I Contracted Myself


When Chen Taibai and Jing Rong were about to fight, Dewey was like a part of the meteorite, waiting quietly on top of a meteorite several light years away.

Since the establishment of the Council of Heavens, many things have changed.

In the past, demon cultivators were able to work with various secret organizations. Although they were the existence that everyone shouted at, they were actually able to cooperate with many forces secretly, and they were not particularly short of resources.

But now the Council of Heavens is attacking the demonic cultivators very hard. There may still be some forces that have the courage to cooperate with the demonic cultivators, but that level is too high, and demonic cultivators like Dewey are simply out of reach.

Dewey believes that magic cultivation is a sunset industry, and he must find a way to clear his identity.

The problem is that the Council of Heavens has many ways to identify practitioners. The general Council of Seizers can see it at a glance, so he can only hide in Tibet. Until one day a mysterious man gave him a skill.

This technique can ensure that he will not be discovered by the Council of Heavens after he seizes the body, and the other party has only one request, and that is to seize Chen Taibai's body.

Apparently, he became a pawn of some big shot.

However, he himself has no idea of ​​resistance. He also wants an identity that can appear in front of the world openly. Moreover, if the other party can find him, it means that the other party can easily deal with him.

It is better to be used by someone than to have no value at all.

According to the clues provided by the other party, he has been controlling and lurking around the target Titan for more than half a year. Now he is waiting for Chen Taibai to be injured, so that he can take the opportunity to invade Chen Taibai's soul, use Chen Taibai's soul as a cover, and slowly erode the opponent.

This body-seizing technique is very evil and profound. The only disadvantage is that it can only be used once in a lifetime.

But it was enough for Dewey. After he was cleared and came ashore, he would be Chen Taibai, the legendary swordsman, not the Dewey who everyone shouted for beating and whose name was on the wanted poster.

"Fight, fight quickly!"

Dewey thought silently in his mind, and then suddenly felt a pain in his stomach.

He opened his eyes and saw a young man stepping on him. His eyes were looking into the distance, seemingly unaware of his presence.

Who is this guy?

Dewey did not look down on the young man because of his young appearance. Being able to move freely in space itself showed that this young man was not a mortal.

Although he didn't know how strong the other party was, he still tried to control his aura to avoid being discovered by the other party.

Now he is the meteorite, and the meteorite is him!

At this time, the young man took out the oracle stone, dialed the number and said, "Hey, is this the Wulitun Law Enforcement Team of Jiankuxing?"

"This is the Jiankuxing Wulitun Law Enforcement Team. What can I do for you?" A woman's voice came from the other side.

The young man replied: "It's a long story. My name is Zhang Shouzhong. I heard that Master Wuming appeared in Jianku Star during this time, so I came to Jianku Star for a trip. Who knew that Jianku Star was already overcrowded? Hotels are expensive as hell.”

"I'm sorry, it's our Jianku star who didn't provide good hospitality," the woman said.

The young man continued: "It's okay, it's okay. It's common for practitioners to eat and sleep in the open. I didn't care. I just couldn't sleep at night and remembered that I had a magic weapon that I hadn't refined yet, so I decided to do it‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎ ​‏‏‎‎Be prepared to practice while you have time. I wonder if the young lady from the law enforcement team knows about the target Titan? "

"I've heard that, did you want to go to Titan to collect weapon refining materials, and then got lost?" the woman asked.

The young man shook his head and said: "No, I didn't get lost. I just came near the Titan star. I saw two people who seemed to be very strong on the Titan star. They both had swords on their bodies and did not put them in storage. In the space, I suspect they are sword cultivators and are dueling against the rules!"

"Illegal duel?" The young lady was stunned.

The young man nodded and said: "Yes, sword cultivators like to duel secretly, saying that there is a great terror between life and death, which can help them break through the bottleneck, but the council has issued regulations that practitioners cannot duel against the rules, otherwise they will be treated as a fight. ?"

"Ah, it seems there is such a rule." The young lady responded and nodded.

In fact, this rule is not very binding. The main reason is that if practitioners really make an appointment to fight, they will often find a secret place to fight, trying not to affect others and not be discovered by others.

Therefore, for so many years after this rule was promulgated, no one was actually convicted of private duels.

"Are you coming to arrest someone?" the young man asked cautiously.

The young lady immediately nodded and said: "Of course. Since you have violated the regulations, you will naturally have to accept legal sanctions. I will report it right away. You'd better be careful and get out of there quickly to avoid being affected by the other party."

"Okay, okay, then I'll be relieved." The young man said with a smile.

Dewey watched the boy turn off the communication, and he wanted to cut the boy into pieces. If the law enforcement team came to stop the duel, how could he take away his body?

But he couldn't take action, otherwise Chen Taibai and Jing Rong would definitely stop the duel and come over to deal with him first if they noticed his presence.

"Okay, let's solve a problem. How long do you have to lie on the ground?" The young man put away the oracle stone and suddenly said with a smile.

Dewey's heart pounded, and he immediately realized that something was wrong. He turned from stillness in an instant, and stabbed the boy's chest fiercely with his arm, but the next moment the boy turned into countless petals and scattered.


Dewey had seen some scenes of Wuming's actions, and these flowers looked so familiar.

Although he couldn't rule out someone pretending to be Wuming, with Wuming's prestige in the heavens and the worlds, he really couldn't think of anyone who would dare to do so. In addition, there were news reports that Wuming appeared on Jianku Star...

When he thought that the boy was Wuming, he felt desperate and quickly knelt on the ground, shouting: "Master Wuming, I surrender!"


Wuming stood behind Dewey and hadn't had time to make a move. Looking at Dewey kneeling on the ground, he felt that if this guy was not a demon cultivator, he must be a talent.

"Master Wuming, I am useful, I have information, I am just a pawn, someone wants to use me to take over Chen Taibai's body, you see... this is the skill that the other party gave me!" Dewey trembled and shook out everything he knew.

Wuming took the book that Dewey presented with both hands and read it according to the method Dewey said. Sure enough, there was a profound skill of taking over the body hidden in it.

Unfortunately, this skill has no name, so he couldn't find out who was behind the skill.

If there is a name, he can use the "name" in it to use his ability to follow the clues. Unless the other party has a cover of the level of magic props, he can find the other party in an instant.

"Get up, wait for the law enforcement team here honestly, believe me... following the law enforcement team is definitely 10,000 times better than me taking action." Wuming put away the book and said to Dewey.

Dewey nodded quickly to show that he understood.

In the heavens and the worlds, Wuming has accumulated a lot of prestige, and many times just relying on his name can scare people to death.

For good people, Wuming is like a mascot, but for bad people, meeting Wuming is equivalent to meeting the god of death. Who wouldn't be afraid?

Dewey was not killed by a palm, and he was only lucky in his heart, and he didn't dare to have any extra thoughts.

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