"Zhang Ping, you can't talk nonsense, what if the Senior Sister has a good or bad practice?"

Zhang Shouzhong clasped Zhang Ping with his fat hands Shoulder, whispered whispered in Zhang Ping's ear.

He glanced at Cheng Xuejie, then took Zhang Ping to the other side of the tortoise shell, and whispered: "You must be cautious and more cautious about the ability. About twenty years ago, Pearl City had a Awakened of Appraisal Technique opened an ability consulting shop to help awakened plan his ability. Do you know how he died in the end? He was ripped to pieces by an awakened."

"Oh, and this This kind of thing, why was he torn to pieces?" Zhang Ping listened to curiously asked.

Zhang Shouzhong whispered: "Why? Of course it’s talk nonsense. It’s clear that the customer’s ability is only practical. He boasted about going to Haikou, saying that according to his training method, the ability can be transformed into the actual combat level, and even fooled. The guardian awakened said that according to his training method, he can become a national defender. As a result, many awakened train according to his method, and all become four different."

In fact, the result of these awakened is probably like this. Zhong Xiaoyu, a good space ability, the advanced ability turned out to be soy sauce transfer.

How can those awakened who have been cheated not be angry?

So the person who awakened the ability of Appraisal Technique, ended up dying miserably.

"fatty, do you think there is a problem with the advice I gave you?" Zhang Ping asked with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong shook his head and said: "No, the grenade explodes means your suggestion is correct."

"That's not right, I'm not the awakened, how could it be possible? To be honest, my suggestions are based on my understanding of abilities, and are completely different from the other party." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

The reason why he dares to speak is because Appraisal Technique presents the information he has obtained in a way that he can understand.

Superman Physique.

This word made him think about it. According to the way he understood, Superman was not like Cheng Xuejie.

After persuading Zhang Shouzhong, Zhang Ping began to arrange some training items for Cheng Xuejie, such as grabbing things that were normally unattainable with one hand.

For example, try to stay on the water for as long as possible. It would be better if you can step on the water without sinking.

Although these training methods are a bit whimsical, if Cheng Xuejie really digs out a biological force field, it will be interesting.

In the next two weeks, the tortoise chasing the moon still wandered aimlessly in the swamp.

This swamp is too wide and huge, looking for an exit is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Zhang Ping also tried to ask Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo, but unfortunately neither of them knew the location of the exit.

According to them, every time an outsider enters the swamp, the location of the exit will change.

The poison swamp actually tests the ability to survive in the wild!

There are a lot of poison insect poisonous snakes in this swamp, but at the same time the food is quite plentiful. It may take a trialist about one month to two months to find an outlet, so how to survive in this swamp This is what they need to consider most.

However, Zhang Ping and the others have the ultimate weapon of chasing the moon tortoise. The poison insect in the poison swamp is the most important issue for them.

In the past two weeks, everyone has privately consulted Zhang Ping to see if his abilities have gone wrong, and even Lu Han twitched and secretly asked Zhang Ping at night.

Zhang Ping naturally does not hide privates. After appraising each individual's abilities, he gives answers according to his own ideas.

Unfortunately, Feng Laixian and Bai De have been finalized, and their abilities are basically impossible. Therefore, Zhang Ping really can't give any meaningful advice because of the two of them.

"Zhang Ping, look at my knife, isn't it handsome!"

Zhang Shouzhong is wearing a burning armor and holding a knife that is constantly vomiting lightning, said with a laugh.

Among all the players in the field, Zhang Shouzhong has made the most progress. He spends almost all day thinking about what special materials to add to weapons, and gradually he comes up with a lot of fancy equipment.

These equipments are all pure and beautiful, and the actual combat is not as good as the sniper rifle that Zhang Ping and him worked out together.

Unfortunately, no matter how big the formidable power of the sniper rifle is, it still cannot break through the one-hundred-meter limit.

At present, what restricts Zhang Shouzhong's strength is that fat energy cannot leave his body 100 meters away. If this range is increased, then his strength will be greatly improved.

"Is that the hair of the lightning cat?" Zhang Ping looked at the knife in Zhang Shouzhong's hand and immediately speculated.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Yes, isn't it handsome?"

"It's fancy, I remember that Lightning Cat’s hair doesn’t benefit the metal, but it makes the metal softer. , Can you slash with this knife?" Zhang Ping vomited.

Suddenly, a small hand came out of him and touched his face.

Then a little Spirit Physique came out of the clean world. It looked all around, but didn't find little Theron, so it looked at Zhang Ping eagerly.

"little fellow, Little Theron has been injured a bit and needs to rest for a while, you should also hurry back and stay there, otherwise your mother will come to you again." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

This little Spirit Physique is the little fellow who played with little Theron before.

In fact, apart from Su Jingyao, these Spirit Physiques have no faces. They are all round heads and slick eyes. Most people really can't tell who is who.

But Zhang Ping can easily distinguish their identities. From time to time in the past two weeks, Spirit Physique will come out from his body to look at the scenery outside. Zhang Ping and many Spirit Physiques are both Relatively familiar.

It is worth mentioning that the body he is currently using is still a green forest hero from Zhou Qingbai’s summon, but in this state he still has two abilities retained, one is Appraisal Technique and the other is cleansing world.

Spirit Physique seems to be anchored by his consciousness, and can still run out of him all around.

After the little Spirit Physique returned to the clean world with disappointment, Zhang Ping suddenly looked into the distance. A huge red bird was flying quickly, from the very beginning, it was just a small red dot gradually. Become a huge giant bird.

"Attention, an alienated beast is approaching." Zhang Ping said loudly immediately.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards the direction where the giant bird was flying. This bird spreads its wings for about 16 meters. There is a red throat sac on the chest, which is very huge. , It looks a bit like a piranha.

"Is this a frigate bird?" Feng Laixian said while observing.

Bai De nodded and said: "It should be an alienated beast mutated from a frigate bird. It seems to be staring at us."

"It’s not staring at us, it’s staring at us. Go to the mysterious tortoise." Zhang Ping said seriously.

They are too small for the alienated frigate bird, and they can't even stuff their teeth. Only the big prey of the moon chasing turtle can fill the other's stomach.

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