I Contracted Myself

【974】huge time difference

Generally speaking, when facing unknown magic realms or secret realms, the standard practice of the Council of the Heavens is to use robots or standard reconnaissance props to conduct reconnaissance.

The problem is that this portal will turn dead objects into spells and bind them to the door frame, making it impossible to teleport reconnaissance robots or props to the other side.

At this time, we can only send people to investigate.

But Alman Seti has not returned for a long time, which makes everyone present worried about the situation on the other side of the portal. What if they rush in and the other side is a place where they will die?

For example, the other side is... the eternal space!

Even Wuming dare not guarantee that he will not die if he goes in, after all, he is not truly invincible.

After a brief silence, Aries smiled and said, "Why not gather a group of death row prisoners and let them explore the way?"

"‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Wouldn't it be too cruel to do this?" Yang Kaitai hesitated.

Although the goat tribe also rose from struggle and killing, Yang Kaitai is a scholar who has devoted himself to studying spells for many years. Because he is well protected by the goat tribe, he has basically not been exposed to fighting and killing. Therefore, when he heard the suggestion of Aries, his first reaction was that it was cruel.

"Since Yang Kaitai thinks it is cruel, why don't you do it?" An Weier said with disapproval.

As a vampire, she was not a positive character in her early years, but those sins have long been buried at the bottom of the river of time, and not many people know about it now.

Ansachi said indifferently: "I agree to use death row prisoners. After all, everyone here is important, but it doesn't matter whether we agree or not. The opinion of Lord Wuming is the most important."

After that, he looked at Wuming, waiting for Wuming's decision.

Wuming complained: "It's not that step yet, Renmei, go catch a rabbit and bring it back."

"Okay." Lin Renmei nodded with a smile.

For a moment, everyone else present was a little embarrassed, as if it was indeed not the point where they had to use the death row prisoners. Little white mice and little white rabbits could also be used to test the situation of the portal, and the death row prisoners could be used as the last option.

After a while, Lin Renmei caught a fat rabbit, and Wuming took the rabbit and threw it directly into the portal.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a large number of rabbits suddenly ran back from the portal. Before Wuming and the others could come to their senses, a big snake chased after them from the portal and bit a rabbit. When it was about to shrink its head, it was instantly caught by Wuming.

"What the hell." Da Huang looked at the rabbits running around and muttered to himself.

Yang Kaitai also muttered: "What's going on? How come so many rabbits suddenly appeared after putting in a rabbit? Is it some kind of copy spell? Or a split spell?"

"If it's a copy spell or a split spell, how do you explain the snake?" An Weier complained.

Wuming pulled the snake out of the portal, and gently shook the snake's body, and the bones in the snake's body dislocated one by one, and then Wuming threw it to the ground.

"It's a very ordinary python, and I don't feel the existence of extraordinary energy." Wuming said to everyone.

Dahuang also used telekinesis to catch all the running rabbits at this time, and said: "They are all ordinary rabbits, so fat, braised must be delicious."

"‏‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎These rabbits..." Lin Renmei walked forward at this time, vaguely feeling familiar.

Wuming touched the previous rabbit and said lightly: "These rabbits are the offspring of that rabbit. That rabbit should have just gotten pregnant."

Maybe it was caught just after it got pregnant, so Wuming didn't realize that it was pregnant, otherwise he wouldn't use it for experiments.

"Master Wuming, do you mean that the speed of time on both sides is different?" Ansachi was the first to react after hearing Wuming's words, and looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, this is also the most reasonable explanation. The time on the other side of the portal flows faster, at least hundreds of times faster."

"It's just that the time flow is different, that's nothing. Besides, the appearance of this snake means that the other side should be some kind of environment suitable for ordinary creatures to survive. I think we can go over and explore. If the rabbit can come back, we can come back too." Yang Kaitai said.

An Wei'er didn't know if she was addicted to arguing with Yang Kaitai, and she said lightly at this time: "What if this is all a trick of a strong man on the other side? For example, the strong man in the abyss wants to lure us over."


Yang Kaitai's face suddenly turned pale, but he didn't dare to refute An Wei'er's words.

After all, once he opened his mouth to refute An Wei'er, it might be said that he would take the risk to test what was on the other side of the portal.

He had seen this kind of provocation many times, so he would not open this mouth and fall into An Wei'er's trap.

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look next." Aries said at this time.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then let's go together."

In fact, the two of them had already determined that there should be no danger on the other side.

Wuming is able to know a lot about the other side from the biological force field of the rabbit and the python with a little perception, while Aries gets the answer by checking the rabbit's brain.

"I want to go too." Dahuang saw Wuming and Aries go down, and immediately knew what was going on, and spoke up.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, Renmei and..."

"I want to go too!" Yang Kaitai said quickly.

Wuming looked at Ansachi and Anwei'er, and the two did not speak, so he continued, "Anwei'er, Ansachi, you help Renmei and keep an eye on this place."

"Don't worry, sir." Anweier said with a smile.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏She won’t take risks easily. She can study the portal while staying here, and who knows what the situation will be when she goes to the other side.

"Well, I will be optimistic about this portal." Lin Renmei then nodded.

Lin Renmei knew that Wuming didn't trust Anweier and Ansage. This door might be Wuming and the others' only escape route. Naturally, they had to keep someone trustworthy and strong enough to control the situation here.

With the beauty of Lin Renmei, Anweier and Ansage would never dare to have unnecessary thoughts unless they were tired of living.

"Let's go."

Wuming said to Aries Palace at this time.

The two took Rhubarb and Yang Kaitai directly to the portal.

When crossing the portal, it feels like crossing an infinite distance in an instant, traveling through an incalculable world. Space is folded and folded again, and time is fast and slow. People with a keen sense of time may even feel like vomiting. Feel.

However, these feelings came and went quickly. In the blink of an eye, Wuming and others appeared in an empty, huge hole. The hole was dug in all directions. When they came out, many rabbits were frightened and ran for their lives. Suddenly, there were only There are only a few of them left.

Wuming looked back at the portal. The portal was suspended in mid-air. The red energy was like tentacles spinning continuously. Unfortunately, there was no material around it that could be absorbed. Therefore, the spell on the door frame had been fixed. There was no 'chain' slowly The feeling of movement.

After thinking about it, Wuming took out a dagger and gently threw it towards the portal. The dagger was instantly absorbed by the portal. As expected, the spell on the door frame moved one space, and there was an additional spell on it.

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