported away in the blink of an eye.

When Wuming left, the entire maze suddenly collapsed. Aries Palace, Lin Renmei, and Lucifer were teleported away from the Lost Door in an instant, and each was sent back to their original positions.

Wang Zong woke up in a daze.

He was immediately shocked and quickly observed the situation around him.

"It's already the eighth floor." A nameless voice sounded in his ears.

Wang Zong looked at Wuming, who immediately showed a proud smile, but Wang Zong didn't say anything this time.

He knew very well that his winning rate had dropped to rock bottom, and it was too difficult to beat Wuming.

But he will never beg Wuming for mercy, even if he dies, he will die standing.

At this time, a woman's voice sounded: "The eighth floor, the place where you meet the gods, welcomes two players to participate in the game of gods. You can choose destruction or redemption. Different camps will receive different blessings."

"I choose destruction." Wang Zong said immediately.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then I have no choice but to choose redemption."


Wang Zong snorted coldly, but said nothing more.

Then the woman continued: "The destruction camp will get the Spear of Judgment, and the redemption camp will get the Shield of Life..."

The two listened carefully to the female voice explaining the rules. After listening, Wang Zong smiled. Sure enough, it didn't matter how many lives he had, but the choice in this level was more important.

The content of this level is very simple.

Those who choose the destruction camp must destroy all spaces below the seventh floor as soon as possible, and of course this includes the seventh floor. Those who choose the redemption camp must protect all spaces below the bottom level to avoid being destroyed by those in the destruction camp.

The whole game is a seven-day cycle. If the Destruction Camp destroys a layer of space after seven days, then Wuming must use his life to fill the hole in that space until there is no life left to fill the hole.

The Destruction Camp must destroy at least one layer of space within a week, otherwise they will also need to use their lives to fill the hole.

Wang Zong has no extra lives, so as long as Wuming can guard all the spaces for a week, he will definitely die.

Although the rules are still more favorable to Wuming, destruction is much simpler than guarding. Wang Zong does not believe that Wuming can watch over seven spaces. As long as he makes good use of the Spear of Judgment, he may be able to turn the tables.

"I want to use the reward!" Wuming said at this time.

Wang Zong was stunned for a moment, then squinted at Wuming. Wuming still hid the reward?

"I want to modify a rule."

Wuming looked at Wang Zong while speaking, with a smile on his face that made Wang Zong feel uneasy.

On the fourth floor, Wuming chose reward seven, which allowed him to modify the rules once. At that time, he felt that there might be some problems with the eighth floor.

Suppose a player has been winning all the time, and when he reaches the eighth level, the one with less life basically has no chance of turning the tables, so what is the meaning of the eighth level?

By analogy, the eighth level is likely to be a fair duel to some extent.

But why should he fight a fair duel with the weaker party when he obviously has an advantage?

Wuming certainly didn't want to do that.

So he chose the reward of rule modification.

Even though he was very tempted by rewards such as Groundhog Day, he still gritted his teeth and chose reward seven, all for the purpose of crushing Wang Zong with an absolute advantage in the eighth level.

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