I Contracted Myself

【964】Original Dead Beast

Asking the Heart.

Wuming closed the mark and continued watching the series.

A popular TV series was released this year called "Miracle Meteor". The content is probably about an ordinary orphan who accidentally picked up a top-shaped meteorite and began to rise.

It is said that this is a story adapted from a real person. As for the prototype of the protagonist Chen Xingyun, there are different opinions on the Internet.

Wuming doesn't know many people, so he didn't participate in the discussion, but he really likes this series and has bought a lot of resource coins. He is not an investor but an investor. Many people on the Internet think that others are stupid and have too much money. Fortunately, he It's anonymous support.

"It would be great if I could have a miraculous meteor." Wuming said enviously after watching the latest episode.

Aries Palace stood outside the courtyard, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ Hearing the nameless voice, he complained: "President, you have more golden fingers than Miracle Meteor, obviously. It’s not good to be full of cheats and still envy other people’s little cheats.”

"Aries, come in quickly, do you know Chen Xingyun's true identity?" Wuming looked at Aries Palace, and then said with a smile.

Aries walked into the courtyard calmly, but did not answer Wuming's question. Instead, his anger rose with every step he took.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong!" Wuming instantly realized that Aries was angry, so he decisively admitted his mistake.

Aries Gong looked at Wuming, who had a low eyebrow, and finally sighed helplessly: "If you don't want to give a speech, you can tell me directly. Why do you run away?"

"If I tell you, it won't be called running away." Wuming replied seriously.

Aries immediately couldn't help but punch Wuming on the head and said angrily: "So there's no burden at all in cheating me, right?"

"A little, but not much." Wuming said with a smile.

Aries sat next to Wuming, looked at Wuming who was smiling, and said angrily: "There will be an important meeting tomorrow to discuss the issue of eternal silence space. It seems that the Legion has made a new discovery. I hope you can be there."

"What's wrong with the Eternal Silence Space?" Wuming frowned.

Since the monsters in the Eternal Silence Space were gradually eliminated, the Eternal Silence Space has been exclusively guarded by the First Legion of the All-Heaven Army, and there have been no problems so far.

"An original sin beast broke into the Eternal Silence Space and seems to have caused a huge mess. The specific content will have to wait until tomorrow. The first legion commander of the Heavenly Legion will report." Aries Palace said.

Wuming nodded and agreed, "Okay, I will attend the meeting tomorrow."

You can't joke about this kind of thing, even if he is lazy, he will not be absent.

"Is there anything else?" Wuming then asked.

Aries said seriously: "I'm stuck on the mission."


Wuming looked at Aries Palace unexpectedly.

Then, nameless laughter came from the yard, as well as the angry roar of Aries Palace.

the next day.

Wuming arrived at the All Heavens Council building after a long absence. He ran to the vice president's office with a familiar face, looked at Lucifer with a smile, and said hello: "Good morning, Fei'er."

"I haven't gone back so early." Lucifer said calmly.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏Due to the anniversary, her workload has increased dramatically in the past few days. She promised Maria to go to a restaurant for dinner, but in the end she didn’t go. The thought of making herself so busy The culprit was right in front of her, and her tone naturally contained a hint of resentment.

"That's it. You're busy then, bye." Upon hearing this, Wuming immediately stepped back in laughter.

Lucifer stopped what she was doing and said, "You are here for a meeting, right? There happens to be one thing that I hope you can discuss, about talent selection."

"What's the problem with talent selection?" Wuming asked doubtfully.

There has always been no problem with the talent selection of the Council of Heavens. Although there is no guarantee that all members are loyal, those who can reach high-level positions are basically of good character.

Lucifer explained: "The Council of the Heavens has been expanding, accepting more and more worlds. Some time ago, the law enforcement groups conducted a self-examination and found that there are problems with the law enforcement groups in many worlds, and they are not bullying civilians or anything like that. , but turned a blind eye to some illegal activities by some forces.

There is obviously a problem here.

We need more masters who can be sent out, practitioners with levels around 150 to 200. The most important thing is to ensure that they will not be corrupted by power and will not have the atmosphere of a crooked law enforcement team. "

"What do you think?" After hearing this, Wuming took out a chair and sat down, drinking tea while asking.

Lucifer said: "I hope to use a batch of resources as rewards to formally select suitable talents, and at the same time quote the Heart Oath Covenant to ensure that everyone does not deteriorate or be corrupted, but many people think that the Heart Oath Covenant is too harsh. It has a bad impact on the Council of Heavens, so this proposal has been in a stalemate and has not been passed yet. "

"The impact is indeed bad." Wuming said after listening.

Lucifer slapped the table and said angrily: "What's wrong? As long as you don't violate your heart and don't take bribes and bend the law, there is no difference between the existence and non-existence of the Heart Oath Covenant. And it doesn't say it will last a lifetime. As long as you abide by the rules during your term of office." Is it difficult to abide by the law?”

"It doesn't seem to be difficult." Wuming nodded quickly.

Next, Lucifer talked about some of his ideas. Wuming agreed with some of them, but he didn't particularly agree with some of them. The two discussed it for a long time.

After reaching an agreement, the two went to the conference room together.

Half an hour later.

Wuming sat in the conference room, listening to Aries and others reporting various issues. He was not interested in most of the things and pushed them directly to Qin Zheng or Lucy Phil.

Finally, it was the turn of Nan Fengqing, the commander of the First Legion, to give a report.

"Everyone, the situation in the Eternal Silence Space is getting more and more serious. Since the unknown original sin beast entered the Eternal Silence Space, the monsters in the Eternal Silence Space have become stronger and stronger. And the day before yesterday we found a monster with intelligence. After research and judgment, our First Legion named this intelligent monster the original death beast.

The original death beast has extremely strong desires, and the direction of desires is varied, but without exception they all want to escape from the Eternal Silence Space, so we hope that the Council can provide greater support, whether it is equipment or soldiers." Nan Fengqing looked at Wuming and said seriously.

Qin Zheng listened and tapped the table and asked: "Nan Fengqing, is there a battle video of the original death beast?"

"Yes!" Nan Fengqing nodded.

Qin Zheng immediately said, "Play."

Then Nan Fengqing took out the oracle stone, called up the battle video and started playing it.

The First Legion guarded the intersection of the Eternal Silence Space and the real world, which was actually a vortex.

Death, resentment, malice and other originally illusory things will form visible energy after a large amount of gathering. This energy is manifested in the vortex, which is also the fundamental reason why the vortex is visible to the naked eye.

A large number of soldiers deployed near the vortex, ready to guard against monsters that may appear at any time.

At this time, a claw stretched out from the vortex in the picture and crawled out little by little.

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