Feng Laixian let go, and a few pieces fell on the tortoise shell. He looked at the gun in Zhang Shouzhong’s hand and commented: “This weapon has great potential. The ordinary person It should be no problem to deal with the primary level alienated beast."

Then he took out the rag to wipe the blood off his body, and continued: "But if you want to deal with the powerhouse, the formidable power is almost meaningless."

"The larger the caliber, the stronger the formidable power, I will try again!"

Zhang Shouzhong excitedly turned all the bullets back into fat energy, and then used all the fat to create a gun and a gun bullet.

The guns made at this time are particularly exaggerated. It can be said to be a cannon.

"Wait, this all turned into a cannon."

Zhang Ping couldn't help but opened the mouth and said, and then he asked Zhang Shouzhong to make a pen and paper again, he Improved the structure of the cannonball, said with a smile: "This way the formidable power should be stronger."

"The fuze was added in front to detonate the explosives in the bullet by hitting the target. This is an interesting design, didn’t 't expect Zhang Ping Your head is pretty good." Bai De and the others leaned forward to look. Bai De thought about it for a while, then said with a smile.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "In fact, it is possible to make a throwing weapon separately."

Then he drew the blueprint that hit the grenade, but these all are himself What I figured out has nothing to do with previous life. He hadn't learned these things in his previous life. They were all the results of his own thinking after he knew Zhang Shouzhong's abilities.

It's definitely difficult to create out of thin air, but it's much simpler if you have a reference target.

Furthermore, Zhang Ping's spirit strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his thinking speed far exceeds that of ordinary person. Usually when he does push-ups, he thinks about something in his mind, and gradually he figured out the firearms.

Maybe the principle is different from previous life’s firearms and shells, but it’s just useful.

"What's in the thunder tube?" Zhang Shouzhong asked, looking at the structure diagram of the grenade, a little bit uncomprehending.

Zhang Ping said with a bitter smile: "I don't know, this requires your own brains."

"Why not use fire bird feather powder, can it be changed?" Bai De thought for a while and suggested.

The feathers of the fire bird will burn when moving at high speed, which can be used to replace the detonator tube, and the surface of the detonator tube can be made of the snake skin of the'ice snake'.

"This is a good way, but fatty seems to be unable to make this special material." Cheng Xuejie looked at Zhang Shouzhong and said.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a bitter smile: "Yes, I can’t make these materials."

"Wait, I’ve always been curious, fatty, why can’t you make these materials, The materials themselves should be okay. After all, they have always existed. Why do you have to distinguish between general materials and special materials? You really understand general materials?" Zhang Ping took the opportunity to question this. In fact, he wanted to say this for a long time. Up.

Zhang Shouzhong said in a daze: "I don't know."

"You first try to make a grenade. Remember, the structure of the mine tube is the fire bird feather powder. The appearance is the snake skin of a cold ice snake, try it first." Zhang Ping thought for a while, opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "I will give it a try."

Next moment, he squeezed out a mass of fat, and the fat quickly turned into a grenade.

"Try it." Zhang Ping encouraged.

Others are also looking forward to watching. After all, Zhang Shouzhong has become stronger. Everyone can benefit as a team, especially Zhang Shouzhong’s weapons can actually be manufactured in batches and everyone can use them.

Zhang Shouzhong buckled the tab and pulled it, then quickly threw the grenade out, and an explosion sounded after a while.

"Really!" Zhang Shouzhong said with wide eyes and a look of surprise.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "This shows that you don't really understand your abilities. Maybe you can try again, such as adding fire bird powder to the bullet."

" Why is it like this?" Zhang Shouzhong asked very incomprehensibly.

Zhang Ping shrugged and said: "I don’t know, but I think it’s weird at first. You should know that I have the ability to identify. All kinds of technological products that can be understood by oneself will turn into energy and return to the user’s body after leaving the body, and become fat again.' So, is'understanding' to understand the purpose or the principle?"

"Of course it is Principle." Zhang Shouzhong still understood his abilities and immediately replied.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong and asked: "Are you sure you understand the principles of the scientific and technological products you created?"

"Why don't I understand?"

Zhang Shouzhong is not convinced. In order to be able to make more things, he has been studying hard day and night.

He dared to slap his chest and said loudly that among all the people in Pearl City, there are no more than one palm.

"Then do you know what iron is made of?" Zhang Ping asked.

Zhang Shouzhong frowned: "Is iron not iron?"

"Then I will ask you again, why does the explosive explode?" Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong speechlessly and asked again.

Zhang Shouzhong opened his mouth and suddenly found himself unable to answer.

He knows what kind of material the explosive is made of, and also knows the proportion of the materials, but when asked why he exploded, he really didn't know.

"Look, you don't even know." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong fell silent. Others were also looked thoughtful. Why did the explosive explode?

"Then Zhang Ping, do you know why?" Cheng Xuejie curiously asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Yes, but it is troublesome to explain. I just want to prove one thing, that is, the ability of fatty does not need to understand the principle at all, because the principle he understands has too much Too many loopholes."

In fact, after Zhang Ping identified Zhang Shouzhong’s attributes, he had doubts about Zhang Shouzhong’s ability boundaries.

Because'understanding' itself is a very vague word, understanding 1% is also understanding, and understanding 100% is still understanding. If it must be understood 100%, then the arrangement of each atom, even nuclei, quarks, etc., must be fully understood.

This is already the domain of the Creator. Could Zhang Shouzhong really understand it?

The answer is obvious, impossible!

Then the question arises. Since this is not the understanding, could it be another understanding?

"Then what does he need to understand?" Liu Sishan asked musingly.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong and expressed his guess: "The ability of a fatty should actually be changed by understanding how to use it, but at first he has a biased perception of his own ability, so he gets used to it. As a result, it will slowly become what it is now."

"I probably know what you mean, Zhang Shouzhong himself restricted himself." Liu Sishan nodded and said.

Zhang Shouzhong said bitterly: "Impossible, if so, why can't I make special equipment."

"When you first came into contact with special equipment, did you really know how to use it? ?" Zhang Ping asked.

Zhang Shouzhong was stunned. The first time he tried to copy special equipment was in school. At that time, he was very embarrassed, so one of his classmates took out special equipment to demonstrate his ability and asked him If there was ability, it was copied, and then he failed.

That failure hit him so hard that he really thought he could not copy the special equipment, and every time he copied the special equipment, he ended up in failure.

Therefore, everyone gradually believed that his abilities were limited and he could not copy special equipment.

"I seem to...I really don’t know how the equipment is used."

Zhang Shouzhong took a breath, then said slowly, and then he took the original Experience tells everyone.

Ability is to respond to user expectations.

Regardless of whether the expectation is good or bad, just as mental illness can cause loss, the deterioration of loss can lead to sinking.

Zhang Shouzhong thought that he could not copy special equipment, so his ability would naturally respond to his expectations, and it would gradually become more and more difficult to copy special materials and special equipment.

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