I Contracted Myself


"What's the point?"

Wuming looked at the original dead beast in front of him and asked curiously.

"Standing is very important. It can clear the way for me to pursue wisdom." The original dead beast replied.

It has desires, but desires will hinder it and make it unclear how to pursue the path of wisdom, so it chooses to suppress its desires.

Compared to the wanton indulgence of original dead beasts such as Faceless, it has always been very restrained and will never do whatever it wants.

But Wuming told it a truth, that is, people cannot help themselves in the world.

The original dead beast is now the sworn enemy of the Council of Heavens. It cannot stay out of the matter. Moreover, even if it wants to stay out of the matter, Wuming will not allow it.

Then it can only try its best to help the original dead beast defeat all enemies. Only with the complete victory of the original dead beast can it have the opportunity to continue to pursue wisdom.

"This is not the right place for us to fight. Let's go to space." The original dead beast said.

Wuming nodded and said, "Okay."

If they fight here, it may affect the red people in Lip Village. The original dead beast obviously has no intention of affecting innocent people, although it does not care about the lives of the red people.

It actually has no good intentions, neither for the world nor for anything else.

But at the same time it's not malicious, it's everything.

It is just a matter of rationally understanding what you want to do, what is necessary and what is not necessary.

ten minutes later.

Wuming and the original dead beast moved away from the Crimson Star, and finally stopped in an empty universe.

This area is far away from many galaxies, and apart from a few small meteorites, there is nothing else.

Wuming looked at the original dead beast and asked, "My name is Wuming, do you have a name?"


The original dead beast was silent for about half a minute, and then gave a name.

Although Wuming was a little suspicious that this was a temporary name given by the prisoner, he still nodded and said with a smile: "Although our positions are different, I appreciate you very much. We will do our best from now on and try not to leave any regrets."

"It doesn't matter. Struggle is the most primitive means of resolving conflicts. Since you and I have different positions, one side is destined to lose. Neither you nor I can resist." Prisoner said calmly.

Wuming nodded, then looked at the prisoner, and the prisoner also looked at him quietly, and both of them fell into silence.

"That... take action." Wuming waited for a while and couldn't help but remind him.

The prisoner looked at Wuming and said, "You strike first, I'm better at defense and counterattack."

"That's it, okay then." Wuming nodded.

To be honest, he really didn't feel much like fighting right now. Instead, he felt like he was sparring with the prisoner. This guy was too cold, without any emotional ups and downs, and it was boring to fight.

But since the prisoner asked him to take action first, he would take action first.

He glared, and immediately fired two laser beams at the prisoners.

The main reason why I didn't choose a powerful move is because I don't know the details of the prisoner. If the prisoner's ability is to rebound the attack, or even increase the multiplier to bounce the attack back, he will be able to use a move that is too powerful‏‎‏ ‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏Can be shot to death by oneself.

Safety first, let’s test it out first.

Facing the incoming laser, the prisoner's eyes suddenly widened, and he actually shot two lasers. The lasers collided with each other, and they collided fiercely in mid-air.

"Copy?" Wuming thought to himself when he saw this scene.

Faceless also has the ability to copy others, but he seems to have copied all the abilities at once. The prisoner is a little different. It seems that it can only copy the ability that the opponent is using, otherwise it can use simpler methods to defend against laser attacks.

The power of the two lasers is about the same, so there is no point in continuing.

In an instant, both sides stopped their hands almost at the same time, and then Wuming gathered his Titan's hand and punched the prisoner from the right, but the prisoner's reaction was very fast, even ridiculously fast.

In an instant, an arm exactly like the Titan's Hand appeared, and it happened to collide with the nameless Titan's Hand.

Then the two arms punched each other wildly.

As soon as Wuming thought, more arms took action, but the prisoners were also creating more arms. The densely packed arms were divided into left and right sides, and they were bombarded crazily in front of the two people.

"Interesting, your ability is learning, right?" Wuming looked at the prisoner and asked with a smile.

At first he thought it was a copy, but now he noticed some small details, which overturned his original idea and determined the real ability of the prisoner.

A large number of Titan Hands is equivalent to a large number of observation samples.

After the prisoner obtained the ability of Titan Hand, he quickly adjusted his Titan Hand to make each Titan Hand more in line with his own usage habits.

Its arms are thinner and longer than human arms, and the length of its fingers reaches ten centimeters.

Because it was accustomed to its own hands, it suddenly had a large number of arms. It almost instinctively modified these arms, but this exposed its ability.

Copied abilities will be relatively rigid to use, while learned abilities are your own and can naturally be modified more flexibly.

"Study? Maybe so." The prisoner listened to Wuming's words, but did not answer the question directly.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's interesting, then you can continue to copy it and take a look!"

Golden sun!

In an instant, a sun rapidly expanded and exploded.

Prisoner‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏The next second after the explosion, he also launched the Golden Sun, which was almost as powerful as the Golden Sun launched by Wuming.

The two explosions collided, and the vibrating space shook violently. Wuming moved back and opened his hands, and invisible golden threads quickly shot at the prisoner on the opposite side.

Golden Thread Binding!

Golden Thread Binding!

When the prisoner saw the golden threads coming, he also opened his hands, and dense golden threads shot at Wuming.

The two golden threads met halfway and soon entangled together, turning into a knotted net, and no one could do anything to the other.

Golden Crow Armor!

Golden Crow Armor!

Dense feathers collided in mid-air.

Magical Flying Cake Formation!!!

Magical Flying Cake Formation!!!

Huge energy millstones appeared in the hands of Wuming and Qiuke. Both sides threw the energy millstones at each other. The two millstones met in mid-air, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. A series of tiny space cracks suddenly appeared.

Both of them entered the space cracks tacitly and appeared outside the universe in an instant.

There is no time and no space here. Everything is in a state of stillness. Wuming smiled faintly, opened his hands slightly, and the sea water of the Wuming Sea suddenly sprayed out.

He was very curious about how Qiuke imitated his move.

After all, this move is not a skill. Strictly speaking, it is just releasing part of his body.

As expected, Qiuke hesitated for a moment, and then he also opened his hands and used his power to create a large amount of sea water. The dark sea water turned into a dragon and collided with Wuming's sea water, still evenly matched.

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