I Contracted Myself

【961】Life and Death Battle


In the time Wuming yawned, the Titan's Hand collided with Lan En's knife countless times.

Every collision between the knife and the fist in the blue light will cause a faint blue ripple, which is Lan En's knife domain.

In the knife domain, the enemy's movements will become slower and slower, and the pictures they see will become more and more unreal, just like being stuck in a quagmire and blurring all their perceptions, and eventually becoming Lan En's lamb to be slaughtered.

Unfortunately, Wuming didn't move at all. He just manipulated the Titan's Hand to easily resolve all of Lan En's attacks.

Every time Lan En fought with Wuming, he felt like he was chopping a wall. There was no crack in the wall, no weakness. If you see a crack and try to pry the wall open through the crack, you will soon find that it was all just an illusion and the crack never existed.

‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‏‏‏Perhaps, there is only one face on the wall, a lazy smiling face.

The two fought for dozens of minutes, and finally Lan En stopped suddenly. A finger of the Titan's Hand just touched his forehead, stopping this meaningless battle.

Lan En knew very well how hard the nameless Titan's Hand was. After all, the knife in his hand was not an ordinary weapon, but a powerful divine knife. If he used it to chop other opponents, as long as the opponent did not have weapons of the same level, he would be sure to chop the opponent into pieces.

The Titan's Hand, which could fight head-on with his divine knife, could easily pierce his body. The moment the Titan's Hand touched his forehead, it meant that he lost.

"You are worthy of being the president, the best in the world, and you deserve it!" Lan En took a deep breath, put away the divine knife, and said calmly.

Wuming lay on Qilin's back again and said awkwardly: "Can you stop talking about being the best in the world? I'm embarrassed. Let's not talk about those old monsters who don't like to show off. At least look up again. Aren't there still transcendents?"

"Transcendents... that's too far away, just like the statues worshiped by ordinary people. They seem to be in front of us, but they are actually out of reach." Lan En lowered his head slightly and sighed.

Compared to pursuing unrealistic dreams, he would rather challenge the visible limit.

And Wuming is this limit. Only by defeating Wuming will he further consider the issue of transcendents.

"Whatever you want."

Wuming said casually, and the next moment Qilin suddenly accelerated and ran away.


Lan En watched Wuming leave and did not chase him. He was satisfied today. Wuming ran away. Anyway, the Council of All Heavens can actually operate with or without Wuming. After all, there are still two vice presidents.

Now Wuming is more like a stabilizing force for the Council of All Heavens. As long as he is still the president, the people below will not be in chaos, and they dare not have any messy thoughts.

Everything else is a small matter.

In the vast universe, a black unicorn ran on the star ring. The huge planet slowly rotated, bringing countless small meteorites. The unicorn ran lightly between the meteorites and left the star ring in a blink of an eye.

"Sure enough, it didn't catch up."

Wuming held a lollipop in his mouth and laughed in his heart.

Compared to Aries, Lan En is actually very flexible. As long as the other party's desire to fight is satisfied, Lan En will turn a blind eye to many things.

Of course, Lan En is still quite principled in important matters, which is why Aries is optimistic about Lan En.

If nothing unexpected happens, after a few thousand years, after Aries leaves office, Lan En will most likely become the secretary general.

"Ding Dong!"

At this time, Wuming heard a prompt in his ear.

He immediately checked the system and found that the Fun System had refreshed the task.

[Side quest: On the Titan star 410,000 light years away, the Sword Saint Chen Taibai and the Immortal Dragon Sword Lord Jing Rong met to fight a life-and-death battle to break through the realm of the Great God. The demon cultivator Du Wei, who had taken a fancy to Chen Taibai's body, hid in the dark and waited for an opportunity to take over his body. The sword maniac Wu Yijun, who was defeated by Jing Rong in his early years, was determined to avenge his shame and also appeared on the Titan star.

Please go to the Titan star to participate in the life-and-death battle. The happier the ending, the richer the reward. ]

After reading the refreshed task, Wuming scratched the back of his head. The Sword Saint Chen Taibai? ? ? The Immortal Dragon Sword Lord Jing Rong? ? ?


He had never heard of these two people.

He took out the oracle stone and opened the oracle network to check. Oh, there really are these two people.

Chen Taibai, the Sword Saint of Flowing Light, is a master of the Flowing Light Sword, and belongs to the Sword Holding School. The Immortal Dragon Sword Lord Jing Rong specializes in the Immortal Dragon Sword, and belongs to the Flying Sword School.

The Sword Holding School and the Flying Sword School are the two major schools of Sword Immortals. They have existed since ancient times, and the two schools of Sword Immortals often do not get along well.

On the one hand, it is believed that if you don't even hold the sword in your hand, how can you achieve the unity of man and sword? On the other hand, it is believed that as long as the man and sword are united, it doesn't matter whether you hold the sword or not. Of course, this view is not so serious now, and it is probably the degree of the dispute over the salty and sweet tofu brain.

After Wuming learned some information, he took the task and ordered Qilin to move towards the target planet Titan.

Target Planet Titan.

This planet has a very high metal content, accounting for 60% of the planet, and was originally a rich ore planet.

About a hundred years ago, a wealthy man formed a fleet to mine on this planet, but the good times did not last long. A star tens of thousands of light years away from Target Titan collapsed into a black hole, affecting every aspect of this star region. The fleet needed to upgrade its equipment if it wanted to continue mining safely.

But the rich man calculated that it would take at least a thousand years to pay back the cost of upgrading the spacecraft. Considering the possible accidents in the middle, he gave up.

So, now there are only some traces of mining in the past on Target Titan, but no other creatures.

The Flowing Light Sword Saint Chen Taibai and the Immortal Dragon Sword Lord Jing Rong chose this planet as the venue for the life-and-death battle because it was big enough and there were no other people. Even if the planet was cut into powder, no one would come to hinder them.

At this time, the Flowing Light Sword Saint Chen Taibai was wearing a white robe, holding a Flowing Light Sword in his hand, with long hair fluttering, and his eyes looking deeply at the front.

Finally, a dragon roar came from a distance.

"You are here!" Chen Taibai looked up and looked in the direction of the dragon roar.

Jing Rong was wearing a green robe. After landing, the Immortal Dragon Sword floated behind him, and the sword body exuded a terrifying dragon power from time to time.

This sword is made of metal dragon scales, tempered with dragon blood and sharpened with dragon soul. It has an extremely domineering dragon nature. Only Jing Rong can control it safely. If others dare to touch this sword, they will be killed by the dragon sword in minutes.

"Today, one of you and I must become a sword god. Whether it is you or me, we have no regrets." Jing Rong smiled slightly and said to Chen Taibai.

Level 250 has different names among different types of practitioners. The recognized one is naturally the realm of the great god, but it is also called the realm of the sword god in sword cultivation.

In short, regardless of the various titles of sword gods in other worlds, at least the sword god recognized by the heavens and the worlds must be level 250, otherwise even if you call yourself a sword god, it is just a self-proclaimed title.

Although no one will refute, those who understand will definitely give the other party a silent "Pooh" in their hearts to show their disdain.

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