I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [012] The King and the Savage

Outside the darkroom, Liu Sishan leaned against the wall, holding the badge in his hand, nervously waiting for the result.

This wait lasted for an hour.

Suddenly, the pearl on the badge glowed slightly, and then the old man's voice came out: "Sisi?"

"Captain, I'm here." Liu Sishan responded immediately.

The old man said: "From now on, Sisi, you and Manni are responsible for protecting Zhang Ping in secret. The information he provides is very critical. As for his credibility, you can judge it yourself. Bingbing will lock your mental state. Once your mental state is problematic, I will order Jinbo to forcibly take you away from Mingzhu City.

And... you cooperate with Zhang Ping to determine the identity of each Tianchang Fox as much as possible."

"Captain, what is Zhang Ping's identity now?" Liu Sishan asked.

The old man replied: "The current situation in Mingzhu City is unclear. Although Zhang Ping provides key information, it cannot be guaranteed whether this is a trap set by the enemy, so he will be an important eye for the time being. If this matter is successfully resolved, a reward will be arranged separately."

"Understood." Liu Sishan nodded.

After the contact ended, Liu Sishan put away the badge and returned to the dark room.

Zhang Ping's restraints were instantly untied. He moved his hands and feet and asked, "Verified?"

"Well, but we can't be sure whether your discovery of Tianchanghu is a deliberate trap set by the other party, so sorry, you can only be an eyeliner. In addition to providing the location of Tianchanghu, we will not have more contact for the time being." Liu Sishan nodded and continued.

Zhang Ping was not dissatisfied with this result.

He didn't want to get anything from Liu Sishan or the organization behind her. As long as the Tianchanghu in the city is solved, with his ability, he will have everything sooner or later in the future, so why bother to seek far away.

Nothing to ask for, so it doesn't matter.

"For the next period of time, I will protect you in the dark. If you find anything, you can contact me at night." Liu Sishan added.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Protection and surveillance? I understand, don't worry, I will cooperate with you, as long as the Tianchanghu can be solved, everything will be fine."

"Thank you for your understanding." Liu Sishan breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought Zhang Ping would be angry because most young people would be upset or even furious if they knew they were being monitored.

Zhang Ping was so reasonable that she liked him more.

"But I have a question, I hope you can answer it." Zhang Ping said at this time.

Liu Sishan pondered for a moment and agreed, "I will tell you everything I can."

"Why can't the high-level awakeners in the city see through the disguise of the low-level Tianchang Fox?" Zhang Ping asked directly.

This is what he has never understood.

High-level awakeners have a certain resistance to the abilities of low-level awakeners and alien beasts, so the opponents of each class are often only of the corresponding class.

Generally speaking, the competitors of high-level awakeners must be high-level awakeners, not middle-level awakeners or top-level awakeners.

The former is too weak to be an opponent, and the latter is too strong to be an opponent.

"In fact, we have discovered this a long time ago. According to the captain's guess, there is a king-level alien beast hidden in Mingzhu City." Liu Sishan replied.

Zhang Ping's eyes widened in surprise, and he said in surprise: "King? Are you kidding?"

As far as he knew, there were no king-level awakeners among humans.

A king-level mutant beast with intelligence not inferior to that of humans invaded Mingzhu City. What could humans do to stop it?

"I know you will doubt it, but the king level really exists. After becoming a top awakener..." Liu Sishan thought Zhang Ping was surprised that the king level was not a legend, so she started to explain.

But halfway through her explanation, Zhang Ping interrupted: "No, there is nothing wrong with the king level. I just want to know, do we humans have a king?"

"No, even the captain is only a top awakener." Liu Sishan was stunned for a moment, and then answered.

Zhang Ping frowned and said: "Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, then even if I find the king of Tianchang Fox hidden in Mingzhu City, what can you do to fight it?"

"You don't need to consider this problem. What you need to consider is how to find all the Tianchang Foxes, and we will be responsible for eradicating the Tianchang Foxes." Liu Sishan frowned, in fact, she was not sure, the captain did not tell her what to do if she found it.

However, due to her trust in the captain in the past, she would not question the captain's decision.

Zhang Ping was silent for a moment, and then spoke again: "So the high-level awakeners cannot detect the low-level alien beasts, is it because the king-level alien beasts have exerted an influence on them?"

"The biggest difference between alien beasts and human awakeners is that there are race-specific skills. Once the king appears in the alien beasts, the race-specific skills of all alien beasts of the same race within a certain range will be strengthened by the king.

Generally speaking, this kind of strengthening is at most one level, but the spirit system is an exception. Unless the spirit power is higher than the king, it is difficult to see through the illusions, consciousness distortion, and common sense distortion created by the spirit system." Liu Sishan explained.

Zhang Ping frowned and said: "Then once the king appears in the spirit system, won't the alien beasts be invincible?"

The appearance of a king is equivalent to the appearance of a group of kings, which is too unreasonable.

"Not so. The reason why the spirit system is like this is that their abilities themselves will not cause harm to the target. Once they take the initiative to attack the awakened who is higher than their own level, their abilities may be seen through." Liu Sishan shook his head.

Zhang Ping said thoughtfully: "So strong people are less likely to be attacked by Tianchang Fox."

"Not necessarily. If the patrol team has been completely replaced by Tian Changhu, then the patrol team captain Lin Kedi must have been poisoned, and Lin Kedi is a top awakener." Liu Sishan said.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, stood up and said, "Okay, I don't have any other questions for now. If you have any questions, I'll ask you again, how do you get out of here?"

"Well, I will contact you at the party." Liu Sishan nodded.

The next moment, Zhang Ping felt a force pulling him forward. In an instant, he rose up from the ground and returned to the small park through a dark passage.

He blinked, and then looked down at the ground. The ground was still the ground, and nothing could be seen at all.


Zhang Ping thought for a while and had some guesses in his mind.

It is estimated that the darkroom itself is a space where super powers are formed, and the entire small park has special passages leading to the darkroom.

He returned to Iron Soul, climbed through the window and entered the house, and sat on the bed thinking about tonight's harvest.

First, he was slightly safer.

Although Liu Sishan's protection itself also involves surveillance, he has done nothing wrong and is naturally not afraid of being watched.

Secondly, he can pass the information to the organization behind Liu Sishan through Liu Sishan.

That organization is responsible for sniping and killing Tian Changhu.

Finally, he finally figured out the general outline of the current enemy.


Zhang Ping sighed slightly. The strongest organization behind Liu Sishan was probably the top awakener.

Although he didn't know what cards the other party had, he always felt unsafe.

There's not enough firepower.

Since we don’t have a king, it’s best to gather hundreds or thousands of top-level awakeners to surround and kill the opponent’s king.

The next day.

Zhang Ping got up as usual, and under Liu Tiefeng's supervision, he continued to practice dough forging.

Any craft, unless it is assisted by a corresponding superpower, can only be practiced again and again to develop the technique to a level comparable to superpowers.

This is not an easy task.

Zhang Ping discovered that there were many benefits to practicing dough kneading in the dough forging technique. His hands became more sensitive to the materials, and as he kneaded the dough, he had to work hard all over. The training effect was no less than push-ups.

You can learn skills and exercise your physical fitness at the same time, why not do it.

In addition, when making noodles, he can also do two things at once, and continue to deepen his control over the fire element in his body, which is simply killing three birds with one stone.

Wait until the dough kneading practice is over.

Next, Zhang Ping continued to learn how to distinguish various materials and the functions of these materials.

The material room on the third floor is stacked with many strange materials, some of which are ores, some of which are plants, and most of which are body parts of alienated beasts.

This time Liu Tiefeng took out a dog claw-shaped material and said: "This material is taken from a kind of alienated beast called a corpse dog. Because Pearl City practices cremation, there are no corpse dogs nearby, but Pearl City There are many villages outside, and some villages still follow the ancient tradition of using burials, so there may be corpse-eating dogs lurking in those places.”

"There are villages outside Pearl City?" Zhang Ping asked in surprise.

He always thought that Pearl City was an isolated city with no human habitation for thousands of miles.

"Haha, of course there is. Those villages are often closed, backward, and exclusive. Many of them even worship alien beasts as gods. If you encounter a village while walking in the wild in the future, it is best to avoid it directly to avoid being caught as a slave by them. "Sacrifice." Liu Tiefeng smoked a cigarette and said slowly.

Zhang Ping pondered and analyzed: "In other words, most people living in the village can be regarded as enemies?"

"Haha, they can't be considered humans at all. Adventurers like to call them savages. Sometimes in the wild, the most dangerous thing is not the alienated beasts, but these savages. If you become an adventurer, most seniors will tell you These things." Liu Tiefeng's wrinkled face revealed a hint of sarcasm.

There were naive awakened people who tried to communicate with the savages in those villages, but they ended up being sacrificed by the other party. Even the companions they tried to rescue died at the hands of those savages.

The customs and habits of the savages are completely different from the civilized people in Pearl City.

They have their own set of behavioral logic, and outsiders are not considered human beings in their eyes.

"Okay, let's stop talking about the digression. Let's continue talking about corpse dogs. The claws of corpse dogs are born with the attribute of 'crushing earth'. This attribute cannot be calcined, so it has to be ground into powder, and when the weapon cools down, it will be on fire. Pour the oil into the grinding tool together, and you can create a weapon that has a certain restraint effect on the earth element energy." Liu Tiefeng threw the corpse dog's claws to Zhang Ping and continued.

After speaking, he threw the corpse dog's paw to Zhang Ping.

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