But even if Zhang Shouzhong knew that he had misunderstood his abilities, he was impossible to make special equipment immediately.

It's like being sick, and it needs periodic treatment.

First of all, he must first get used to adding familiar special materials to different equipment, which will make him accustomed to weapons with special effects, such as the fire bird’s flame burning effect, and the cold lake snake’s Extreme Cold Freeze effect.

When you get used to weapons with special effects, and then get familiar with those special equipment, it may be possible to create them.

But capabilities do have boundaries.

His ability is fat technology, what Innate exists, he cannot create.

The simplest example is that he cannot create a piece of marble, but he can use the energy of fat to create a marble statue.

There is also a pure superpower creation, which he cannot copy either.

For example, Captain Xu Zheng of the investigation team’s Shen team, his ability is the sickle of death, he can create a black sickle to absorb the concept of death.

This kind of super power equipment is also an Innate creation, and Zhang Shouzhong cannot make it.

Similarly, he is also impossible to copy Zhang Ping's contract gem and king's gem.

But if the special equipment is finally manufactured by using super powers to assist him, he can manufacture it again, because in the manufacturing process, super powers are only used as tools, and special equipment is the technology product'.

After all, black technology is also technology!

Next, everyone will work together to make suggestions for Zhang Shouzhong and tailor a "superpower rehabilitation plan" for him. At the same time, everyone is aware of their abilities, and perhaps they don't know so well.

Superpowers do have boundaries. Water Element control is definitely limited to Water Element. Impossible control Fire Element, Earth Element, Wind Element.

Similarly, the immortal Crimson Emperor of Phoenix, impossible to enter the form of the Sun Crimson Emperor by resonating with the moon, even if the rays of light of the moon actually come from the sun.

After Zhang Shouzhong’s incident came to an end, Cheng Xuejie took Zhang Ping and hoped that Zhang Ping would help her to see if her abilities had gone wrong.

Bai De read said with a smile: "Generally, the abilities of the body-enhancing type are unlikely to go wrong."

Because the ability of the body-enhancing abilities is direct Acting on the body itself, so you can feel the existence of abilities just by exercising. Compared with other complex abilities, this type of ability is much purer.

The easiest way is to practice, practice to the death, as long as the practice does not die, it will definitely become stronger.

"What if I understand wrongly, Zhang Ping, please help, please!" Cheng Xuejie retorted, looking at Bai De, and then looked at Zhang Ping pitifully.

Zhang Ping helplessly said: "Let’s take a look."

Actually, it doesn’t matter if you look at it, and it’s been a long time since I have known Cheng Xuejie. It seems that he really doesn’t know Cheng Xuejie’s ability. What is it? I only know that Cheng Xuejie's melee ability is quite good, especially the movement of kicking people with high legs with big long legs.

[Successful identification]

[Name: Cheng Xuejie]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Sweeping Team]


[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 97]

[level: high level awakened]

[ Level: 27]

[innate talent]

[Superman physique: strength, speed, endurance, and defense will increase over time. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Leg Strength Enhancement: The leg strength is doubled, and the explosive power is greatly improved. ]

[high level-stamina enhancement: stamina is doubled, and the recovery speed of stamina is greatly improved. 】


Zhang Ping finished watching Cheng Xuejie’s attributes, closed the attribute panel and looked at Cheng Xuejie who was full of expectations, helplessly opened the mouth and said: "Senior Sister, yours Ability...It shouldn't be wrong."

Pure passive ability, how can you go wrong?

"hahahahaha, little girl, you remember that people with enhanced physical abilities should avoid aiming too high. You'd better exercise your feet on the ground. The amount of sweat you put in will give you back how much strength! "Bai De couldn't help saying with a big smile.

Cheng Xuejie is actually a little envious of Zhang Shouzhong. Although the abilities of the two originally differed hugely, they were actually similar in terms of level, but now Zhang Shouzhong has been confirmed that his abilities are off track, and he only needs to go through hard rehabilitation exercises. May become more powerful, and even become a person with infinite abilities.

So she has a faint sense of gap in her heart.

"Senior Sister, although your abilities are not deviated, I think your ability boundaries are a bit blurred. You may be able to induce a qualitative change in your abilities through certain training." Zhang Ping sees Cheng Xuejie With a look of disappointment, he pondered and said.

Everyone looked at Zhang Ping in surprise, after all, Zhang Ping's statement is a bit too bold.

The ability can indeed change gradually according to the user's preferences, but this kind of thing is often very private, not to say that it can be done with just a little guidance.

Once there were people with mind power ability who wanted to add a flame-like'burning' attribute to their mind power. He thought of a way, that is, to guard the flame and stare at the flame every day.

After a period of time, he didn't get the burning attribute, but when his thought power was advanced, he got a'flame resistance' effect.

In short, his thought power has stronger defensive power against flames. For example, when an enemy fireball blasts over, other thought power awakened may take 10% of the thought power to resist, and he only It takes one percent of the power of mind to block Fireball's attack.

Preferences are really from the heart, not just pretending to like it.

Just like this awakened mind, although he wants the burning effect, he will definitely feel hot and hot when he stays next to the flame all day. This is his most real feeling, so his ability will be based on his Give feedback with the most authentic feelings, not according to his superficial thoughts.

Otherwise, everyone is full of the ability to make me a god. Isn't every awakened able to become a god?

There is such a cheap good thing, human beings will be forced by alienated beasts to be just a puppet?

Furthermore, even if someone’s most true idea is to become a god, his ability is impossible, he really turns him into a god. There are boundaries in ability, and things beyond the scope of ability, ability is impossible to evolve .

Otherwise, awakened does not have to be divided into any ability levels, everyone is infinite.

In fact, even the infinite level is equally impossible ascending to the skies with a single leap.

After all, there is'potential' besides'ability' which restricts awakened.

Do you want to be a god?

Do you have this potential?

Other people know very well that all reality is reality. That's because there have been countless bloody cases in the past telling them that if they are not capable, they have to admit their fate!

Now Zhang Ping tells Cheng Xuejie that there is a way to change his ability qualitatively?

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