I Contracted Myself

【970】Not enough kindness

"Can't you learn this time?"

Wuming looked at the prisoner proudly, with a victorious smile on his face.


It was only at this moment that the prisoner realized that Wuming was deliberately showing off his abilities. The purpose was probably... to see how much he could learn.

How confident is this?

Or... conceited?

Isn't he afraid that it will learn all the abilities and eventually outshine its master and kill him?

The prisoner couldn't help but ask: "You are the president of the Council of Heavens. Logically speaking, you should be a man of great wisdom who can rule so many lives. Why did you make such a choice?"

"Because you are too weak!"

After hearing the question, Wuming blinked and remained silent for a moment to give an answer.

From the beginning to the end, he did not feel that the prisoners were dangerous. No matter whether it was the sixth sense, intuition or other messy abilities, he had no control over the prisoners. reaction.

Although this does not mean that the prisoners are not dangerous.

But Wuming has come into contact with many strong men of all kinds over the years, and the enemies he has fought against are basically of a good standard. Combining various abilities and his vision, he can easily judge the enemy's level.

If you really want to give the prisoner a score, the maximum score is only 40 points, which is not qualified at all.

Only opponents with a score of 60 or above can make Wuming really take it seriously, and Qiuke is still far behind.

The prisoner understood, it was not angry.

But then densely packed Titan Hands appeared. In the previous fight with Wuming, it was relatively restrained and had as much power as possible, but now it has to exert its full strength.

“Not bad!”

Wuming looked at the countless Titan hands, nodded and smiled.

It's a pity that this trick doesn't work on him.


With a thought from the prisoner, all the Titan's hands struck Wuming.

"I bounce back!" Wuming said with a smile.

In an instant, all the Titan's hands turned around and quickly blasted towards the prisoners.

The prisoner was caught off guard, and his body was immediately bombarded by the dense Titan hands. It flew out on the spot, hit a huge stationary rock in the blink of an eye, smashed the rock, and flew far away.

After it realized that it would not stop, it grabbed everything around it with both hands and used its strength to push against its back. It held on for a full three minutes before stopping.

"Rebound? What kind of ability is that? Why can't I understand it?"

After the prisoner stopped, his body lay in the ruins. He looked at the countless materials in front of him and thought to himself.

Its ability is actually not learning, but [top-level understanding]. This ability allows it to understand all abilities, all phenomena, and all rules very easily.

After leaving the eternal silence space, it grew at an extremely fast speed and understood many things in the world.

But just now it finally encountered something it couldn't understand. Whether it was the unknown seawater released or the strange rebound just now, it couldn't understand it.

At this time, it desperately wanted to understand, but Wuming obviously would not tell it the answer.

"I'm not strong enough!"

After the prisoner realized this, he finally understood his own weakness and the importance of strength.

"It seems like you are shocked." Wuming appeared out of thin air on top of the ruins, stepping on a steel bar and looking at the prisoners lying below with a smile.

The prisoner asked: "Is this what you rely on?"

"No, it's just for fun." Wuming replied.

The prisoner asked doubtfully: "Aren't you in a hurry?"

"What's the hurry?" Wuming asked.

The prisoner said: "Besides Faceless and me, there is another compatriot. Don't you care about it? It may not be the same as me. Maybe it is killing innocent people indiscriminately."

"Do you want me to get impatient and expose my flaws, or do you want to escape?" Wuming squatted down, looked down at the prisoner, and said with a smile.

The prisoner suddenly fell silent. It did have such an idea.

It is still too weak to understand Wuming's means and power, but if it can continue to grow, it may be able to understand it, but not necessarily.


Any primitive beast with a large number of eyes must have extreme curiosity.

Both Faceless and Prisoner are extremely curious primitive beasts, but their curiosity is in different directions, so their behaviors are also very different.

Now, the prisoner seems to understand Wu Mian a little bit, and it also wants to live, because only by living... can the question have the answer.

Wuming smiled at this time and said: "Since you asked, I will satisfy your curiosity."

The surrounding scenes suddenly changed. In the void not far away, a proto-dead beast was frantically attacking an open space. The proto-dead beast had used all its strength, but it seemed that there was an invisible enemy that was unexpectedly powerful. , it can only keep attacking, keep attacking, and it doesn't dare to stop at all.

"I understand the illusion!" The prisoner said to himself immediately after seeing the scene.

But the next moment, it was enveloped in the Seven Dreams of Floating Life again. It thought it understood, but in fact it didn't understand at all. That soul, which was not considered powerful, could not resist the nameless power.

In fact, from the beginning of the rebound, Wuming had already used Seven Dreams of Floating Life to affect the prisoners.

The rebound simply doesn’t exist.

Wuming just let the prisoner mistakenly attack in the wrong direction, and finally beat himself up, but the prisoner himself did not react.

"Okay, have a good journey. Maybe you can be a good kid in your next life!" Wuming took out the mind gun and said to the prisoner.

The picture that the prisoner saw was that he had mastered the illusion and was now fighting with Wuming.

But it suddenly said: "Am I going to die? Can you tell me, what shape is wisdom in your eyes?"

"The shape of wisdom? I don't know. It may have existed in your heart from the beginning. Whatever shape you think it is, it is whatever shape it is." Wuming thought for a while and answered.

After speaking, he pulled the trigger, and a beam of light instantly penetrated the primitive dead beast in the distance.

He blew on the muzzle of the gun, and a distressed expression appeared on his face.

The killing intention is not enough.

Although his reason told him that the prisoner was an enemy and should be killed.

But he did have a little thought in his heart that he didn't want to kill him. The problem was that if he didn't kill him, he would be sorry for those officers and soldiers who died in the battle, so he must kill him.

He held the mind gun in his hand and raised his hand again to aim at the prisoner.


Wuming took a deep breath, brewed the killing intent in his heart, and then pulled the trigger.

A beam of light instantly shot out from the muzzle of the gun, and the prisoner fell down after being shot, but he did not die completely.

"Sure enough, the killing intent is not enough." Wuming looked at the dying prisoner and said to himself.

The mind gun is too sensitive to the mind.

He just hesitated a little bit, and the result was that the bullet could not kill people.


Wuming sighed, and finally a golden light popped out.

Then he said to the prisoner: "If you don't want to die, tell me the words that appeared on your body, don't think about lying!"

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