I Contracted Myself

【960】Number One in the World

Ding Dong.

The system that doesn't want to go to work sounded.

Wuming successfully evaded work again, and was rewarded with 100 skill points.

He sat on the back of Qilin, letting Qilin walk aimlessly in the underground world. He couldn't help but smile when he heard the system's voice.

Ever since he got a mobile phone that can install systems for people, he has loaded more than ten systems on himself.

The system that doesn't want to go to work.

The system that is really happy to fish.

The fishing man system.

The leisure system.

The system that is fun to play.

The system that punishes evil and eliminates evil.

The system that is workaholic.

In short, he will choose tasks according to his mood. When he wants to slack off, he will choose the tasks of the system that is really happy to fish. When he wants to slack off, he will choose the system that doesn't want to go to work. If he just wants to stay at home, he will choose the system that is really happy to play.

Anyway, whatever he does now, there will be various system rewards.

Although the rewards of these systems are nothing to him, they are also very objective strength after accumulating day by day. Zhang Shouzhong only has one system, and he can reach level 230 by relying on the system and his own efforts. He has so many systems, and his level will naturally increase slowly, but it is still very far from level 280.

"One hundred skill points, which skill should I give first?"

Generally, the system that does not want to go to work only rewards 1 skill point each time. The reason why it rewards 100 skill points this time is mainly because the anniversary speech is actually very important.

As the highest leader of the Council of All Heavens, Wuming is much more absent-minded than ordinary members, that is, the people of the heavens and the world are very tolerant and even indulgent to him, so it has not caused too much negative impact.

But the system that does not want to go to work still honestly gives the highest level of reward according to the severity of the incident.

Wuming thought for a while, and then continued to add skill points to the Titan's Hand. Now he uses the Titan's Hand more often. The feeling of punching the flesh is much better than the golden sun.

Now, the level of his Titan's Hand is higher than his life level. If it weren't for the infinite light element energy, the energy consumed by using the Titan's Hand would be enough to make most level 250 practitioners unable to bear it.

Of course, Wuming dared to add points to a skill recklessly because he had the light element energy as a foundation, otherwise he could only choose to add points evenly.

"Master Wuming, I finally found you. Mr. Aries is looking for you all over the world now. He said he would turn you into a ewe and send you to the flock for a hundred years."

As soon as Wuming finished adding points, a familiar voice came from a distance.

The next moment, a blue light came from far to near, and finally condensed into the appearance of Lan En. His expression was still cold, but his tone of speech was not hurried, giving people a feeling that everything was under control.

"Lan En, you scared me. I thought Aries was here." Wuming lay on the back of Qilin and smiled leisurely.

Lan En took off his coat and put away the oracle stone floating beside him. He said, "Mr. Aries asked me to teach Lord Wuming a lesson if I find him. He is my leader and I can't help but listen to what he said."

"Reject violence, starting with you and me!" Wuming said helplessly.

Lan En took out a three-meter-long knife and said calmly, "Lord Wuming, please explain to my knife!"

"This guy..."

Wuming was a little helpless, but when Lan En's knife came, he still had a thought, and the flower of fantasy bloomed, turning into a golden arm that was almost the same as a human arm.

The arm instantly blocked Lan En's knife, and the knife intent swept through like water, rippling the space slightly, and forming a strange knife domain in an instant.

Lan En, before joining the Council of All Heavens, was called the 'Blue Sword God'. At that time, his level was as high as 245. Later, after joining the Council of All Heavens, with the help of various resources and information, he quickly reached level 250 and unlocked his own great abilities.

Although Lan En was assigned to the secretarial group and did a very good job, he was well received by various departments, but people who are familiar with Lan En know that Lan En is a martial arts practitioner. He never hides his bellicosity and aggressiveness. After work, he is either practicing or looking for strong people to learn from.

Hundreds of years ago, Aries was often challenged by him. Fortunately, Aries himself was also a martial arts practitioner and was not tired of fighting, so the two got along very happily.

Wuming was naturally challenged by Lan En, and this was not the first time.

In the sword domain, Lan En's sword is unpredictable, but no matter how he attacks, he cannot affect Wuming.

"Compared to me, your opponents should be those swordsmen, those guys who like fighting." Wuming manipulated the Titan's Hand to calmly block Lan En's attacks again and again, and said lazily.

Lan En held the knife with both hands, his body was covered with blue light, and instantly shot towards Wuming. The sharp knife light slashed heavily at the weakness he saw, but the Titan's Hand appeared just in time to block his knife.

He smiled and said, "The world's number one is right in front of me. I really can't find any reason to persuade myself not to try to climb."

"When did I become the world's number one? And what's wrong with being the world's number one? Isn't there still heaven?" Wuming manipulated the Titan's Hand to bounce off Lan En's knife and said depressedly.

Of course, what he said about heaven is naturally a sophistry.

I don’t know when it started, but there is a very popular saying in the world that his strength is the best in the world and he is the strongest in the world.

To be honest, Wuming doesn’t think he is the strongest at all. There are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world. It is possible that there is an old monster hidden in any world that can easily crush him.

He refused this kind of flattery.

But helplessly, whether he admits or denies it, most of the practitioners in the world agree with this statement, so that there are often some strange people who challenge him.

For example, some particularly arrogant and heroic guys who have just come into contact with the practitioners of the world will challenge him, intending to seize the title of "the best in the world".

Wuming is actually willing to give this inexplicable title to others, but the problem is that the challenger is really too weak. He can easily solve the battle without even using the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, so that after hundreds of years, no one can beat him, but instead leads more people to believe that he is the strongest in the world.

For example, Lan En is one of them.

He firmly believed that Wuming was the strongest in the universe, which was why he was keen on challenging Wuming. As long as he could defeat Wuming who was giving his all, he would be the best in the world.

A real man lives between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and inferior to others for a long time!

Lan En was also an ambitious person, but he never concealed his ambition. He wanted to take Wuming's place and seize the title of the best in the world.

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