I Contracted Myself

【959】Six hundred

Di Lian World, Jian Ku Star.

An immigrant spaceship slowly landed at a hidden airport.

When the hatch opened, a group of men and women dressed as practitioners got off the ship with curiosity, caution and expectation.

"Go this way, go this way, that fat guy, don't look around." The staff said in a deep voice.

Since the establishment of the Council of All Heavens, the business of magic cultivators has become more and more difficult, and the law enforcement team has been cracking down on magic cultivators.

Especially six hundred years ago, the law enforcement team cracked a major case in which magic cultivators kidnapped people with cultivation qualifications from the marginal world and killed people to practice. In recent years, the worlds under the control of the Council of All Heavens have added entry and exit management bureaus.

It is becoming more and more difficult for magic cultivators to sneak into the world to kill people and practice, and finally they can only wander in the gray area.

"Brother, didn't you say you would take us to the upper realm with fairy air? Why does this place seem to be even more barren than our planet?" A young man couldn't help asking the staff next to him.

The staff member explained impatiently: "This is just a transit station, don't worry, now the Council of All Heavens rules the world, everyone is a law-abiding practitioner, how can they cheat you?"

"So it's a transit station, thank you, brother." The boy nodded.

He returned to the fat man and said, "Brother said it's a transit station, with the Council protecting us, no one dares to cheat us, don't worry."

"Oh, then I'm relieved." Zhang Shouzhong took out a bag of high-energy jerky and ate it while walking.

As he walked, he suddenly asked: "Why are you suddenly interested in this kind of case? Are you hiding something from me?"

"No, I just want to go out for a walk and see how your work is going." The boy showed a harmless smile and explained very calmly.

Zhang Shouzhong's heart skipped a beat, and looking at the smile on the boy's face, he felt worse and worse.

The Council of All Heavens has been established for 666 years. To celebrate the establishment of the Council, the Great Wasteland City has been decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and people are singing and dancing. People are celebrating, blessing, and praying. It is more lively than the Spring Festival.

Perhaps for the demons and evil cultivators, the Council of All Heavens is the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads, but for the vast majority of good people, the Council of All Heavens is the embodiment of order. All people can live and work in peace and security, entirely because of the protection of the Council of All Heavens.

The atmosphere of the cultivation world today is completely different from that of more than 600 years ago.

For this reason, the practitioners spontaneously celebrated the 666th anniversary of the establishment of the Council of All Heavens, and wished that the Council would be better in the future, protect more worlds, and spread the fire of civilization and order to the barbaric and backward world.

"Where is Wuming? Where did Wuming go again?"

"He has to give a speech today. People from all over the world are waiting for him!"

The goat horns on Aries' head were emitting steam like a boiling kettle. He led the secretarial team to search the entire Great Wasteland City, but still could not find any trace of Wuming.

"Boss, Lord Wuming is not going to run away again." The secretary of the secretarial team, Qinai'er, asked in a low voice.

Aries stood in the big square, the scorching sun shining on his body, but he felt a chill in his heart. Since Wuming came out of the Lost Gate, although he was not a different person, he was too arbitrary. He went fishing today and mountain climbing tomorrow. He disappeared every three or five days. His secretary work became more and more difficult to carry out.

Fortunately, there were two vice presidents, otherwise he really couldn't imagine how chaotic the Council of the Heavens would be.

Unfortunately, the power of the Council of All Heavens is too strong, so strong that no one except Wuming is qualified to be the president, because other people cannot convince the public, and their prestige is far less than Wuming.

Now the world of all heavens only recognizes Wuming. Anyone else who wants to get involved in the position of president will probably be scolded by the people of all heavens in a minute.

"The time is up."

A cold-faced handsome man said lightly on the right side of Aries Palace.

This cold-faced handsome man is called Lan En. He has joined the Council of All Heavens for more than 500 years. He is very reliable and is now the right-hand man of Aries Palace.

After listening to Lan En's words, Aries Palace sighed and said, "Let's notify Vice President Qin Zheng and let him make a speech on behalf of the president. Now we can only do this."

Dahuang City.

Ma Lie sat on a chair in an open-air restaurant, drinking and smoking, with his wife and children next to him.

He looked at the passers-by celebrating around him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The meat is roasted, come." His wife picked up a piece of meat and said gently. Ma Lie nodded. Just as he was eating meat, a large screen suddenly appeared. Qin Zhengqiang's smiling face appeared on the screen. Suddenly, the whole Great Wasteland City was filled with joy.

"Hahahaha, Lord Wuming has indeed run away again. Since the 333rd anniversary, Lord Wuming seems to have run away every time. Old Qin is also really miserable. He is always pulled to the rescue."

"I remember that on the 555th anniversary, Lord Wuming seemed to be hiding in the Big Tongue Tavern in the Great Wasteland City to drink. Let's move and see who can find Lord Wuming first."

"What if Lord Wuming is not in the Great Wasteland City this year?"

"The Su family of the Beast Taming Family said that whoever finds Lord Wuming first will be rewarded with a fairy beast-level pet egg after certification!!!"

"Hahahaha, interesting, I, Xiao Wuming from the South China Sea, am the first to sign up!"

“‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Oh, if you return to Nanhai Xiao Wuming, then I will be Qili Tun Xiao Wuming!!”

"Stop bragging and find Mr. Wuming quickly."

"President, President, where are you?"

Ma Lie liked this atmosphere very much. He would interact with his wife and children from time to time while eating meat. After he was full of wine and food, he would open the oracle stone and read the gossip news.

"Today, the law enforcement team cracked a cultivator smuggling case and captured fifteen demonic cultivators."

Ma Lie watched the news. In the picture, a fat man was being interviewed, explaining how he gained the trust of the demon cultivator, how he determined the leader, and how he fought bravely against the demon cultivator.

Then, the reporter interviewed a young victim who looked frightened and cried that the demon cultivator was not a human being and that he was deceived because he had little education.


Ma Lie looked at the young man in the picture. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the young man's outline seemed familiar.

He couldn't remember, so he couldn't help but frown and look up. When he saw the nameless statue, his whole body felt like he was struck by lightning, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Unknown Master!!!???"

At this time, someone was watching the news and recognized Wuming immediately.

So soon the news spread like wildfire that Master Wuming was on the Jianku star in the world of Lian! ! ! !

A few days later, because Wuming appeared in Dilian World and Jianku Star, a large number of tourists flocked to Jianku Star, which promoted the development of the local tourism industry and was thanked by all the residents of Jianku Star.

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