I Contracted Myself

【967】Doll's Heart

Wumian closed his eyes, only to feel the endless power transmitted from the mask behind him to his whole body.

It felt like he could kill his previous self with one punch, and couldn't help but sigh: "What a powerful force!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Wuming said with a smile.

Wumian looked at Wuming, and his body was instantly covered with a metal coating.

Although it had never swallowed metal, it could use the same effect as Wuming with the simulation of the origin.

The main reason was that Wuming had too many abilities. It didn't get Wuming's memory and combat experience, and didn't know which ability was the strongest. Now it had to test them one by one.

Layer after layer of metal coating quickly covered his body. Wumian felt that he could smash the planet with one punch. He immediately lowered his head and locked onto ‏​​‎​‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Wuming, and punched him from top to bottom.

"Wow, so dangerous!"

Wuming avoided the fist attack and exclaimed.

However, Wumian's punch did not shatter the planet. Hitting the sea of ​​flowers only caused a large number of fantasy flowers to scatter.

Wumian saw Wuming avoiding the attack, and then he attacked the ground frantically with both hands. Wuming kept moving in the gaps of the attack like a butterfly, as if he would be slapped to death in the next second, but he was still alive and kicking.

"Sure enough, they have a strong learning ability. Any ability in their hands can quickly exert a strong effect." Wuming avoided the attack of the fist and looked at the huge Wumian, thinking to himself.

Of course, he would not waste time with the original dead beast. The reason why he did not kill Wumian now was entirely because he wanted to see for himself how far the original dead beast's potential could reach.

If the potential was too terrible, he would probably have to go to the Eternal Silence Space, at least to solve the original sin beast hidden in the Eternal Silence Space.

In the final analysis, the original sin beast that sneaked into the Eternal Silence Space was the real trouble. These original dead beasts were most likely the products created by the original sin beast.


Wumian could not attack for a long time, and realized that the metal coating could not kill Wuming, so his eyes suddenly glowed red, and the laser swept around, and the fist was used to block Wuming's range of activities.

But just when it was about to hit Wuming, a flower of fantasy bloomed, just in time to block Wuming's laser attack.

When the flower of fantasy disappeared, Wuming had disappeared. "Not good!"

Wuming immediately realized that Wuming was going to attack him.

He quickly clapped his other hands back, and adjusted his body at the same time, with one hand on the ground and the other hand sweeping around.

But it was too late.

A laser instantly cut through the metal coating, leaving a charred mark on Wuming's body. Wuming activated his ability in pain, and his body immediately turned into a ball of dark mist and dispersed, and then condensed at a farther position.

He looked around in doubt, all his eyes kept shaking, but he did not find Wuming's position.

"My ability, you use it well, but I don't use those abilities often anymore." Wuming's voice sounded behind him, and he quickly turned around and jumped back, but there was no one behind him.

‏​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Wuming's voice sounded again: "I have so many abilities, guess what ability I am using now?"

"Damn it!!!"

Wuming didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

It has obviously copied Wuming's power perfectly, but Wuming's superpowers, spells, magic, and immortal arts are too numerous to count. It has no idea what ability Wuming is using. Even if it has this ability, it has to slowly find it out among countless abilities.

This takes time!


Wumian reacted and realized that what it lacked most was time to understand this ability. Only by thoroughly mastering Wuming's ability can it have a chance to defeat Wuming.

No, it must escape!

After mastering this power, it will come back to trouble Wuming.

Wumian made a decision, and while looking for Wuming, his eyes also began to look for a suitable retreat.

"How smart! I just hinted at you and you thought of running away. If you hadn't done so many evil things, even if you were evil by nature, I would have given you a chance to turn over a new leaf. What a pity." Wuming stood in front of Wumian at this time, looking at Wumian's various performances, and sighed slightly.

Being evil by nature does not mean being evil forever.

Any creature has the opportunity to choose to be good. Some creatures with evil instincts can slowly become good children because they are adopted by kind people.

Wuming will not kill them all because of their genes or soul problems.

But Wumian has killed too many people. Even if Wuming wants to forgive him, he has no reason to forgive him. He cannot make decisions for the dead. Anyone who makes decisions for the dead and lets the murderer go is actually an accomplice.

Killing someone means paying with your life. It's that simple!

Wuming has observed almost everything. Compared with the original sin beast and the monsters born in the eternal space, the original dead beast is indeed more powerful and magical, but having self-awareness also means that they can be killed.

"Have a good journey!"

Wuming took out the mind gun, aimed at Wumian and gently pulled the trigger.

A beam of light instantly shot out from the muzzle from bottom to top, piercing through Wumian's body and finally disappearing into the sky.

This shot was full of murderous intent and unforgivable thoughts, fully exerting the power of the Mind Gun to the maximum. Wumian was shot through the body, and then his body began to fester and collapse. He died in a daze before he could figure out how he was attacked.

"Aries, I found the first dead beast." Wuming took out the oracle stone, holding the gun in one hand and the oracle stone in the other hand, and said to Aries in the light screen.

Aries looked at the background behind Wuming and asked, "How do you feel? Is it difficult to deal with?"

"Very strong. If I hadn't taken action, the casualties would probably be very large." Wuming said seriously. He scratched his hair with the gun and continued, "No matter how much supplies and manpower are finally decided to support, double it on that basis. If anyone objects, just say it was me who said it."

Aries listened and said solemnly, "It seems that the situation is indeed not good."

"Well, that's it. There are still two dead beasts to find. I'm dead." Wuming said casually.

He turned off the communication and looked at the ground. After Wuming's body collapsed, only a heart-shaped crystal was left on the ground.

This crystal doesn't look special. It looks like an ordinary crystal, but as a relic of Wuming, Wuming knows that it is definitely not that simple.

He bent down to pick up the crystal, and the next moment his eyebrows slightly raised, and he smiled: "Oh, I see."

The Heart of the Doll.

It can give the power of the heart to dead objects and make them obey the user's orders.

The doll with the heart can constantly absorb wisdom through battle, thereby changing the quality of the 'heart'. The stronger the quality of the heart, the stronger the power that can be exerted.

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