Why does this child eat everything?

The remarks of Alien Eater are too suspicious. Zhang Ping didn't think much about it the first time he saw it, but every time he opened his attributes, he felt that the sentence was very awkward.


Who treats him as a child?

Is his crossing the handwriting of a certain boss?

He unconsciously became a pawn of a certain dimension boss?

This kind of doubt continued until he couldn't bear it, and secretly asked Situ Shibai, and...there was no more.

Situ Shibai’s explanation directly dispelled all his worries. According to Situ Shibai, it is the natural feedback of ability. This kind of effect will naturally detoxify awakened.

In fact, many abilities have countless potential characteristics.

These potential features need to be awakened to dig by themselves. When digging to a certain depth, the future advancement may be directly transformed into more powerful advanced skills.

Situ Shibai also has appraisal ability. He told Zhang Ping that there are two sources for the text generation of appraisal ability. One is derived from the user’s own understanding and the other is derived from the identification target. information.

In short, if Zhang Ping cannot understand some information, then the information will not be displayed.

Appraisal Technique cannot show what the appraiser cannot understand. It is a kind of information integration. The appraiser provides knowledge and the appraiser provides information.

The remarks of the Alien Eater just show that Zhang Ping ate something deadly.

He didn't even realize that he had eaten the deadly poison, but the identification ability combined with Zhang Ping's own information, so he came to this conclusion, and then presented it in the remarks in a way that Zhang Ping can understand.

In short, this remark equivalent to is Zhang Ping's subconsciously making complaints when he sees others eating harmful foods indiscriminately.

Zhang Ping thinks about it carefully, it really is like this.

If he sees someone eating a Nethermist biological boarding organ, he might really mutter in his heart, this foolish child eats everything.


The seventh ability, the body of Nethermist!

Zhang Ping looked at the reeds not far away, and a mass of Nethermist condensed in the palm of his hand. Under his control, the Nethermist began to spin and gradually formed a small black tornado.


It just looks like fog, but what it actually is, even Situ Shibai can't explain it.

This is a mysterious and incomparable substance. It can interfere with the real substance, but it can also become misty, as if it has entered another dimension, and has no connection with reality.

Zhang Ping's ability to control Nethermist has been increasing, mainly because he will use Nethermist every time he fights, but in fact, he still has a little doubt about Nethermist.

Before he understood the nature of this ability, he would not really use Nethermist as his main method.


With a light push by Zhang Ping, the black tornado flew towards the reeds, and it passed directly through the reeds without causing any damage to the reeds, but the next moment The three-meter-long poisonous snake screamed and was directly twisted by the tornado.

This move is the move he has been thinking about recently. It takes advantage of the characteristics of Nethermist illusory and can ignore the enemy's overwhelming majority defense method.

Of course, this move looks very lethal, but in fact there are several shortcomings, one is that the speed is very slow, and the other is that the lethality is not high enough.

The speed is slow because Zhang Ping's control is still not enough. It is estimated that this move will only become a real killer when he advances to high level awakened.

The lethality is really helpless. Nethermist's lethality has an effect on King level and below, but for existence like Fenglaixian, Nethermist is really not enough.

The most terrifying thing about Fenglaixian is the recovery ability and other body refinement of Peak Level.

His speed is very fast, especially after entering the Great Sun Red Emperor form during the day, the offensive and defensive speeds are all extremely terrifying, at least Zhang Ping is not confident that he can beat the Phoenix in the daytime.

Zhang Ping has always regarded Feng Laixian as an imaginary enemy.

The main reason is that he has never seen what a powerhouse stronger than Fenglaixian looks like with all its strength.


The eighth and ninth abilities can be sorted together.

They are the body of pure water and the body of king blood evolved from pure blood.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and he simply turned into a body of pure water and slipped from the turtle's back into the water. The pure water formed by his body is out of touch with the surrounding water. The surrounding water is muddy yellow, only he This cloud of water is extremely clear.

He moved freely in the water, occasionally a fish passed through his body, and was immediately frightened and swam away quickly.

To some extent, the body of pure water overlaps with the body of king blood, but there are many subtle differences between the two, which only the user can best understand.

First of all, the body of pure water is more flexible!

This flexibility comes from the purity of pure water, so pure water can quickly deform and control it with a'smooth' feeling.

Because of this, Zhang Ping actually prefers to use pure water.

Because when avoiding the enemy's attack, the pure water deforms faster than the king's blood body, and the pure water is lighter and moves faster than the king's blood form.

The body of the king's blood itself is more inclined to treatment, and the blood actually has a certain viscosity, it is a little heavier, and the'hardness' is higher than that of pure water.

For example, if an enemy strikes, the body of pure water may burst, but the body of king blood will only burst a little bit at most, and a hole will be opened where it hits.

Of course, if the power reaches a certain level, the blood will explode.

But the endurance of Wang's blood is undoubtedly stronger.

But this kind of "strong" is useless at present, so the body of the king's blood is more used for healing and replenishing the lost blood by absorbing sunlight.

Zhang Ping played in the water for a while and quickly returned to turtle's back, controlled Nethermist to cover his body, and put Nethermist away after putting on his clothes.

It is worth mentioning that the inflammatory eater is still incompatible with the body of pure water and the body of king blood. Unless part of the body is retained, Zhang Ping is in the pure water form and the king blood form. Those who cannot use inflammation.


The remaining three abilities, in fact, Zhang Ping really doesn't know much about it.

The blood of the true king evolved from the blood of the old king. The identification explanation is that the body can draw strength from its own pain. The more painful the experience, the more obvious the effect.

Zhang Ping at first thought that his mental toughness came from the effect of the blood of the true king, but the past few days after exercising on turtle's back, he gradually realized that he seemed to have misunderstood.

Spiritual Plane's resilience is really the result of his own efforts, and has nothing to do with the blood of the true king.

The blood of the true king only acts on physical pain. For example, if he is attacked by an enemy with a spiritual ability, the spirit is severely damaged, and the blood of the true king will not take effect! ! !

Only when the body is injured, the blood of the true king can be effective.

He verifies this by squeezing his body and squeezing his spirit strength.

As a result, he almost collapsed after doing push-ups. The blood of the true king was activated and he began to strengthen his body in all aspects.

While condensing the contract gem continuously and squeezing the spirit strength, nothing happened.

The more painful the body, the more obvious the effect.

As for the pain of Spiritual Plane...


This blood vessels is really not a true king.

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