I Contracted Myself


"This is a mobile phone that can make systems. How about it? Is it interesting?"

Wuming proudly showed off the mobile phone in his hand, wishing he could install a system cheat for everyone.

"Can it be lifted?"

Aries asked with a twitching corner of his mouth while using his mind to check the system Wuming installed on his body.

This Yangcun system is really a scam. The first task is for him to marry a woman from the goat clan, and then create Yangcun and reproduce his offspring. This is definitely Wuming making a prank on him.

"It's okay, but don't you think this system is great?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Lucifer smiled and said: "If this kind of system suddenly appeared on me, I would definitely suspect that some old monster is plotting something. After all, there are golden fingers or something. In fact,‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎ ‎​‏‏‎‎It’s easy to imitate.”

"This is a magical prop. I can only set the system in three directions: strength, power, and leisure. The system I customized for Aries is the power-oriented system. Then I chose the direction of family reproduction, and finally came out. System, in fact, I cannot control most of the content, but it is automatically generated by the system," Wuming explained.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately said: "Then quickly help me set up a system. I want strength."


Wuming immediately took a photo of Zhang Shouzhong, then entered the text and sent it!


The overeating system was successfully bound.

Zhang Shouzhong was immediately surprised to find that he really had a system.

He opened the system and found that the first task was to eat how much food in a certain amount of time, and the reward was to increase fat energy storage by 10%.

What a good thing!

The techniques he practices and his superpowers are all related to fat. The increase in fat energy storage is equivalent to increasing his battery life.

"My first task is to have a big meal, hurry up, hurry up, help me order takeout." He immediately said to everyone.

Everyone took out the oracle stones and helped him order various takeaways. Cheng Xuejie asked curiously while operating: "Wu Ming, where do the rewards of these systems come from?"

If it is the conspiracy of some old monsters, then the rewards must come from those old monsters themselves, but the system installed in Wuming has little to do with magical props. Do the rewards appear out of thin air?

"If you understand it, then you are a transcendent person." Wuming shrugged and said casually.

The reason why magical props are magical is that they are so incredible.

Aries speculated: "Perhaps it is just something out of thin air, nameless...Hurry up and help me change to a system, what kind of Guiyangcun system? I want a system that is more powerful."

"Okay, that's really disappointing." Wuming said helplessly.

Next, hard dishes were delivered one after another. After receiving the task, Zhang Shouzhong began to eat and drink crazily while everyone kept ordering for him. After an hour, Zhang Shouzhong ate dozens of tons of food and finally completed the task.

When he received the reward, he immediately felt that his fat was sending out a signal of hunger, so he overeated again. After filling up the fat, he said happily : "This reward is great. I feel like I will be able to reach the next level of "Baozhi Vajra Kung Fu" very quickly."

"Master Wuming, I also want the system!" Maria said eagerly.

Wuming held the mobile phone and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this mobile phone can produce ten systems every day, and everyone can install the system tonight."

"Wu Ming, untie me quickly." Aries came forward, holding Wu Ming's hand and said.

Wuming had no choice but to use his mobile phone to unbind the system for Aries. Aries sneakily approached and asked, "Wuming, tell me honestly, this phone really can't control these systems? For example, you can give System owners issue tasks and the like.”

"I really can't. If you don't believe me, see for yourself." Wuming said.

He handed the phone to Aries, who took it suspiciously and found that there were only a few apps on the phone, one of which was called System Creation. When he clicked on System Creation, he saw a few isolated functions.

One is the binding system, one is the unbinding system, one is exempt from punishment, and the other is giving up the task.

"Both binding and unbinding can be understood. What does exempting punishment and giving up the task mean?" Aries asked curiously.

Wuming explained: "I did some research and found that if you check the exemption from punishment, the system you create will not have a punishment option. It doesn't matter if you don't complete the task. If you do more, you won't get rewards.

But if it is not checked, there will be random penalties for mission failure. "

"In fact, punishment is also a good thing. At least it can motivate yourself to do your best to complete the task." Aries said.

Wuming smiled and said: "Then your system will punish you later?"

"Of course... don't!" Aries replied.

He is not stupid, there is no punishment, why should there be punishment?

"Then what does giving up the mission mean?" He then asked.

Wuming explained: "Sometimes the mission will get stuck. You can come to me and give up the mission directly, so as to refresh a new mission."

"This system can only issue one task at a time?" Aries said in disbelief.

Wuming explained: "No, the system is divided into main tasks and side tasks. The main tasks are also randomly generated. For example, in the power-type family management system, the system refreshes a task that requires you to marry Phil. Can you do it?"

"Old Gao will kill me." Aries replied.

He and Gao Shanggong are of the same generation, how could he have any thoughts about Lucy Phil.


He was almost led into a ditch by Wuming.

He has no desire to reproduce at all, and he has no gender. Why does Wuming directly assume that his gender is male?

"Actually... I am more feminine in my heart. How about marrying you?" He immediately hugged Wuming's arm, vomiting in his heart, pretending to be shy on the surface.

Wuming lost his expression immediately, and when he reacted, he quickly shook off Aries, jumped to the side of the swing, and said in horror: "So you have been targeting me. Boys should be careful when going out. Stay away from Wuming, back off!"

"Hahaha, let's see if you dare to talk nonsense in the future." Aries laughed proudly.

However, although Wuming's words always misled him, he did understand what the option of abandoning the task was. In short, the tasks that cannot be completed and cannot be skipped can be deleted directly from Wuming, so as to refresh new tasks.

Next, Wuming began to set up the system for everyone, setting different systems for different people.

After dinner, everyone went to do the tasks issued by the system. In a blink of an eye, only Wuming was left in the yard. He sat on the swing and looked at the stars in the sky, and finally couldn't help laughing.

It feels so good to go home.

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