After a moment, a humanoid monster came out of the whirlpool.

It is about four meters tall, has white skin and is covered with eyes.

These eyes are very smart. When observing the surroundings, you can vaguely see that there are emotions inside.

At the beginning of the battle, it was relatively immature and was frequently repelled by the soldiers' attacks. The raw stone essence covered almost half of its body.

But in just a few minutes, it quickly learned and evolved, and its fighting methods were constantly updated. In the end, the soldiers had no choice but to attack it at close range, but the result was the sacrifice of a large number of soldiers.

Finally, Nan Fengqing arrived at the battlefield in time and beat the monster back into the vortex.

"Nowadays, the frequency of the original dead beasts is getting higher and higher. If this continues... we may lose our defense." Nan Fengqing said seriously.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎He then showed several kinds of original dead beasts that had appeared.

He also introduced: "The protozoa that have appeared so far have a very obvious tendency to desire. Any protozoa with many eyes is often more curious. We call it a snooping protozoa, and its body is obviously weaponized. The original dead beasts tend to have a stronger desire to kill, and the original dead beasts with mouths are even more greedy. One soldier took advantage of its greedy weakness and threw a piece of meat into the eternal silence space, thereby inducing It returns to the eternal space.”

"In this way, the original death beast is equivalent to a monster that combines the characteristics of the eternal silence monster and the original sin beast." Qin Zheng said with a frown.

Nan Fengqing nodded and said, "That's true."

"Although the original dead beast has not yet affected all the worlds, it is the result of the efforts of all the officers and soldiers of the First Legion. It cannot be denied that the original dead beast is a great threat. Once a fish slips through the net, it may cause huge damage to the world.

I agree to increase troops and resources. What do you think? Qin Zheng said thoughtfully.

Lucifer nodded and said: "I agree, but the specific amount of reinforcements must be investigated before a decision can be made. As for the candidates for the inspection, Aries is responsible for drawing up."

"No problem." Aries nodded.

Nan Fengqing sat down again and felt relieved. He just picked up the cup and wanted to drink tea. Suddenly the oracle stone flashed crazily. He quickly connected the call.

Everyone looked at Nan Fengqing. After listening to the encrypted communication, Nan Fengqing's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Nan Feng, what's wrong?" Seeing Nan Fengqing's bad expression, Qin Zheng had a vague premonition and asked immediately.

Nan Fengqing gritted his teeth and said: "Just now, ten original dead beasts rushed through the barrier at the same time. Our soldiers did not block them all, and three of them escaped."

"Hey, this is troublesome." Catfish King, the leader of the family group, took a breath.

Lucifer stood up and said: "Captain of the South Wind Army, please go back and take charge of the overall situation now, and sort out the information on the three original dead beasts that successfully escaped. President Wuming, please do your best to lead the team..."

"No need, it just so happens that I am also interested in the original dead beasts. Leave those three original dead beasts to me." Wuming said with a smile.

Then, before anyone could say anything, the nameless figure dispersed like a bubble. Aries immediately stood up from the chair when he saw this scene, but finally sat down helplessly.

Obviously, Wuming had already run away while everyone was in the meeting, and the Wuming seen by the people present was actually just the phantom of the Seven Dreams.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Wenxin Villa, fish pond.

Wuming put away the fishing rod, twisted his neck, and said to himself: "Original dead beasts, I hope they haven't caused too many casualties."

After saying that, he clicked on the workaholic system, and sure enough, the side mission appeared directly.

[Side mission: Kill three original dead beasts before they cause a lot of casualties, and you will be rewarded with 3 points of miracle energy. 】

"nice one!"

After Wuming read the mission, he suddenly felt motivated.

This kind of miracle energy is very magical. Over the years, he has only received 1 point of miracle energy.

At first, he didn't know what miracle energy was, so he swallowed that little bit of miracle energy, but he couldn't digest it.

After realizing that miraculous energy could not be absorbed, he tried to inject energy into his abilities. As a result, most abilities could not absorb miraculous energy.

In the end, the Seven Dreams of the Floating Life successfully absorbed that 1 point of miraculous energy. Although the nature of the ability did not change, it became more bizarre and unpredictable. Even practitioners with stronger souls than him would have difficulty deciphering the Seven Dreams of the Floating Life.

This mission is so generous, giving three points of miracle energy at once. If it is injected into the Seven Dreams of the Floating Life, there is no telling how terrifying the Seven Dreams of the Floating Life will become.


A group of island wanderers from different worlds are gathering together to drink, eat and brag.

Most of these ronin are wandering warriors, with strength ranging from level 90 to level 150. They usually act as bodyguards for business groups or as thugs for traders.

Only during holidays, wanderers will gather on the planet of Wanderers to relax with their fellow humans.

In the open-air kabuki theater, a large number of island women, wearing revealing clothes and smeared with white rouge on their faces, knelt on futons and played Japanese-style songs.

Several samurai bare their chests and arms, holding large bowls in their hands and drinking heavily. A skinny monkey-like samurai pulled the kagi into his arms and lifted his hands. The kagi didn't dare to resist, so she could only shout in a low voice, " Elegant Butterfly'.

Just when the warriors were so happy that they didn't know what to do, a meteor suddenly fell into the Vagabond.


At the moment of impact, dust exploded, and billowing loess and shock waves hit at the same time.

Some samurai drew their swords, shouted and slashed at the dust, but the sword energy was like toothpicks in front of the shock wave and was instantly defeated.

Before many warriors could react, they were crushed by the shock wave in the blink of an eye. The ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ was mixed with the soil and turned into an indescribable mosaic.

At this time, many blue spells appeared out of thin air, finally blocking the shock wave, and many singers showed expressions of surviving the disaster.

The star owner of Rogue is named Tokugawa Tadashi. He comes from a world where monsters are rampant. Although he is an island native, he is a very upright person as his name suggests.

After ruling the Vagabond, he provided services to the minority groups who were also from the island nation, thereby earning a large amount of resources, and thus became the most powerful island nation, with a level as high as 264.

"What kind of monster dares to cause trouble on the planet Drifter!" Tokugawa's voice penetrated the air, punching a big hole in the billowing dust and transmitting the sound to the center of the explosion.

he he he he he!

Suddenly, dense laughter came from the dust. The laughter overlapped and made people very uncomfortable.

Tokugawa walked out of a building, already having a bad feeling in his heart, so he ordered his men to evacuate the crowd, and at the same time, the samurai and onmyoji who could fight were prepared to fight.

Suddenly, a mask flew out of the dust. Tokugawa was caught off guard and his face was instantly covered by the mask.

He quickly made seals with both hands to activate the Onmyoji, but the next second he became quiet, raised his head to the sky and let out a strange laugh. When a samurai saw this scene, his face changed greatly and said: "It's not good, Lord Tokugawa is under control." Come on, find the law enforcement team, the rest of the gang... run away!"

Before he shouted the last word, Tokugawa Masaaki waved his hand, and a blue spiritual power instantly penetrated the samurai's chest, shattering the samurai's heart.

After the warrior said the last word, he collapsed.

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