"gu lu!"

Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help taking a sip of water.

He was a little scared and said: "Aping, you...are a little scary now, not like something from...Yang Sector."

"I'm asking you, I'm handsome Is it?" Zhang Ping held back his laugh, and repeated as he watched Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Well, handsome, very handsome, handsome doesn't look like a human at all."

He got up from the ground and couldn't help but squeeze Zhang Ping. Then he picked up Zhang Ping and weighed it again, and said in surprise: "Are you really Zhang Ping? It doesn't feel right, and the weight is lighter."

"Do you still know how I feel? "Zhang Ping said in surprise.

Could it be that this fatty has been plotting against him all the time?

Zhang Shouzhong as it should be by rights said: "My ability is fat technology. It not only gives me the ability to use fat energy to make various technological products, but it also has some hidden characteristics, such as I see When I am alone, I can know the body fat content of the other person by visual inspection, and at the same time know what the other person's hand feels like, and how much weight is, and I can roughly estimate it."

"So that's how it is, then my proportions are wrong now?" Zhang Ping suddenly realized.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Well, although your body looks the same as the original one, it is actually lighter by almost 30kg. Although your original body looks thin, it is actually all strong muscles. , The fat content is very low, and this body looks thin, but it is actually muscle thin, most of which is fat."

"This can be seen!" Zhang Ping was surprised.

This body is indeed very different from his body. The easiest way is to lift up his clothes and look at his stomach. His body is six-pack abs, and the body fat content is not low, so Can't see the abdominal muscles.

"Let's talk about it, what weird abilities have you awakened again?" Zhang Shouzhong curiously asked.

He mistakenly thought that Zhang Ping had awakened the ability of Avatar, but he just glanced around the turtle shell but didn't see Zhang Ping's body, so he was not sure if it was an Avatar Technique.

"You can understand it as a substitute technique. My body is in Sisi's body." Zhang Ping replied.

Zhang Shouzhong enviously said: "It's great, if I am also infinite."

"In fact, your ability is not weak, do you know the musket?" Zhang Ping said resolutely.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "I have seen it, but every time it is a big problem to reload the bullet, I have this time, enough time for me to kill the enemy a few back and forth."

"Wait. , You turn into a pen and paper first, I'll draw you to see." Zhang Ping said immediately.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately turned fat into paper and pen. In theory, all items created by humans can be understood as technological products, but the level of technology is different.

So Zhang Shouzhong's ability is very versatile, but Pearl City's weapons are still in the cold weapon era, and firearms have not been developed so far, so Zhang Shouzhong's battle strength can only be regarded as average.

Zhang Ping drew some of the gun structures he thought about on paper. In fact, he didn't know much about it, but he still knew a little about the general principles. In short, 30% depended on Meng and 70% depended on guessing.

"You painted a musket?" Zhang Shouzhong watched Zhang Ping alter the paper and curiously asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Well, look, this is a gun that I am not quite clear. Anyway, the principle should be like this. Here is the firing pin, here is the firing pin. The bullet is excited, and the bullet is fired along the channel. The bullet contains gunpowder. You can take a look first."

"Actually, I know that the gun, your design, bullets can be fired in a row?" Zhang Shouzhong still has goods in his mind. Yes, after all, his ability must be understood to be able to manufacture.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Yes, look here, after the bullet is fired, the bullet shell is ejected from this side, and the new bullet is loaded in, and then shot out again."

"I probably understand, but I need to experiment." Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said.

He knew how to make gunpowder, and then he simply followed Zhang Ping's blueprint and used fat energy to make a gun.

"You made a wrong drawing of the magazine here. I'll change it." He made the bullet drawn by Zhang Ping, and then pointed out the wrong place of Zhang Ping's drawing.

About ten minutes later, he held the gun and shot the water.

peng~ peng~!

Two shots were shot in the water, and two splashes were immediately shot out.

Zhang Shouzhong eyes shined, immediately pulled the trigger, the bullet shot out, he swept the reeds all around, said with a smile: "Cool, I like it a little bit."

" This weapon can also develop better gunpowder and exert greater formidable power, and your power is not small, you can make the gun bigger and stronger!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Well, I'll try it!"

He recovered the bullets he shot, and then the gun in his hand became fat again. When he made it again, The caliber of the gun immediately doubled.

da da da da!

He shot at the reeds, and a water bird was shot down by a bullet as soon as he was surprised to fly.

Although limited by ability, the maximum bullet shot is only 100 meters, but as long as his spirit strength is not exhausted, it is equivalent to possess unlimited bullets.

Other people were attracted by the gunfire and came to watch.

Bai De met and commented: "Although this weapon is so-so, but if it can be manufactured in large quantities, an ordinary person... Forget it, this is a dream."

Pearl City There is not so much iron to make firearms, and even if they are manufactured, the ordinary person’s reaction speed cannot keep up with the alienated beast. When the ordinary person pulls the trigger, the neck may have been twisted by the alienated beast.

"This weapon Interesting, fatty, shoot me a few shots." Feng Laixian stepped forward and said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong hesitantly said: "senior, the lethality of this weapon is actually not weak, so forget it."

Now Fenglaixian is the trump card in their team. , His suicide is not enough to apologize, after all, the purpose of their trip is to save Pearl City.

"hahahahaha, if your little toy can kill me, wouldn't I have practiced for so many years, don't pester and chirp, come!" Feng Laixian said with a big smile.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping helplessly, hoping that Zhang Ping could persuade Feng Laixian, but saw Zhang Ping nodded to himself.

"Really want to try?" he asked uncertainly.

Zhang Ping replied: "Feng Hall Master's strength, ordinary bullets can hardly hurt him."

"Then...try it?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at Feng Laixian.

Feng Laixian loudly said: "Hurry up, don't rush."

"Well, then you be careful."

Zhang Shouzhong had to do it hard. Raising the gun, he aimed at Feng Laixian and immediately pulled the trigger.

da da da...

The bullet shot out from the muzzle.

Blood holes appeared in Feng Laixian's body immediately, but the bullets were quickly squeezed out of the flesh. When the gunfire stopped, his injuries were almost healed.

A few bullets actually almost hit his eyes, but they were all blocked by his hand with lightning speed.

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