I Contracted Myself

【957】Go home

Wuming won.

The moment the rules are changed, the outcome is already determined.

When he easily guarded the seventh-level space for a week, the two sides began to settle. Wang Zong successfully destroyed the first-level space, and Wuming defended the sixth-level space. Then, adding the fates that both sides already had, the winner was decided in one round without any need. Keep fighting.

There is no doubt that Wang Zong lost completely. Even if he had two lives, it still could not change any facts.

Wuming and Wang Zong appeared on the eighth floor again.

As the winner, Wuming can choose a prize, while Wang Zong, as the loser, will have to deduct one life. If his life is not enough, he will die here.

Fortunately, he now has two lives.

Outside the Lost Gate, Wuming and Wang Zong appeared at the same time.

Wang Zong turned around and ran away without saying a word, but in an instant he was enveloped in seven floating dreams. Wuming took out the oracle stone, contacted the Aries Palace, and said: "Aries, I came out, and it has been a few days since you came out. ?”

"It's been about three hours since we came out." Aries replied.

Wuming nodded, glanced at Wang Zong, and said: "Issuing an announcement, Wang Zong has been solved, I will go back now."

After saying that, he turned off the communication and took Wang Zong back to Dahuang City.

Dahuang City, Wenxin Courtyard.

Wuming returned to the yard, immediately closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The familiar smell of the yard made him relax all of a sudden.

"I'm back!"

The corners of Wuming's mouth turned up slightly, and he suddenly shouted loudly.

"I'm back when I'm back. Is it necessary to shout so loudly?" Zhang Shouzhong pushed open the window and said disdainfully while picking his nose.

Then the door was pushed open, and Maria rushed out like a cannonball, hitting Wuming hard. Wuming immediately took a few steps back, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Master Wuming, you are finally back. Many people say you are dead. Several coffin-buying bastards came to sell coffins, saying that not only does it cost no money to use their coffins, but they will also give us some money." Mary Ya said with tears in her eyes.

Wuming smiled and said: "Those are all liars. I am living a good life."

He could probably guess what was going on.

The funeral industry in Dahuang City is very wild. There are some shops where people constantly monitor the life and death of celebrities. Once they detect who will die, they will sell coffins door-to-door. If a particularly famous and powerful person dies, they will even pay him. Just for advertising.

Wuming had a life-and-death experience while taking the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths flower. It is estimated that some stores captured the information about his death, so they boldly came to sell coffins.

These people don't think about it carefully. If he really dies, will Dahuang City be so stable?

Wuming put down Maria, sat on the rocking chair next to the swing chair, and exhaled comfortably. It was better to be at home. Next, he had to take a good rest at home to soothe his injured heart.

The sequelae of the Seven Lives and Seven Deaths Flower are not easy to eliminate, but if he is at home, he feels that he can get better faster‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎.

He took out the oracle stone and went online first.

He felt uncomfortable all over after being disconnected from the Internet for such a long time, but now he can finally connect to the Internet again.

He opened the oracle network, and the top one on the hot list was... It was rumored that Wuming passed away a few days ago, and many funeral shops came to express their condolences with wreaths...

jump over.

Second on the hot list, a woman said that Wuming died on her belly...


jump over!

Finally, No. 3 on the hot list is a little more normal.

After reading various news, Wuming opened the TV series he was following and was pleasantly surprised to find that the series had been updated for eighteen episodes. So he took out soda and snacks and ate while watching the series, exuding a lazy atmosphere. .

In the evening, Lin Renmei, Lucy Phil, and Aries Gong all came to Wenxin Courtyard.

Everyone gathered together happily, and after finishing the meal, Aries Palace asked: "What happened at the last level? Wang Zong is dead?"

Wuming smiled and told everyone about the rules of the eighth floor, and then also talked about his modification of the rules. Finally, he smiled and said: "I deliberately gave up the fourth floor to Wang Zong, so Wang Zong has something to do when settling the settlement. Two lives, one after deducting one, so he survived."

"Then what's his condition now?" Zhang Shouzhong asked after hearing this.

With a flick of Wuming's finger, Wang Zong suddenly appeared. He smiled and said: "Now Wang Zong is completely controlled by me, so don't worry, he will have no chance to do evil again." "When will you meet for council work? There are some key decisions. Both Fei'er and Qin Zheng have trouble convincing the public, so I'm afraid you have to step forward." Aries took a sip of hot soup, but said cold and heartless words.

Wuming immediately lay down on the chair and said, "Don't ask me for work. Fei'er and Qin Zheng are obviously very capable. Just let them do it. Give them a little more trust."

"This is not a matter of trust or distrust, but rather that the prestige is not enough to suppress the people below." Aries Palace said.

Wuming said helplessly: "Let's wait until I get some rest. Otherwise, I'll send you my work. No one wants me to leave home this year anyway."

"Is Mr. Wuming going to be a dead house?" Maria asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "Yeah, from today on, I will stay at home forever. No one can let me go out. I want to stay at home forever."

"I bet Wuming will go out for a wander within a week." Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie nodded in agreement: "I also think Wuming will soon be unable to hold back, at least he will definitely go fishing."

"That's also part of the family." Wuming said confidently.

He really wanted to go fishing. After all, he had so many good fishing rods in his storage space, which was equivalent to a sniper getting a good sniper. Who wouldn't want to shoot two shots to feel good.

"Wuming, did you get any reward at the end of the seventh level?" Lucyphil asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "The God of the Desert is quite generous. After seeing me, he first gave me a blessing, and then gave me a prop. To be honest, I have a lot of props now."

Although there are only one or two combat props, he already has four or five auxiliary props.

"What about the eighth floor?" Aries asked.

Wuming took out a mobile phone and smiled: "Ting ting ting, the reward for the eighth floor is this mobile phone!"

"What is the use of this mobile phone?" Aries asked curiously.

Wuming adjusted his phone to shooting mode, took a photo of Aries, and then entered editing mode. He typed a lot and finally chose to send.


The Yangcun system was successfully bound!

A voice came from Aries' ears, and then a light screen quickly appeared in his eyes. He immediately stood up and shouted: "Fuck!"

Is this a man-made system?

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