I Contracted Myself


At this time, it started to rain.

Tokugawa's terrifying spiritual power was combined with the rain, and many people who escaped were suppressed in an instant, unable to move while maintaining their running movements.

In the rain, the dust gradually dispersed, and a monster with a shape similar to a white spider and a mask covering its body appeared.

he he he he he!

The mask on the monster suddenly shook violently and emitted a weird laugh.

Tokugawa Tadashi in the distance immediately started shaking, and the same laughter came out of his mouth.

The mask on the monster gradually separated from the body and spontaneously searched for targets. More and more people were covered by the mask and turned into the monster's puppets.

When the law enforcement team arrived, a large number of people wearing masks surrounded the monster.

"Even Lord Tokugawa has had an accident." Xiao‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Lin Bozai, the captain of the law enforcement team, said in shock.

Vice-captain Musk said solemnly: "This monster is difficult to deal with. Captain, I think it is best for us to evacuate temporarily, call for support, and wait for the strong ones to come over before making plans."

"It's too late." Kobayashi Hiroya smiled bitterly.

The next moment, a huge demon-suppressing array appeared in the sky. This was Tokugawa Masaru activating the Star Lord's ability, trapping all living things in the planet. Unless they are ten times stronger than the Star Lord, they can't even think of escaping from the planet.

"Then fight it!"

Assef, the most impulsive member of the law enforcement team, shouted, took out his weapon and immediately shot at the monster.

"Don't be impulsive!" Kobayashi Hiroya's expression changed, and then he saw Assef being hit by a spell, and his body was instantly torn apart.

Tokugawa's strength is so strong that no one here can suppress Tokugawa.

Besides, if Tokugawa Tadashi is so strong and can be controlled, how strong is the monster?

Kobayashi Hiroya looked at the monster, his heart sank suddenly, and he felt as if his career had come to an end.

"Hehehehe, despair and fear, that's all humans are." The monster laughed strangely and actually spoke.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be able to communicate, Kobayashi Hiroya asked: "What kind of monster are you, and why do you do this to everyone?"

"It's just revenge." The monster replied calmly.

Kobayashi Hiroya said angrily: "Retaliation? We didn't do anything, you just vented your anger!"

Although he didn't know what happened to the monster, maybe it had been hurt by other humans, but at least the people on Wanderer were innocent, and he didn't think anyone on Wanderer could hurt the monster.

"Hehehe, isn't anger the best revenge?" The monster suddenly laughed strangely.

Bang bang bang bang!

Suddenly, applause broke out.

The monster, Hiroya Kobayashi and others were stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction of the clapping, and saw a young man sitting on top of a collapsed building.

"Master Wuming!" When Xiaobayashi Hirozai saw the young man, he was immediately elated and shouted happily.

Originally, he thought that he would definitely die, but unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Wuming appeared on the Vagabond, and he no longer had to die.

"Anger is the best revenge, that's a good statement." Wuming looked at the original dead beast below and said with a smile.

The original dead beast quickly absorbed the knowledge from the puppets such as Tokugawa Tadashi ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ When it heard Kobayashi Hiroya's words, it realized that something was wrong. At this time, look again Xiang Wuming only had a frightening feeling.

"You are the leader of mankind, and you are the one who imprisons my compatriots so that they cannot come to this world freely!" The original dead beast stared at Wuming and said angrily.

Wuming smiled and said: "It is said that all the original dead beasts have different desires. Those with many mouths are greedy, those with many eyes are curious, those with many arms want everything, and those with many weapons like to kill. You have so many masks on your body. ...What do you want most?”

"What I want most...is...to kill you!" The original dead beast answered in a low voice at first, and then suddenly screamed. All the surrounding puppets attacked Wuming at the same time, and it also shot out several masks with the intention of Control Wuming.

However, all these attacks were easily blocked by Wuming. Then Wuming appeared in front of Tokugawa Zhengda, pointed his finger at Tokugawa Zhengda's heart, and then said helplessly: "It has been contaminated."

The Original Death Beast has the characteristics of the Original Sin Beast and the Eternal Silence Monster, and is naturally frighteningly contaminated. After Tokugawa was controlled by the mask, his body no longer resisted the erosion of the Original Death Beast, and was naturally contaminated very quickly.

"Go to hell!"

The original dead beast did not expect that Wuming would dare to approach him, and all the masks on his body immediately swarmed towards Wuming.

"The attack method is too crude and the attack intention is too obvious."

An unknown voice sounded in the sky, and before the proto-dead beast could react, a golden arm fell from the sky and hit the proto-dead beast's body with a bang. The proto-dead beast's limbs exploded on the spot, and its huge body hit the ground, forming a crater-like sound on the ground. The big pit.

"Oops, I almost broke the planet."

Wuming knew very well that the power of that punch was very concentrated, so the destructive power was not particularly strong, but the penetrating power was very terrifying. The pit directly reached the core of the star, and it had actually been shattered.

Fortunately, the Drifter Planet was well managed by Tokugawa Masato, and there were many formations protecting the planet, so it was not shattered by a single blow.

Wuming fell to the ground, and flowers quickly appeared on the ground one after another, forming a sea of ​​flowers in the blink of an eye.

"Human, you are very strong, but for the sake of freedom and the sake of my fellow humans, I will kill you!" The original dead beast got up with difficulty at this time, looked at Wuming and said seriously.

In theory, the original dead beast should be an immortal existence.

But just now, for a moment, the original dead beast really felt the breath of death.

If Wuming didn't want to blow up the Rurouni Star, it would have died if it had held back a little at the last moment.

"Now... it's okay to tell you, my name is Wumian, this name was given to me by the Great Mother, I will take away the face of all creatures and become the faceless king." The original dead beast seemed to be talking to itself, and it seemed to be talking to Wuming.

After the words were finished, all the masks on its body fell off quickly.

In an instant, its body changed drastically, from the original spider body shape slowly into a humanoid shape, only compared to humans, it has four arms.

It has three pairs of eyes on its face, four pairs of eyes from the chest to the abdomen, and a bulging face on the back, but that face is blank.

In fact, its ability is very simple, that is, imitation and face-stealing.

It can imitate any creature, and after killing it, it can obtain its abilities. Before arriving at the Wanderer Star, it killed many practitioners and took away their abilities.

Using the abilities of those people, it became stronger and its abilities became more diverse.

However, the more abilities it has, the more origins it needs to divide, and the result is that each ability is inferior to the original owner's ability.

Now Wuming is too strong, so strong that the abilities of those rabble alone cannot fight against Wuming, so it gave up the power of those rabble.

At this time, the bulging face behind it slowly turned into the appearance of Wuming.

It wants to use all its own origins to imitate Wuming, and use Wuming's abilities to kill Wuming, and finally completely occupy Wuming's power.

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