Finally, the king of precious stones and gems net community, Zhang Ping get their time is really short.

Although he has used the king of precious stones in the battle, but also with a lot of the net community gem purify the souls, but if you want to ask him understand the extent of these two capabilities, but even the true king of the blood do not like.

King gem.

This ability is somewhat similar contract gem, but it made gem is golden, the former is green.

And the king of gems at the time of manufacture, ability is random, before manufactured, Zhang Ping did not know what gems will emerge.

Of course, this seemingly random irregular, but gradually also work out a little doorway Zhang Ping.

the past few days in addition to exercise, when the sun will combine his blood hematopoietic ability of the true king, the king of constantly creating gems.

Currently, he produced a total of thirteen kinds of precious stones of different abilities, namely: Bomb gems, precious stone gate of the key, floating gun gems, precious stones shield petals, seeds, stones, cheat gems, precious stones investigative eye To make a hole gems, precious stones language, downwind gems, precious stones convergence rate, and finally substitute gem.

previously used gem goes without saying, but have not used the fact so few gems.

seed stones, shaped like olives, its use is very simple, just the seed buried in the soil, will grow within one minute gem tree, and bear ten golden apple.

Golden Apple can provide a day's nutrition.

This is a logistical gem.

If the food crisis, then Zhang Ping can be used to get food seed gems, avoid being starved to death.

gem eye detection, as the name implies, it is the gem's eye shape, Zhang Ping may share the eye gaze detection and control of the eye movement detection range in the five thousand meters.

may be present 12 hours after the use of investigative eye, so in theory Zhang Ping may have been staring at a distant targets within 12 hours.

However, the use of investigative eye gemstone needs doing two things at the same time the ability, otherwise it will stop somewhere no longer move, Zhang Ping must control it, it will move up.

The remaining gems, most of them just look at the name on the ability to be able to guess.

But in the end substitute gem is worth mentioning, it is hexagonal stones, after use, the user suffered injuries, all will bear precious stones, gems until the tolerance limit is reached.

This is equivalent to the damage transferred to the gem of the body, as long as the stones are not fried, users will not get hurt.

Unfortunately, after Zhang Ping opportunity to create a stand-precious stones, so far have not used, so he was not clear appetite limit substitute gem is.

Then the king of gems, only the last net community gem.

To be honest, Zhang Ping eyebrows they come up for a jewel, in fact, is a little uncomfortable, the first two days will feel the stones from time to time.

The net effect of boundary stones of very pure, and that is to give Spirit Physique a place to live.

souls can be painful. After purification to clean into the world, and as such Spirit Physique Su Jingyao also be entered directly.

because currently only Su Jingyao a special Spirit Physique, so Zhang Ping addition to the clean world may know that breeds other than Guardian Spirit, there will be is not clear what type of Spirit Physique.

Moreover, he did not originally intend to make use of these Spirit Physique what to do, so this is not particularly care.

But in fact, there are a few hidden gems net community capacity.

One can see the Spirit Physique Zhang Ping, some Spirit Physique because it is too weak, and will soon dissipate, so the naked eye can not see, and Zhang Ping can now aware of these Spirit Physique exist.

For example, just battle, Sin Fung to kill some members of the investigation team, in fact, there are few more powerful spirit strength member is formed Spirit Physique, but Zhang Ping is not ready to purge this ill the Spirit Physique, so there is no guide them into the clean world.

Second, Zhang Ping's spirit strength has been enhanced, he had mistaken for a mental toughness enhancement brought, but the true king of the blood test, in the process of squeezing spirit strength, he found spirit strength enhancement because of the clean world where the Spirit Physique them.

The Spiritual Fluctuation their escape will be collected clean up the world, and finally back to his body, so his spirit strength because of the Spirit Physique their presence has been increasing.

Moreover, this escape of Spiritual Fluctuation Spirit Physique not harm their health, just like our activities heat that comes out about the same, so Zhang Ping this does not have any psychological burden.

Third, Zhang Ping can be self-centered, releasing projection portion of the clean world of, projection range is only ten meters out once clean world is projection, which is ten meters will not have any dust, bacteria, all dirt will be excluded out of the ten meters.

Zhang Ping with this move as a throng Genki clean up the shell, so now throng Genki shells particularly clean.

"At present my ability, hardly any short board, plus the week innocence, Long Fubo, Genki, A big they are, generally top awakened certainly not my opponent, but like a phoenix Hall Master such a powerhouse, unless prepare you, or else ...... "

Zhang Ping saw an immortal phoenix, come to mind that he was punched spike picture.

Sometimes, speed, strength reaches a certain height is so unreasonable, especially with the immortal phoenix punch Great Sun True Fire, he was ready, then also blocked, but if they are caught off guard under the circumstances, it really will be headshot punch.

may be immortal phoenix said, even into the great day of red imperial form, he is still not the Moon Prince opponent.

Zhang Ping is very clear, their strength still not strong enough.

Although this time get four Summoned Beast, but four Summoned Beast each have their own shortcomings, A Japanese Genki have good potential, but it all comes down to is only two high level of alienation beast unless they can in the short term as the top Advanced alienation beast, or only as a means of transportation.

Zhou Long innocence and Fubo, the two combined to do a little something, but the powerhouse highest, the only clay chickens and pottery dogs.

human wave tactics, can only deal with the general awakened, like the phoenix fairy encounter such a body refinement expert, annihilated just a matter of time.

Zhang Ping thought, directly to the week innocence, Long Fubo summon it.

He was removed from the gold treasure house a few gems King of Long Fubo ordered:. "You are here to copy these gems, and so good and then copy to me"


Long Fubo took the gem, immediately began to launch replication.

Then Zhang Ping to see the week innocence, ordered: ". Summon a few outlaws out"

next moment, several wearing green clothes nocturnal humanoid Summoned Beast was summon out in the absence week innocence command, they all stood motionless.

Zhang Ping up observing these outlaw.

These humanoid Summoned Beast in about one meter eighty tall, burly strong build, but in fact there are slight differences reminder, some a little higher, some a little thin.

And under primordial form, they do not conveniently weapons, all unarmed state, only a dagger hidden in the lower back. Obviously we have to summon a black businessman to be able to equip a bow and arrow and swords.

"let them off the towel." Zhang Ping thought, Zhou innocence ordered.

Week innocence immediately ordered the masked outlaw who washcloth off, those who have a little bit of the outlaw torn towel from his face.

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