I Contracted Myself

【968】Giant Eyes

The Bison religion has records of the magical item ‘The Virgin Mary’.

Its ability is that its abdomen will gradually swell every day, and then give birth to a puppet heart.

The puppet heart has an evolutionary effect.

It can evolve from a log heart to a black iron heart, a silver heart, a gold heart, and a crystal heart.

Then it can evolve from a crystal heart to a diamond heart, and then from a diamond heart to a pink diamond heart, and finally to a colored diamond heart.

Once the puppet heart reaches the colored diamond level, it is basically equivalent to a new magical item, and its ability level is no less than the objects made by the transcendent or the customized rules.

The moment Wuming saw the puppet heart, he knew what the original sin beast hidden in the eternal space was.

It is worth mentioning that the puppets with puppet hearts often only obey the orders of the person holding the puppet saint. Even if Wuming now puts the puppet heart in his hand into another puppet, he still cannot control that puppet.

However, in addition to making puppets, the puppet heart has other uses, that is, grinding it into powder and soaking it in water to drink, so that all the abilities of the current puppet can be obtained.

Assuming that Wumian can perfectly copy all of Wuming's abilities, then the puppet heart in Wuming's hand can completely create another strong man with the same abilities as himself.

Of course, Wuming does not actually believe that Wumian can perfectly copy all the abilities he uses.

After all, Wumian's puppet heart is just a crystal heart, and he has... such as infinite light element energy, infinite luck, fantasy flowers and other abilities, Wumian's level is simply impossible to copy successfully.

Therefore, this crystal heart can only create a strong man similar to him at most, but the strength of the two is destined to be much different.

Wuming put away the crystal heart, and then flicked his finger lightly, and a green ball of light flew into the sky, and then exploded in the sky.

Then, a patter of light rain fell.

Some survivors who were affected by the shock wave before, but were only injured and unconscious, recovered quickly in the green light rain.

Wuming appeared next to Kobayashi Hiroya and patted Kobayashi Hiroya's shoulder gently. Kobayashi Hiroya looked up at the light rain, and was patted on the shoulder. Only then did he react belatedly, and quickly stood up and bowed, saying: "Master Wuming."

"Okay, go and organize people to rescue the disaster."

Wuming waved his hand, and then left Rurouni directly.


Crimson Star.

This is a very primitive planet, and the traces of civilization have just sprouted.

From the outside of the planet, Crimson Star is like a ruby, the earth is deep red, the sea is light red, and even the clouds are light pink.

In the southern hemisphere of this planet, the only humanoid creatures living are: red people.

According to the laws of the Council of the Heavens, humanoid creatures can be considered human beings as long as they have wisdom and can communicate. After all, there are huge differences between people in the heavens and the worlds.

Even ordinary people can naturally withstand tens of tons of force, while others can't even bear ten kilograms.

The skin, hair, and eyes of the red people are all red. They can perfectly integrate into the natural environment of the Crimson Star, which has great advantages in avoiding danger or hunting.

At this time, in a place called Lip Village, a group of red people were celebrating. Dozens of red young people carried a huge red pig and entered the venue singing and dancing.

A red child followed the team happily. From time to time, fruits were thrown from the crowd. The child laughed happily when he caught one.

Suddenly, he noticed that there seemed to be something in the dark forest at the edge of the village.

He slowly stopped, holding the fruit in his hand, and looked at the thing in the dark curiously. It seemed to be an eye.

"Who is there? Is it auntie?" The child walked over slowly.

When he approached the dark woods and pushed aside the branches, a huge eye just looked at him. The child was so scared that he sat on the ground, but he didn't cry. He just looked at Du Xuan.

"Go back."

At this time, the eye made a hoarse voice, and the child quickly got up and ran back.

"Why don't you kill him?" Wuming slowly appeared next to the eye and asked curiously.

The huge eye said indifferently: "Why should I kill him?"

"Sure enough, you are weird."

Wuming looked at the huge eye and said very seriously.

He relied on the hunting compass to easily find the next target after leaving the wandering star, so he had actually been here for a while.

It's just that he was a little strange. This original dead beast didn't seem to be ready to kill or do anything. He actually acted as an observer quietly, watching everything quietly from beginning to end, without any idea of ​​interfering.

Because of this abnormal behavior, Wuming did not kill immediately, but had the idea of ​​communicating.

"Are you here to kill me?" asked the huge eye.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, after all, you killed my soldiers."

"If they don't block my way, I have no interest in them." The huge eyes said lightly, and its tone did not mean to seek justice for itself, but rather it was more like stating a fact.

Wuming nodded and said, "I believe what you said, but unfortunately... As a human being, I have a human position. They gathered together because they believed in me, so I must be responsible for their lives. Whoever kills them, I will kill him!"

"Standpoint... So that's the case, then you must have a reason to kill me, but... I won't sit and wait for death!" said the giant eye.

After listening, Wuming said curiously: "You are really different from Wumian. You are so strange. You don't look like a dead beast."

In his opinion, the dead beasts are monsters controlled by various desires. In order to satisfy their desires, they can do anything. They are born evil monsters.

But the giant eye in front of him is unreasonable, and seems to be indifferent to everything. Compared with the evil monster, it is more like a bystander.

"It seems that Wumian is dead." The giant eye said lightly.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, it caused a lot of damage, killed a lot of lives, and finally died."

"Wumian is actually very curious and greedy. It wants to get all the secrets, all the thoughts, all the memories, and all the abilities, so it has the ability to copy and imitate others." The huge eyes said deeply: "But it's just a copy, how can it be better than the original? It's too short-sighted. What's the use of having more eyes?"

Wuming looked at the huge eyes and asked, "What about you? What are you pursuing?"

"Pursuit, no... I just want to gain insight into everything... true wisdom." The huge eyes answered seriously.

The next moment, it trembled violently, and the huge eyes slowly stretched to form a slender human figure, and a pair of wings made entirely of eyes spread out.

It stared at Wuming and said lightly: "Thank you, you made me understand a truth."

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