Zhang Ping took advantage of the alienated frigate bird to be some distance away from them, and immediately took the opportunity to activate the Appraisal Technique.

[Successful identification]

[Alienated Beast: Deep Frigate Bird]

[Race: Alienated Frigate Bird]

[Potential :⭐]

[lifespan: 160]

[Level: Top Alienated Beast]

[Level: 39]

[ innate talent]

[Iron Feather: Feather hardness is comparable to steel, and the higher the temperature, the sharper, the lower the temperature, the harder. ]

[Deep Cold Breath: Extreme Cold breath can be ejected from the throat pouch, instantly freezing overwhelming majority creatures in a radius of a hundred miles. 】

【Deep Cold Hurricane: Spread your wings can call out the Extreme Cold Hurricane, which quickly freezes the prey into ice in the cold wind. ]

[Cold Wind Heaven's Line: Closing the wings in an instant, compresses the cold wind into a line, and instantly cuts away all prey in front of you. 】


Zhang Ping, after reading the attribute, immediately shared the results of the appraisal with everyone.

In the past two weeks, he split the king's blood more than a dozen times, and his blood now exists in everyone's body.

Generally speaking, this kind of parasitic ability will make awakened very afraid. After all, all abilities may change. What if Zhang Ping only needs blood to control other people?

Fortunately, Zhang Ping's character is strong enough.

Everyone is willing to believe that Zhang Ping will not do this kind of thing, so everyone accepted his blood.

There are two main advantages in this way. One is that Zhang Ping is used as a transit station, so that everyone can contact each other even if the distance is extremely long, and the other is that Zhang Ping can see themselves after identifying the target Share his attribute with everyone who has his blood.

This is the situation now. He got the information of the Frost Frigate Bird, and other people knew the details of the Frost Frigate Bird immediately after sharing it.

"Not good, this frigate bird is probably the overlord of this swamp!" Feng Laixian said solemnly after reading the attributes.

Because the food in each area is limited, there is often only one Overlord level alienated beast in each area.

From the attributes of this deep-cold frigate bird, it is likely to be the most powerhouse in this swamp, and the creature at the top of the food chain.

This kind of alienated beast that can step on countless alienated beasts to dominate an area, its strength is often deep and unmeasurable.

For example, the Shanzu they saw before Zhang Ping was actually the overlord of that forest.

According to Fenglaixian's past experience, there are no more than twenty top awakened groups, and they can't beat the Overlord level alienated beasts.

"Overlord? Can you pass it?" Zhang Shouzhong asked while looking at Feng Laixian.

Feng Laixian solemnly said: "I don't recommend to fight it, otherwise it is very likely to die."

"Then let's run away?" Zhang Ping heard that it would die, immediately Said.

Fenglaixian nodded and said: "Well, we don't need to fight it. Retreat is the best choice."

"Well, Xuangui, let's go!"

Zhang Ping glanced at the fast approaching Deep Frigate Bird, nodded agreed.

He doesn’t want and has no reason to conflict with the Chilled Frigatebirds, especially the members of the team may die because of this, this kind of having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it He won’t do any kind of business.

After receiving the order, the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon immediately launched Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, and instantly distanced itself from the deep-cold frigate bird.

In the sky, the deep cold frigate bird had already focused on the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon. It sensed the power that threatened its dominance from the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon, so it prepared to kill the mysterious tortoise first.

But in a blink of an eye, the mysterious turtle chasing the moon disappeared.

It scanned the four directions, and quickly locked on the breath of the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon in the extreme distance. It made a sharp scream, and slammed its wings, and quickly flew towards the position of the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon. .

On the other side, Zhang Ping ordered the black tortoise to continue to move in the opposite direction to the deep-cold frigate bird.

He curiously asked: "Feng Hall Master, what is going on with the overlord?"

In the past, he had never heard of alienated beasts and other overlords.

Zhang Shouzhong also nodded and said: "Phoenix Hall Master, is it that the overlord is the level above King?"

"No, the overlord is actually an adventurer private name, simple In other words, it is the strongest alienated beast in an area, but the strength of the overlord is actually strong and weak. It mainly depends on the size of the area that it rules, such as this swamp. If the Frost Frigatebird is really the overlord, the strength must be deep and Unmeasurable, even if it doesn't exist like Moon Prince, it will definitely not be too far behind." Feng Laixian explained.

The scope of this swamp is too big.

At the speed of chasing the mysterious tortoise, I haven't touched the edge of the swamp for more than two weeks.

If the Deep Frigate Bird is the overlord, you can imagine how many cruel life and death battles it has experienced before it succeeds in taking the position and ruling this area.

The most terrifying thing about Alienated Beasts is that as they are upgraded, their bodies will also become stronger.

They are naturally Fleshy body enhanced abilities, coupled with the Innate Ability they have, it is difficult for the awakened of the same level to beat the alienated beast one-on-one.

And this kind of regional ruler, at the top of the food chain, is often more powerful than the general alienated beast, so it is called the overlord.

Of course, there are well-known figures comparable to the overlord in awakened.

For example, Fenglaixian, after he enters the form of the Great Sun Red Emperor, he is also very terrifying, and most alienated beasts of the same level can suppress and kill at will.

"Fortunately, Xuangui has first-rate running ability, otherwise this time will be really dangerous."

Bai De also knows that the overlord exists, but he did not think of that level. At this time, he said with hindsight.

To be honest, he and Cheng Xuejie are the most dangerous once they go to war with the Deep Frigate Bird, because they are both melee awakened, and they don’t have any fancy abilities and can only rely on the power of the fleshy body to fight. .

They probably didn't even have the opportunity to get close to the Deep Frigate Bird, and they were killed by freezing when they met each other.

Others have various defense methods, even if Zhang Shouzhong now has equipment with special materials to protect himself, he and Cheng Xuejie can only use their bodies to resist in the cold wind...

Fleshy body strengthened awakened, often in the later stage.

Even Fenglaixian has the ability to crush the same level after becoming a top awakened.

While everyone was talking about the overlord, a cold wind blew in the distance, and the water around Xuan Turtle was freezing fast. Everyone looked at Xuan Turtle's back, and the deep cold frigate bird He flew at a low altitude and came quickly close to the surface of the water.

It apparently realized that it was flying too high and it was easy to be found, so this time it specially lowered its flying height in order to attack the mysterious turtle chasing the moon.

"Not good, it’s probably staring at the black tortoise. I’m afraid it won’t stop until it kills the black tortoise!” Feng Laixian looked at the frozen water all around, complexion slightly changed.

Zhang Ping took a shot of turtle's back and quickly said: "Xuangui, Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, go!"

Although the deep cold frigate bird is deep and unmeasurable.

But trifling Hanbing wanted to imprison an alienated beast with spatial ability, which was still too whimsical.

In an instant, the mysterious turtle chasing the moon disappeared again.

The deep cold frigate bird instantly landed on the original position of the moon chasing turtle, and let out an unwilling roar.

In the distance.

Feng Laixian sat on the turtle's back and said solemnly: "It seems that the deep cold frigate bird is locked in the breath of the mysterious turtle chasing the moon. Now this distance is still too close."

"Why does the overlord stare at Xuangui?" Cheng Xuejie asked in confusion.

Bai De said with a smile: "Who knows what the alienated beast is thinking, maybe it is because this big tortoise has a lot of meat, it can be full without having to run around, how good."

"Wait a minute, if it dares to appear again, I will do it!" Zhang Shouzhong turned the fat into a barrel, fiercely said fiercely.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "If the deep-cold frigate bird is close to within 100 meters, the mysterious tortoise may be killed instantly!"

She just finished her words. , All around it freezes quickly, and at the same time a lot of hail falls in the sky.


A gust of wind swept past Xuangui, and for an instant countless reeds scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, leaving a line of ice.

Next, one after another sharp wind cut from the mysterious turtle's back, Zhang Ping quickly ordered the mysterious turtle to run away.

The gossip appeared in front of Xuangui, its head lightly tapped the gossip, and its body disappeared again.

At the next moment when it disappeared, a cold wind cut from its original position, leaving a deep ice mark.

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