The faces of these heroes in the green forest are different, and they don’t look like they are randomly generated.

Zhang Ping asked: "These people are who? What is your relationship with them?"

"It doesn't matter, they are all the people I have met. When summon The ability will randomly use the people I have seen in my mind as the blueprint to generate Summoned Beast." Zhou Qingbai replied.

Zhang Ping looked thoughtful and said: "In other words, they can actually infiltrate the enemy's base camp as spies?"

As long as Zhou Qingbai has seen it, they will eventually become Summoned The blueprint of Beast, if he has seen someone from the enemy force beforehand, and then continues to summon the green forest hero, then there will always be a chance to summon a Summoned Beast based on the opponent.

Then order Summoned Beast to take off the drape and put on similar clothes. It can be fake.

However, this method has a premise, that is, the IQ of these summoned beasts must be high enough.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and then ordered Zhou Qingbai to continue to summon more green forest heroes, and then ordered these green forest heroes to take off their towels.

Probably after summon 50 green forest heroes, Zhang Ping found the Summoned Beast he wanted.

"Sure enough, it looks exactly like me."

Zhang Ping looked at himself in green clothes, couldn't help squeezing his hands, and then said to himself .

This Summoned Beast happened to be based on him. Except for the different clothes, the height and appearance are almost the same.

"Sister Sisi, please come over." Zhang Ping Look at Liu Sishan, open the mouth and said softly.

Liu Sishan is not meditating this time, but exercising with pure water. Hearing this she put away the pure water on her palm, got up and walked to Zhang Ping.

"He is...Summoned Beast?" Liu Sishan saw the green forest hero like Zhang Ping, said slightly frowned.

Zhang Ping nodded, and then told Liu Sishan some details of Zhou Qingbai’s ability. After listening, Liu Sishan realized what Zhang Ping wanted to do.

"Do you want to use this as a stand-in?" Liu Sishan asked.

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "Well, but some experimentation is needed. If it succeeds, then I will be equivalent to one more life."

"Need me How to cooperate with you?" Liu Sishan blunt asked.

Zhang Ping told Liu Sishan of his plan, Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Well, try it."

"Thank you Sisi sister." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Then he looked at Zhou Qingbai and ordered: "You order these heroes of the green forest to listen to me, and then go back to the reserve and stand by."


Zhou Qingbai complied, and then ordered all the green forest heroes who came out of summon to obey Zhang Ping's orders.

After Zhou Qingbai returned to save the contract, Zhang Ping's arm turned into a king's blood form. He split a part of the blood and tried to penetrate the body of the hero in the green forest. In the previous battle, these green forest heroes were killed, and they would still bleed. The corpses existed for about ten minutes before they disappeared.

In other words, in this form, they are the lives of flesh and blood.

So Zhang Ping is now going to give it a try to see if he can penetrate the bodies of these green forest heroes with king blood. Once this behavior is feasible, then the next step will be interesting.

In fact, these green forest heroes are far more magical than Zhang Ping imagined.

Although they are Summoned Beast, they are actually more like "clone soldiers" after being summoned. Zhang Ping's blood penetrated into the body of the green forest hero without accident, and quickly entrenched in the opponent's brain .

"Okay, Sister Sisi, I will leave my body to you!" Zhang Ping closed his eyes, first tried to control the green forest hero, then opened his eyes and looked at Liu Sishan said with a smile.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Well, be careful yourself."

"It's just an Avatar, it's not a big problem." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

He turned into the form of king blood, and penetrated directly into Liu Sishan's body through Liu Sishan's wrist, and then his consciousness shifted to the green forest hero who was exactly like him.

The clothes on the man in the green forest will automatically disappear when he takes it off, because Zhang Ping quickly put on a set of his own clothes.

"Sister Sisi, do you think I have a weak spot?" Zhang Ping controlled the green forest hero and asked.

Liu Sishan looked at the'Zhang Ping' in front of him, frowned, and said: "I am a bit facial paralyzed, and my eyes are lacklustre. It looks like a dummy."

"Wait , I will adjust it again." Zhang Ping said immediately.

He tried to control Summoned Beast’s nerves with King’s blood, but soon he discovered that it was useless at all. It was not that his ability was not good, but that these nerves had no effect at all. Simply to Summoned Beast, even if it was very, very The human appearance is actually just a product of summon, not a real lifeform.

Those blood circulation and the like exist only to make them look more like a person.

Probably it is like Skynet added a skin of flesh and blood to the surface of the robot in order to make the Terminator more human-like, but Zhou Qingbai’s Summoned Beast is more refined and human-like.

Then Zhang Ping continued to observe and found that more details were problematic. For example, although the height was the same, the length of the fingers was different. The most important thing was... His Second Brother was definitely not that small. Exquisite!

"Well, it seems that this can only be done for the time being, you can treat me as a facial paralysis." Zhang Ping helplessly said.

Liu Sishan slightly frowned said: "Your voice is also too cold, without any ups and downs, and the sense of violation is very heavy."

"You can treat me as indifferent. "Zhang Ping lightly saying.

Liu Sishan turned around Zhang Ping and said quietly: "His butt is not upended by you."


Zhang Ping didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but this Summoned Beast was really facial paralysis, so he couldn't show the expression he thought.

He could see that Liu Sishan was joking with him.

"Sister Sisi, the wound on your face, or I will heal it for you." Seeing that Liu Sishan was in a good mood, he asked tentatively.

Liu Sishan thought for a while, replied: "Wait for you to save Pearl City, when the time comes, help me heal again."

"Okay, then we can talk about it. , Don't regret it!" Zhang Ping immediately agreed.

Liu Sishan slightly nodded, agreeing: "Well, I won't go back."

In fact, at the moment Zhang Ping saved countless souls, she had already let go of her attachments. read.

Although she will not give up revenge for the Master, she will not only regard revenge as everything, nor will she torture herself for that period of hatred.

"I'll go to the fatty to see if he can see my weak spot." Zhang Ping said with a smile happy.

He turned around and walked to Zhang Shouzhong, who was sleeping, and kicked Zhang Shouzhong's ass with his foot.

In fact, Zhang Shouzhong didn't sleep too well. He frowned and opened one eye. Seeing that it was Zhang Ping, he sat up and asked, "Aping, what's the matter?"

" Do you think I'm handsome?" Zhang Ping knelt down, looking at Zhang Shouzhong and asked.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping speechlessly, but then he found something wrong. Although Zhang Ping's face was fine, there was no expression, not even a smile line.

The last is the eyes, the dark eyes have no rays of light, they look like a pool of stagnant water.

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