I Contracted Myself

【973】Spell Gate

Inside the shop, there is a bronze door.

The middle of the door was dark red, and with the dark red as the center, countless red energy formed a large vortex, sucking everything in the store into the vortex.

Some furniture that was fixed in place was being broken bit by bit under the huge suction force. The broken parts were immediately sucked into the vortex and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wuming dared to bet that Alman Sett couldn't help but try to make the portal in advance, but something happened unexpectedly, so the spell scholar Alman Sett tricked him. He was sucked into the gate all of a sudden. He might be in the secret realm of the secret dragon, or he might be transported to an unknown world and unknown dimension.

In short, seek death!

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Wu Ming pushed the door open and walked slowly inside. Lin Renmei and Dahuang followed immediately.

Unexpectedly, the two of them felt a huge suction force as soon as they entered. Lin Renmei instantly stabilized her figure to avoid being sucked away, but Dahuang was a step slower and was suddenly sucked towards the portal.

Wuming grabbed Dahuang's leg with one hand and complained: "Dahuang, apart from gaining weight over the years, your strength has not increased at all."

He placed Dahuang on the ground, and the next second Dahuang felt as if he and the suction were separated by an invisible film.

"Be careful, don't get too close. We don't know how big the teleportation range is." Wuming patted the big yellow dog's head, then slowly walked to a stop not far from the teleportation gate.

Lin Renmei also came over, and the two looked at the portal for a while. Lin Renmei asked, "Do you see anything?"

"I'm not a spell expert, what can I tell?" Wuming blinked innocently.

Lin Renmei said angrily: "Then you still looked at it for so long?"

"Don't you think this vortex is interesting?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Lin Renmei frowned and said, "How interesting is that?"

"I have prohibited it from absorbing energy from the Great Wilderness Zone. Logically speaking, it should shut down automatically, but in fact it has not changed in any way." Wuming explained.

To put it bluntly, any ability still requires energy to be supplied.

Without energy there is no ability.

But this door is still well maintained, which means that it must have other channels to obtain energy.

"Across the door?" Lin Renmei guessed.

Wuming shook his head and said, "I'm not sure yet. I'll contact Aries and ask him to bring a few spell scholars over to take a look."

After saying that, he took out the oracle stone and contacted Aries Palace. Within a moment, Aries Palace said that he would bring someone over as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, Aries came over with an old goat man, an old elf man, and a female vampire. They were all spell scholars and had studied various spells. They had even published corresponding books. They were widely known in the world. Well-known in the world.

The old goat man is the elder of the goat family, named Yang Kaitai, the old man of the elf family is named Ansaqi, and the female vampire is named Anweier.

They came to the store ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎The store was quickly attracted by the portal. The three guys gathered together as if they were seeing treasures. They kept muttering, and the sheep opened Tai even couldn't help but want to touch the door, but fortunately, Aries stopped him in time, otherwise he would be teleported out in minutes.

"Okay, let the three of you tell me your opinions." Wuming waited for more than ten minutes, then clapped his hands and said to the three of them.

Yang Kaitai touched his goatee and said excitedly: "Sir, this is a miracle."

"Yes, this gate is almost the highest crystallization of spell science. It is unbelievable that it was created by a philistine guy." Ansage nodded, but also felt very unhappy, and there was a feeling that the treasure had been tainted.

Anweier is still more discerning. The first two people didn't get to the point at all. Looking at Wuming's current expression, you can tell that Wuming is beginning to be dissatisfied.

If Wuming expels them and does not give them the qualifications to do research, they will have no place to cry.

The most important thing now is to let Wuming understand the importance of this door, and at the same time get Wuming to agree to let them continue research.

She explained: "Master Wuming, you are not a scholar of spells, so you don't know how magical this door is. Let me explain it simply. This door is not actually a portal, but a spell artifact. , it can absorb the substances on both sides, then turn them into spells, and then spray them out. Look at the door frame, is the spell always changing? "

"You mean, the changes in these spells are actually increasing?" Wuming responded. When he and Lin Renmei came, they discovered that there was a spell on the door, but the spell was like a moving chain, constantly changing and moving, so he didn't notice the problem.

After Anweil's explanation, Wuming realized that these spells were not moving, but increasing.

"Yes, look at this spell, it actually means treasure box. As long as this..." Anweier pointed to a spell on the door, suddenly recited a spell, and pointed her finger at the moving words to pop out a blast of energy.

With a bang, a treasure box appeared in front of everyone.

"So that's it, it's turning everything into a spell!" Dahuang suddenly said.

Wuming thought for a while and asked: "Is the spell Alman Seti also in this door frame?"

"No, it seems that the living body cannot be spelled. It should be transported to the other side of the door." Yang Kaitai replied.

Ansachi looked at Wuming and said, "Master Wuming, my elves are willing to give all their treasures to you, and I only ask you to give this door to the elves for research for a hundred years!"

"My goat tribe is willing too, I only need fifty years!" Yang Kaitai said quickly.

Wuming frowned and said, "Okay, the problem is not solved yet. Can this door be switched? Can the range of suction be adjusted?"

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Yang Kaitai said hesitantly.

Wuming looked at Ansachi and An Weier, but they also shook their heads and said they couldn't do it, because this door seemed to have become a whole. They had to be very careful even when approaching it. If they were not careful, they might be teleported away. Modifying this door was almost an impossible task for them.

"Let's go and find Alman Seti." Lin Renmei saw that the three of them were useless, so she spoke.

Da Huang quickly said, "Don't be impulsive. What if the other side is the abyss? What if the other side is a very dangerous place? Alman Seti was just teleported away, not dead, why doesn't he come back?"


If Alman Seti was just sucked into the gate unexpectedly, he could have come back by himself, but he has not returned to the store through this door until now.

There is a problem.

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